Chapter 245 Long Nian Comet

Over the scarlet Hunting Island No. 1, the blackness crushed humans, like a dark cloud.

But at this time, these humans were panicked one by one.

Flee quickly to the distance.

Behind them, huge black arrows flew.

Every arrow penetrates the body of a mercenary and kills it directly.

No matter what hole cards they have, they are just a joke in front of the black giant arrow.

Some people’s genetic weapons are shields, and as a result their genetic weapons are easily pierced by the black giant arrow.

Some people’s genetic weapons are directly a complete set of armor, but their armor can’t withstand the blow of the black giant arrow.

This is the terrible part of the virtual dragon palace attack.

As long as you are stared at by the virtual arrow tower of the virtual dragon palace, you are in extreme danger within a hundred kilometers.

“What the hell is this!”

Na Uldan cursed as he fled.

As a level 4 waste hunter, the panic in his heart at this time was far greater than the others.

Before, he thought it would be easy and pleasant to come to Hunting Island One.

Quandang is here to travel.

But I didn’t expect that there were not only people on this hunting island, but also that the strength was so strong.

Knowing this, he would rather be forced to train at home by daddy than to come to this place where birds don’t shit.

Finally, after they escaped for more than a hundred kilometers, no black arrows came from behind.

They finally took a breath.

Now look at the Sandstorm Mercenary Group.

More than 3,000 people have already been lost.

Ding Zhicheng’s expression was hard to see the extreme.

They originally came to Hunting Island No. 1 with confidence, just wanting to occupy Hunting Island No. 1 and not leave a chance to anyone else.

However, he never expected that such a strong existence was hidden in Hunting Island One.

Before they even saw the shadow of their opponents, they had already lost more than 3,000 people.

This f*ck is outrageous.

Uerdan glanced behind him, and said with lingering fear:

“This place is too weird. After I go back, I will talk to the old man in my family and let him send someone to level this ghost place.”

Ding Zhicheng nodded quickly:

“Yes, our Sandstorm Mercenary Corps can’t handle this place.”

“If you want to obtain the crystal source mineral vein, you have to make a move by the strong of the Wutuo Gang.”

Uldan nodded and said:

“Don’t worry about this. As soon as I go back, I will ask my daddy to send someone over.”

Ding Zhicheng hurriedly said, “This is the best, this is the best.”

Then he glanced behind him:

“Uldan Young Master, here is too close to the hunting island No. 1, and it is still not safe. If the strongmen there chase it out, it will not be good. Let’s rush back to the mercenary group first.”

Then more than 20,000 of them escorted Uerdan and fled to the distance.

In a short while, he left the entire No. 1 base, more than 400 kilometers away.

Hunting Island No. 1, in Mo Shi’s office.

From the video, Guo Jutao couldn’t help smiling when he saw those people escaping in a hurry.

For a long time, people in Yanshi Continent felt that they were superior and superior.

Therefore, every time they descended to the base, they looked like gods.

This makes them all very upset.

Today, everyone in the base can’t help but feel relieved to see those people fleeing in embarrassment.

But what makes Guo Jutao a little puzzled is who did it?

Where did the energy mask come from?

But before he had time to ask, he saw that Mo Shi had put down his teacup.

At the same time, between the fingers of his right hand, a faint light began to emerge.

This light is only the size of a sesame seed.

Presents blood red.

At the beginning, the light was very weak, far inferior to the light of a match.

But gradually, this light gradually became stronger.

The brightness gradually surpassed the match.

Slowly, brighter than candles.

Then, it is brighter than a fire.

After a full ten minutes, this blood-red light seemed to be even more dazzling than the sun.

The whole office was reflected in blood red.

At the center of the light, there was still a light spot the size of a small sesame grain.

However, Guo Jutao just took a look, and suddenly felt a chill out of his back.

So that he didn’t dare to look at it a second time.

This small spot of light seemed to come from the depths of The Underworld, carrying a biting murderous aura and a monstrous bloodthirsty aura.

“This is……”

Guo Jutao asked in a panic.

“Mind power.”

Mo Shi only said two words lightly.

However, these two words completely subverted Guo Jutao’s cognition.

In his cognition, the power of mind is completely intangible.

It is just a human brain wave.

It’s just that the power of mind is much stronger than human brain waves.

The power of mind is invisible, invisible and intangible.

But now Mo Shi’s hand condensed a small light spot the size of a sesame grain, and he actually said that this was the power of mind.

How can this be?

In fact, this is not the power of Mo Shi’s mind, but Long Nian.

After he compressed all his dragon thoughts to the limit, such a small dragon thought light spot was formed.

Afterwards, Mo Shi lightly flicked his right middle finger.

call out–

That little light spot suddenly left the finger.

Passed through the window in an instant and flew towards the sky.

The small spot of light exudes a blood-red light that seems to be dazzling than the sun.

This blood-red light quickly illuminated the entire base.

All the people who are busy alive are taken aback.

Because the light was so dazzling, they couldn’t see the blood red dots at all.

Can only see the blood red light in the sky.

The blood-red light in the sky looked like a doomsday scene.

But this situation only lasted less than three seconds.

Soon, the blood-red light in the sky flew towards the distance at an extremely fast speed.

Because of its speed, people only saw a huge blood-red light in front and a blood-red tail that was more than ten kilometers long behind it.

Like a blood-red comet.

This blood-red comet cut through the sky and quickly disappeared from the horizon.

Everyone in the base was stunned.

They didn’t know that this was the Long Nian condensed by Mo Shi.

I just thought it was a vision of heaven and earth.

“What the hell is this?”

“Does anyone know that this is a normal natural phenomenon in Yanshi Continent?”

“It’s too shocking, it’s really too shocking.”

At the same time, it was 500 kilometers east of the base.

More than 22,000 people from the Sandstorm Mercenary Corps have already landed on the ground to rest.

A mercenary said: “Escaped five hundred kilometers, it’s finally safe.”

Another mercenary nodded: “As long as the hidden strong in that base does not chase out, we will be safe.”

“Judging from the situation captured by the drone just now, the hidden powerhouse did not chase it out.”

At the same time, Uldan took a few breaths.

Set my mind a little bit.

Looking at the direction of Hunting Island No. 1 in the distance, there was a slight anger in his heart.

Finally, I had to come to an errand, but I didn’t expect to run into a mysterious powerhouse.

Going back this time, I will be trained by the old man again.

Damn, come out next time, bring a fighter armor, you have to razing this place to the ground!

But just when such thoughts surfaced in his mind, he suddenly saw a blood-red light swiftly hitting here over Hunting Island One.

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