Chapter 239 Evolution of Zombies

At Mo Shi’s request, the matter of his attack on the outer planet soon spread throughout the base.

The entire base suddenly boiled.

“There are really aliens!?”

“Mr. Mo has said nonsense, is there still a fake?”

“But can our body adapt to another planet?”

“If the two thousand people who came last time were all aliens, is the alien planet too dangerous?”

“You are afraid of a woolen thread. No matter how powerful an alien is, can you be happy with the word ‘dead’? Besides, isn’t there still Mr. Mo?”

When the order was passed on the first day, the people of the entire base had no actual actions.

It’s all talking.

After all, the aliens have just appeared.

Many of them are still unable to accept the fact that aliens have appeared.

Now it is too hasty and too abrupt to ask them to kill the alien planet.

Most of those who hold this idea are older people.

As soon as they are conservative in their thinking, when they are older, they don’t want to change places.

Isn’t it good to spend the rest of your life peacefully in the base? Why do you have to go to other places to suffer?

Of course, there are also some young people, and some powerful mind teachers and hunters.

They are born to be adventurous.

If they can go to another planet to see and see, they will naturally not miss such an opportunity.

Secondly, they also know that with Mr. Mo in front of the wind and rain, they will encounter much less danger.

In the end, after two days of discussions, almost half of the people willing to follow Mo Shi to the Yanshi Continent.

Nearly fifty thousand people.

On the third day, the people who planned to go with Mo Shi began to pack up, organize their bags, and bid farewell to their relatives and friends.

On the third day, Mo Shi took these people and said goodbye to the 50,000 remaining people in the base.

The more than 50,000 people remaining in the base didn’t know, and only two years later, they regretted it.

Of course, this is something.

Mo Shi brought the 50,000 people to the coordinate that was more than a hundred kilometers away from the base.

According to Mo Shi’s instructions, Guo Jutao took out the 2,500 watches left by the Sandstorm Mercenary Corps and distributed them to 2,500 of them.

Mo Shi told those people how to do it.

Then, together with Happy, Little Monk and others, they clicked the “Transfer” button above.

The next moment, their figures turned into bluish-white blobs of light, and finally disappeared in place.

Only ten seconds later, in the teleportation hall on Hunting Island No. 1 in Yanshi Continent.

More than two thousand five hundred blue and white light clusters slowly condense into a human shape.

It’s hard to explain that they have already appeared here.

Mo Shi used Long Nian to search around for the first time.

Everything within a radius of 200 kilometers can be seen in full view.

During his investigation, all the creatures on Hunting Island had been infected with Virus Zero.

Including all plants.

As for those humans on Hunting Island No. 1 before, naturally they were infected with No. 0 virus long ago.

Later, Mo Shi asked everyone to take off their watches and Guo Jutao brought them back to Earth.

Send over 50,000 people in batches.

As for Mo Shi himself, he walked out of the teleportation hall with happiness, little monk and others.

When the gate of the teleportation hall opened, they saw a scarlet world outside.

The tree is red and the grass is red.

The water in the pool is red, and the mountains in the distance are also red.

The people who followed Mo Shi saw this scene, and their hearts were stunned.

“Is this an alien planet?”

No one answered.

Mo Shi didn’t say much, and continued to walk outside.

At this moment, on the scarlet river in front, there is a small bridge.

A few zombies beside the bridge were wandering.

The flesh on their bodies has been somewhat rotten.

It seems that every step taken will drop a piece of skin.

Their gray eyes were filled with a certain desire.

Feeling the arrival of human beings, they turned their heads and roared in their throats.


From their mouths that can almost split into the back of their heads, it can even be seen that there is residual carrion hanging on their teeth.

Mo Shi opened the eyes of the blood dragon and looked at these zombies.

【Species: Zombies】

[Level: Level 1 Evolution Zombie]

Don’t worry for a moment.

Evolution zombies?

The ones on Earth before were upgraded zombies, but now these few are evolved zombies.

What is the difference between the two?

The system answered the question:

【Upgrade, it may become stronger or weaker, with uncertainty. 】

【Evolution, it will definitely become stronger. 】

Mo Shi nodded, expressing understanding.

According to his guess, the strength of the Level 1 Evolution Zombie should be similar to that of the Level 1 Wilderness Hunter.

At this time, those evolutionary zombies were already hungry and thirsty.

One of them jumped up and moved first.

And its goal is exactly the most inexplicable explanation.

At a distance of more than one hundred meters, it jumped over as soon as it jumped.

Its speed is far beyond that of any creature on earth.

Everyone behind Mo Shi was taken aback when seeing this scene.

With just such a flutter, the zombie can feel how powerful this zombie is.

For any of them, I am afraid that the only end is to be killed by this zombie in seconds.

However, Mo Shi raised his right foot, and at the moment when the evolutionary zombie jumped over, he slammed down suddenly.


Under the enormous power, the level 1 evolutionary zombie was directly chopped to the ground.

The whole head suddenly burst.

The dark red blood splashed out in a radial direction.

Under it, the stone ground was split by Mo Shi’s foot and cracked directly.

Dark red blood flowed into the ground along the cracks.

The people behind saw Mo Shi so violent, all of them were secretly surprised.

Mr. Mo is still so violent and so powerful.

Mo Shi opened his mouth and reminded everyone behind him:

“These evolved zombies have extremely strong self-healing factors in their bodies. It takes at least three headshots to completely kill them.”

Hearing the words, everyone hurriedly wrote down in their hearts.

As for why Mr. Mo only exploded the zombie once, it died.

No one asked too much.

Nonsense, this is Mr. Mo.

It is not strange what happened to Mr. Mo.

Of course they didn’t know that Mo Shi’s kick just now contained energy.

In the Yanshi Continent, ordinary hunters can only release energy through energy weapons.

But it’s different.

He has the blood of the Titan Dragon.

The Titan Dragon’s blood has transformed his body cells, allowing him to release energy as he pleases anywhere in his body except for energy martial arts.

Just under that foot, a huge energy instantly spread from the dead body.

In a very short time, all the cells of this zombie were killed.

It is naturally impossible to resurrect.

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