Chapter 236 Promotion to Waste Hunter! ! !

The energy contained in a small drop of liquid is unimaginable.

At the beginning, it still circulated along the Meridians.

But soon, the small Meridians couldn’t hold the huge energy at all.

Then the huge energy began to directly break through the obstacles between the cells of the body.

That huge energy rushed across Mo Shi’s body, like a wild horse running out of hold.

It seems that Mo Shi’s body cells are to be torn, pierced, and crashed.

The pain of being torn apart kept coming.

Only now did Mo Shi know how important the previous modification fluid was to the modification of his body.

If he hadn’t been transformed by the transformation fluid, this huge and unparalleled energy would have entered the body, and he would burst into a cloud of blood mist in an instant.

At this time, Mo Shi, although the body was suffering intensely, was still barely able to withstand the terrifying energy.

But soon, his body has reached the limit of endurance.

The violent energy seemed to tear his body just now.

At this moment, the dragon claws of his arms condensed.

On the body, the breastplate of the Titan Dragon has also been condensed.

In this way, the pain in his arms and torso was relieved a bit.

It was at this time that his legs began to thicken and lengthen slowly.

It turned out to be three times as long and three times as thick as before.

And on his legs, there were also hard, black-glossy scales.

His feet are also three times bigger than before.

And accompanied by the sound of bones clicking constantly.

His feet gradually turned into a pair of dragon claws.

At this time, his arms, legs, and torso have all been transformed into a dragon shape, except that his head has not turned into a dragon head.

Of course, on the whole, the “dragon shape” at this time is not the real dragon shape.

It is a dragon body equivalent to a humanoid form.

In this form, Mo Shi’s physical strength is extremely terrifying.

Whether it is attack or defense, it has got a huge bonus.

Gradually, the pain on the body was relieved slowly.

And in his mind, the image of that giant dragon appeared again.

It is still the dragon phantom.

It’s just that this time the phantom is more solid than the previous few times.

When the dragon looked at Mo Shi, Mo Shi felt a sense of horror as if looking at the abyss Devil in an instant.

The dragon’s figure is as long as a line of meters.

Passing through the air, covering the sky and the sun.

And the world below the dragon is a long stretch of mountains.

It’s just that there is no vegetation at this time on this stretch of mountain.

There is scorched earth everywhere.

From time to time, you will see fireworks filled with fireworks.

Among the huge mountains filled with fireworks, there are corpses of other dragons everywhere.

There are blue, purple, red, and black dragons of various colors.

As large as several kilometers, as small as tens of meters.

Obviously, here has just experienced a dragon war.

Mo Shi still wanted to take a closer look, but in the sky, the giant dragon swooped down as soon as it retracted its wings.

“Come again!”

Mo Shi was a little speechless.

Although this situation has been experienced several times.

But every experience is like the first experience.

After all, when it first appeared, the dragon was just a vague phantom.

And now it’s becoming more and more realistic.

Therefore, even if the mental quality is so strong, he can’t help his body trembling slightly.

I wanted to escape, but found that own’s legs had already froze in place.

In the end, I could only watch the huge dragon, opening a huge cave-like mouth, and swallowing him completely.

Only then did Mo Shi suddenly open his eyes.

I saw him at this time, his height reached about three meters.

Like a giant.

Fortunately, the roof of the mortuary is about 3.5 meters long.

Otherwise, he was afraid that his head would hit the roof at this time.

The whole body, except for the head, was already covered with a layer of black scale armor.

It looks very visually striking.

Of course, these are not his real body.

It’s just his skills.

He glanced at the own attribute in his mind.

【Name: Mo Shi】

[Level: Level 1 Wilderness Hunter, Level 3 Long Nian Master][Evolution direction: Titan dragon]


Mo relieved his breath.

In his eyes, his eyes shone brightly.

Because of excitement, my cheeks flushed a bit.

Finally, promoted to waste hunter!

When he used to be a level 10 hunter, he was able to kill a level 5 wilderness hunter.

Now that he is promoted to Level 1 Wilderness Hunter, with his strength, it should be no problem to kill 6th Wilderness Hunter.

At this time, he moved his mind and withdrew his own skills.

The whole body was restored to the human body.

Looking at his lower body, Mo Shi shook his head helplessly.

It would be great if I could find the green fat to borrow a pair of trousers.

Now that he has evolved into a wilderness hunter, according to his previous plan, Mo Shi should go to Yanshi Continent.

But when he signed in before, he got a ray of Long Nian, which made Mo Shi’s Long Nian almost reached the pinnacle of level 3.

This caused him to temporarily shelve his plan to go to Yanshi Continent.

Because the Plague Dragon had divided his dragon thought into thousands and attached them to many people.

So now, I just need to find a way to find those people and swallow the Plague Dragon Dragon Mind in their bodies.

Then own Long Nian will definitely be promoted to level 4.

If you have Level 4 Dragon Nen, your own combat power will be a lot bigger than Ascension.

Only then will it be safer to go to Yanshi Continent.

It is impossible to explain the current Long Nian, as long as you are within a kilometer of the person who has the Long Nian, you can sense the Long Nian in these people.

Early the next morning, Mo Shi was in the entire base, sensing the dragon thoughts in these people.

At his speed, he quickly made a circle in the base.

In the end, he found out more than a dozen people with Long Nian in his mind.

Of course, compared with Mo Shi’s current Long Nian, the Long Nian in these people are very weak.

Mo Shi came to a middle-aged woman.

Long Nian could easily sense the Plague Dragon Long Nian in that person’s body.

The middle-aged woman looked at Mo Shi with a little fear in her eyes.

This is how everyone behaves in the face of ambiguity.

Mo Shi didn’t say much.

Wrap the woman completely with Long Nian directly to prevent the dragon from escaping.

Then a part of Long Nian penetrated into the woman’s body and directly invaded her brain.

Until this moment, the Plague Dragon Long Nian, who had been deeply hidden in this woman’s body, finally knew what Mo Shi was going to do.

He sneered: “Humble humans, trying to swallow the dragon’s mind? How dare you make a fool of yourself!”

As he said, his Long Nian suddenly expanded and walked towards the backlash of Mo Shi’s Long Nian.

It’s a pity that his Long Nian had already experienced ten thousand years, and there was not much left.

Later, it was divided into thousands of strands, and there was not much left.

What’s more, the inexplicable Long Nian Devouring skill ignores the opponent’s level.

So Mo Shi easily swallowed the Plague Dragon Long Nian.

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