Chapter 229 Overclocking Particle Spider Drone

As soon as Mo Shi’s mind moved, the overclocking particle gun ejected a stream of blue and white particles.

call out–

Instantly crossed a distance of one kilometer and shot at the Cheetah mech.

The Cheetah mech also sensed the arrival of the attack.

Around the body, an earth-yellow energy shield quickly emerged.

However, when the stream of blue and white particles encountered the energy shield, nothing happened.

Passed through the energy shield in an instant.

It’s as if the energy shield doesn’t exist at all.

The next moment, the particle stream hits the body.

In an instant, the Cheetah Mecha seemed to be electrocuted.

Sparks and lightning continued to burst out of his body.

The earth-yellow energy mask around the body quickly disappeared.

Seeing this, the overclocked particle gun on his right arm quickly retracted.

The next moment, the gene martial art of the right arm condenses.

The whole person instantly vacated 100 meters.

The giant axe crashed down.


A crack with a length of 100 meters and a width of more than five meters appeared on the ground instantly.

At the very center of the crack, the Cheetah mech had already been chopped into hundreds of pieces.

Keep sparking.

This is the characteristic of Yanshi mainland mecha.

The fighter armor is strong only because of the energy mask.

With an energy mask, it can resist any attack.

Once the energy mask is broken, basically any hunter, a beam of energy martial arts, can destroy it.

But it was this energy mask that stumped all the hunters.

Because with the technology of Yanshi Continent, there is no other way to break this layer of energy mask except for the existence of hunters and above to break open with brute force.

But now, Mo Shi’s overclocking particle gun is a technology beyond Yanshi Dalu Technology, which can easily crack the mask.

At this time, Mo Shi swept through Long Nian and found that among the pile of fragments, there was a chip the size of a fingernail.

According to his memory, even if the mecha is destroyed, the mecha owner can locate the chip.

Mo Shi landed and picked up the chip.

Rub your right index finger and finger gently.

The chip suddenly shattered to pieces.

The Cheetah Mecha is finally solved.

Next are the spider drones.

There is a chip in every spider drone.

So we must destroy all these spider drones, and then destroy the chips in them.

But the world is so big, who knows where those spider drones are now flying.

And there are many spider drones.

Even if he wants to destroy it all with his inexplicable ability, he doesn’t know when to wait.

And these spider drones also have energy shields.

Even if other people meet, they can’t be destroyed.

Mo Shi could only come in person.

He pondered a little, no longer entangled in it.

Said in his mind:

“System, sign in for special events.”

The voice of the system soon came:

【Sign in successfully! 】

[Sign-in Event: Destroy the Cheetah Mecha][Sign-in bonus: 1000 overclocked particle spider drones]

Check the reward in your head.

[Overclocking particle spider drone: an upgraded version of the spider drone. It can emit overclocking particle streams and destroy the energy masks of other spider drones. 】

What is really lacking.

If you are worried about how to get rid of those spider drones, you can sign in and give out this reward.

So next, just find a few people who understand computers to control these overclocked particle spider drones and Cheetah mechas.

After returning to the base, Mo Shi called Guo Jutao over.

Said: “I have great use in screening computer geniuses in the base.”

Guo Jutao is now the newly elected head of the base.

Mo Shi rescued the people on the base so many times, he naturally did not violate Mo Shi’s words in the slightest.

Dang Even issued an order to find computer geniuses in the base.

Of course, there are only more than 100,000 people in the base now.

And most of these people are now engaged in manual labor.

It is undoubtedly difficult to find one or two computer geniuses among them.

Mo Shi also ordered the level 10 mind force divisions among all bases in the world to look for computer geniuses in their respective bases.

These 10th-level psychic teachers now have a certain amount of weight in their speeches in their respective bases.

After all, they are the strongest group of people in the base.

In just three days, some of the more than ten bases have selected some talented people in computers.

Mo Shi frowned slightly after reading the information of these people.

Many of these people are not young anymore.

There is even a man in his seventies who is about to enter the soil.

For the remaining young people, Mo Shijiang copied dozens of the books that were included when the system rewarded mechas.

Let them teach themselves.

As a genius, self-learning ability should be very strong.

As for Mo Shi himself, taking advantage of this period of time, he continued to control the Canglong clone and swallowed it on the bottom of the sea.

Now he is devouring these super-upgraded beasts on the bottom of the sea, in order to accumulate energy for the dragon clone.

When the time comes to make a breakthrough, the Canglong clone will be able to make a breakthrough immediately.

Secondly, it is an opportunity to find breakthrough.

He intends to wait for the Mosasaurus clone to consume the level 10 super-upgraded beasts in the remaining trenches before heading to Bermuda.

More than a month later, Mo Shi learned about the self-study of those “geniuses”.

The result disappointed him.

All geniuses read these books as if they were reading the heavenly books.

Even some geniuses who claim to read any computer book can easily master the knowledge inside.

Before the books that Mo Shi gave, there was nothing to do.

Some of the computer knowledge mentioned there is simply beyond the scope of their comprehension.

Even some knowledge completely subverted the knowledge they had learned.

It is the opposite of what they have learned.

How does this make them teach themselves?

Mo Shi could only smile wryly in his heart.

Among the millions of people remaining in the world, is there really no computer genius?

That is, at this time, among several bases in the world, some people have been killed by spider drones.

Those spider drones, like hunters, continue to hunt and kill people in these bases.

People have used almost various methods to deal with them.

However, no matter whether it is a physical attack or a thermal weapon attack, these spider drones have no effect at all.

Their bodies can produce an earth-yellow energy mask, even rocket bombs cannot penetrate this energy mask.

And they are only the size of a fist.

It’s hard to find if hidden.

So for a while, these spider drones turned out to be a nightmare for those bases.

One evening two days later, Mo Shi controlled the Dragon Clone and had just swallowed a level 10 super-upgraded beast in a trench.

While resting, a big hunter cautiously approached the corpse farm.

After finding Mo Shi, he respectfully said:

“Mr. Mo, two monks are looking for you.”

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