Chapter 218

Mo Shi came slowly towards the two thousand people.

Those two thousand people did not directly do it.

But everyone was ready, as if they were facing an enemy.

When they first arrived at this hunting ground, they somewhat despised everything here.

In their view, coming to Hunting Ground No. 1 is simply a holiday.

But after passing through the Nian Li meteorite just now, their hearts have already raised twelve points of vigilance against this person.

After all, this person is likely to be a master of level 6 or above.

Mo Shi came to stand still fifty meters away from these people.

Everyone saw that Mo Shi looked exactly the same as the infection they killed before.

They all have some doubts.

Could it be that this guy is twins?

Sha Qi tapped his finger on the watch on his left wrist twice.

A holographic image of a long-haired young man and a middle-aged bald head appeared next to him.

He pointed to the two images and asked Mo Shi: “Have you seen them?”

Mo Shi didn’t hide it, and nodded: “I have seen it.”

Besha next to him heard the words with an eager look in his eyes, and asked, “Where are they?”

Mo Shi looked calm and calm, and said casually: “Kill.”

Speaking so easily and freely, it’s like saying that you just shot an ant to death.


As soon as this remark came out, the scene fell silent.

The next moment, Bertha’s thoughts suddenly overwhelmed the sky, and the pressure will come down towards Mo relieved.

“You die for me—”

A roar full of anger and hatred came from her mouth.


There was a sound of the cloth being torn, and Mo Shi’s body was directly torn into several pieces.

It was even more miserable than the clone beside the blood waterfall before.

However, this is just a clone of Mo Shi.

Knowing that own is far from the opponent’s strength, how could Mo Shi be in danger?

He just asked this clone to bring the personal reservoir to those people.

At this time, although the clone had been killed.

But in the air, a circular hole with a diameter of fifty meters appeared.

Everyone looked at the circular hole that suddenly appeared, all of them a little puzzled.

“This is……”


When the experienced old mercenary came to the entrance of the cave, there was a feeling of palpitations.

“No, disperse quickly!”

The old mercenary screamed, turned around and fled.

However, it was too late.

In the entrance of the cave, a figure jumped out instantly.

He swallowed the old mercenary in one bite.

As a Level 3 waste hunter, the old mercenary was buried in the belly of the figure before he even had time to scream.

At the same time, the figure’s body continued to make a crisp sound.


Accompanied by this sound, the figure quickly rose.

In the end, it reached a length of two hundred meters.

Looking again at this time, I saw that this figure looked like a crocodile.

But the scales on the body are stronger than the crocodile.

The limbs are thicker than that of a crocodile.

Four paws, each the size of a house.

A long tail as thick as a giant python is close to 100 meters.

And the long tail is triangular in shape.

Each edge is an extremely sharp edge.

Seeing this scene, the low-level hunters on the scene were all stupid.

“This is a desolate beast?”

“How is it possible? How can there be wild beasts in Hunting Ground No. 1?”

The information they obtained before showed that Hunting Ground No. 1 was restricted by the rules, and the strongest was only the level 10 super-upgraded beast.

How can there be wild beasts?

And looking at this desolate beast swallowing the strength of a level 3 desolate hunter in one bite, it must be a level 5 or above desolate beast.

As for those high-rank hunters whose strength reached level 5 or higher, their expressions changed slightly.

But that’s it.

Looking at the speed of this desolate beast, at most it is about level 5 strength.

They needn’t worry at all for these waste hunters above level 5.

What’s more, there are the group leader, an 8-level waste hunter, and the leader’s wife, a sixth-level great teacher. Why are they panicking?

But The next moment, they knew how stupid their idea was.

Although the speed of this desolate beast is a bit slow, it can’t run beyond the level 3 desolate hunter.

But its body wriggled.

An arm-thick blood vine was shot out instantly.

This blood vine shot out and directly penetrated the body of a 5th-level waste hunter.

At the same time, it continued to shoot forward, piercing the bodies of more than a dozen people.

The next moment, this blood vine burst into hundreds of tiny blood vines in these people’s bodies.

Stabbed out of these people.

It looks like hundreds of blood-red toothpicks pierced on a ball of wool.

This time, everyone’s complexion changed drastically.

Including those 7th-level waste hunters, and Shaqi this 8th-level waste hunters.

This desolate beast can actually kill level 5 desolate hunters in seconds, so its strength is at least level 6 or even higher.

Just when they were horrified, the Canglong avatar shot fifty blood vines directly on the surface of the body.

Puff puff puff puff puff–

Suddenly, hundreds of people were pierced by these fifty blood vines.

Then the tiny blood vines exploded from the blood vines, and they became hedgehogs.

Then, these blood vines were recovered, and a second wave of blood vines exploded quickly.

In two consecutive waves, the lives of more than 300 hunters were harvested.

Among them, there is no shortage of level 5 waste hunters.

Mo Shi’s consciousness controlled the Canglong clone, constantly shooting bleeding vines, harvesting the lives of those people.

Although the speed of the Dragon Clone was not as fast as those hunters, the speed at which the blood vine shoots out far exceeds those of humans.

And these blood vines seem to have no limit distance.

Even if some people have escaped two kilometers, they have all been shot through their bodies.

No hunter can withstand the blow of this blood vine.

Even those with life-saving trump cards, the armor was condensed on the surface of their bodies instantly, and they were resisted by genetic weapons.

In front of this blood vine, it was only delayed for a few seconds at most.

In the end it has to be penetrated.

Even Mo Shi didn’t expect these blood vines to be so terrifying.

Seeing this, the head of the regiment looked extremely solemn.

Will the Sandstorm Mercenary Group that I have created with my own hard work be destroyed like this?

He was frightened and angry, and shouted at Bertha next to him:

“Try to suppress it with the force of thought!”

Besha next to her was shocked:

“I’m already trying, but this desolate beast seems to… can use mind power, and the mind power is comparable to mine.”

“My mind power can’t have any effect on it.”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was even more surprised.

A desolate beast with such a powerful strength even possesses the power of thought.

What the hell is this f*ck?

You know, in their Yanshi Continent, there were zombies who had thought power.

Some kinsmen have had thought power.

There are also zombies with mental powers.

But there has never been a savage beast.

In horror, Sha Qi shouted out loud:

“All Nian Li masters, use Nian Li to suppress them together!”

“All hunters, energy weapons bombard at the same time!”

When all the hunters heard this, their hearts were stunned.

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