Chapter 225 Flame Dragon Battle Axe, Terrifying


Mo Shi yelled nervously.

However, Happy did not respond.


Mo Shi quickly grabbed a happy hand.

Her hands were cold.

The next moment, happiness does not seem to be able to sustain it anymore.

Weakly collapsed in Mo Shi’s arms.

Mo Shi’s heart suddenly tightened again.

Long Nian quickly penetrated into Kai Xin’s body.

I saw that everything was normal for the happy body.

Mo Shi frowned tightly.

Everything is normal in the body, why do the eyes become like black holes?

Nothing happens when you call her by yourself?

Your hands are still so cold?

He quickly activated the Eye of the Blood Dragon.

Eyes are blood red.

Looking happy.

He has to look at the essence through the appearance and see what is going on with happiness.

【Species: Human】

[Level: Level 1 Heavenly Talker][Ability: Absolute Destruction]

Seeing this, Mo Shi was relieved immediately.

The happy heavenly speaker finally awakened.

As for this ability-absolute destruction.

Mo Shi was slightly taken aback.

What kind of ability is this?

But anyway, as long as you are happy and okay.

At the same time, the two thousand five hundred people in the sky saw the heavenly word fell.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

The other two captains who had reached the level 6 waste hunter saw this and glanced at each other.

One of them shouted:

“Master Da Nian, tear up that heavenly speaker first!”

Those few great masters also woke up when they heard the words.

This heavenly speaker is the biggest trouble.

Kill her first, and the rest are ants in front of them.

Thinking of this, the thought power of the five second-level masters actually hit Happiness at the same time.

Mo Shizheng carefully handed Happiness to the hand of a huntress next to her.

But suddenly felt that there were five huge thought powers, and they attacked Happily.

The anger in his heart suddenly resembled a huge wave.

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will die if they touch them.

Happiness is unreasonable.

He split up a long thought to protect his happiness.

After that, the remaining Long Nian bombarded the five great masters.

Bang bang bang bang bang-

The five great masters all burst into blood mist almost in an instant.

The remaining dozens of Level 1 Great Nian Masters who still wanted to do it met, and immediately withdrew Long Nian in horror.

A great teacher pointed at Mo Shi and exclaimed in horror:

“No, he is a great teacher!”

When the two 500 people saw this, all of them were shocked.

Why are there other great masters here?

At this time, a level 5 waste hunter heard this, his body flashed, and he attacked Mo Shi.

“He is a great teacher, but his body is just an ordinary person. Everyone will go up together and beheaded at close quarters!”

So together with him, the more than two thousand four hundred hunters attacked Mo Shi.

All of them know that the best way to deal with a great teacher is to get close.

In close proximity, Master Da Nian is no different from ordinary people.

However, at this moment, Mo Shi’s right arm quickly turned into a huge battle axe that was three meters long.

The shape of the battle axe at this time was different from his original genetic weapon.

The tomahawk is a double-sided blade.

The double blade looks like the shape of a dragon’s wings.

The central part resembles the body of a giant dragon.

The top part of the axe resembles the head of a giant dragon.

The handle of the axe held by Mo Shi was the tail of the dragon.

From the front, it is also in the shape of a dragon;

Seen from the reverse side, it is also in the shape of a dragon.

Yanlong Tomahawk!

At the same time, Mo released the blood red energy stored in his back and poured it into the Yanlong battle axe along his arm.

The eyes of Yanlong’s battle axe suddenly lit up with blood red light.

The next moment, Mo Shi Yanlong swung his battle axe.

The double blades of the battle axe also lit up with blood red light.

It looked like it had crossed a blood-red fan-shaped trajectory.

This fan-shaped trajectory is one kilometer long and more than three hundred meters wide.

All the surrounding wilderness hunters who rushed towards Mo Shi, their genetic martial arts and energy martial arts, when they encountered the blood-red track traversed by the Mo Shi fire dragon’s battle axe, they were all cut off.

At the same time, together with their bodies, they were also split in half by this blood red energy.

With a single axe, hundreds of wild hunters, including humans and genetic weapons, were split into two parts.

Among them are level 5 waste hunters!

The last time Mo Shi fought with that 5th-level wilderness hunter, the giant axe hit the opponent with two full blows before beheading the opponent.

This time, the upgraded Yanlong Tomahawk could easily split more than a hundred wilderness hunters in half with just one blow.

This is the power of the Yanlong Tomahawk!

When the other hunters saw this, they all looked terrified.

How can this be?

Isn’t this guy a great teacher?

How did you become a waste hunter again?

No, not a hunter.

The energy weapons used by the hunters can only emit energy rays at most.

Only the energy martial arts of the hunters can emit such a huge energy blade.

This guy turned out to be a waste hunter? !

All the hunters and great masters, at this time have a feeling of becoming a dog.

Not only a great teacher, but also a waste hunter!

Such a character is absolutely impossible to borrow namelessness in Yanshi Continent.

Those are all powerful beings that dominate one side.

Why have they never heard of this guy before?

And there is no need for such a guy to come to the chaotic place like Hunting Ground No. 1 to experience, right?

They are going, should they at least go to those ancient places like Dragon Burial Valley and Fallen Dragon Sea?

Mo Shi did not give them the slightest chance to react.

The other person stood on the ground without even moving a step.

The Yanlong battle axe in his hand swung again and again.

In the sky, those wilderness hunters and mind-power masters, under such an attack, did not even have a chance to escape.

They all carry genetic weapons and were cut into two pieces.

In just a few swings, seven or eight hundred people died.

The remaining more than 1,000 people saw that this person turned out to be a waste hunter, all of them were heartbroken and turned around and fled.

However, can you escape?

Mo Shi’s Long Nian swept past, and everyone fell directly to the ground from high altitude.

And it hit the ground fiercely.

The ground was smashed so that it didn’t break open a gap.

Some people directly rushed their heads down and fell to the ground upside down.

Until this time, all the mercenaries had completely lost the idea of ​​resistance.

Facing a great teacher, but also a waste hunter.

Even if they resist, there is only one dead end.

“Master Wild Hunter, we are wrong, we are wrong.”

“Please forgive us!”

“Master Wilderness Hunter, we offended Master Tianyan and you. I just ask you to let us go like a fart.”

The regret in their hearts.

They had known this a long time ago, even if they gave more money, they would not dare to come to the No. 1 hunting ground.

Some of them were resting.

But I heard that this mission gave a lot more money than before, so they immediately ended their vacation and rushed over.

Now it seems that their decision is so stupid.

Knowing this, they would not dare to come to this hunting ground if they were killed.

Mo Shi did not have the slightest pity for these people’s begging for mercy.

Long Nian swept away the memories of several people.

Then the Yanlong Tomahawk swept across.


All the more than 1,000 people were cut in two.

Know it wrong now?


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