Chapter 211 Leapfrog Challenge Level 3 Wilderness Hunter: Crush!

Mo Shi also didn’t expect that the long spear could shoot energy from both ends of the genetic weapon.

At this time, even his dragon blood armor had already penetrated.

He secretly remembered this in his mind.

After that, his figure flashed again and he had appeared in the distance.

The level 3 hunter was also taken aback.

Generally speaking, even a level 5 waste hunter is basically disabled after being hit by his energy.

But this guy was hit by himself, and nothing happened.

How can this be?

He didn’t think it was the effect of the blood red armor on Mo Shi’s body.

Because in Yanshi Continent, apart from the energy shield on the mecha shell, nothing can withstand the energy weapon attack.

But he is a Level 3 waste hunter after all, although he was shocked in his heart, he was not messed up in his hands.

The light of the spear in his hand was brilliant, and it stretched out more than ten meters in an instant.

At the same time, in the spear, red and white light shot again towards Mo Shi.

And this time, he used energy weapons to draw several circles directly in the air.

These few circles sealed all Mo Shi’s retreat.

Mo Shi had to block directly in front of him with the big axe in his hand.

At the same time, the big axe instantly extended two meters high and one meter wide.

Block his body tightly.


Several soft sounds.

On top of Moshi’s big axe, sparks suddenly splashed.

On the surface of the entire big axe, it was as if it had been randomly welded several times with electric welding.

Shows several flaming red circles coming.

At the same time, under the melting of this high temperature, even Mo Shi’s genetic weapon was melted in half.

Mo Shi secretly shuddered in his heart.

The energy weapon attack is really powerful.

You know, before on Earth, nothing could cause even a slight scratch on his genetic weapon.

However, the complexion of the Level 3 Wilderness Hunter was many times more ugly than Mo Shi.

This kid’s genetic martial arts can actually block the attack of energy martial arts! ?

What the hell is this f*ck?

You know, on the Yanshi Continent, only the energy shield of the mecha can stop the attack of energy martial arts.

If genetic martial arts are used to resist energy martial arts, then it’s just death.

Because anyone’s genetic weapon, even the wild hunter, or even the great wild hunter’s genetic weapon, is not enough to withstand the attack of the energy weapon.

There is a 10th-level hunter in this little sub-district. Gene martial arts can actually withstand the attacks of own energy martial arts.

This f*ck is simply outrageous!

At this moment his Adam’s apple squirmed.

As a 3rd-level waste hunter, his energy martial arts can only be used three times.

This last time, he must not use it lightly.

Thinking of this, his figure moved.

The flying skateboard at the foot starts.

Fly away from the base in an instant.

Mo Shi sneered.

Want to escape?

Can you escape?

The next moment, Mo Shi’s right arm rounded, and the giant axe slashed straight down.

The great axe rose in the air instantly.

It is more than two hundred meters long.

Like Pangu’s great axe that opened the sky, it slashed down towards the level 3 waste hunter.

The Level 3 wilderness hunter thought he had escaped like this, and Mo Shi would chase him.

He can use energy to kill a carbine.

In the past, his hit rate with this move was 100%.

Unexpectedly, this kid didn’t play cards according to the routine.

Cut directly to himself.

It was too late for him to escape.

Can only hurriedly raise a gun to greet him, wanting to set up a giant axe.


There was a loud noise.

The giant axe directly took the 3rd-level waste hunter and fell from the air.

Above the ground, a huge crack of more than 500 meters long, about 10 meters wide, and 10 meters deep appeared in an instant.

At the edge of the crack, it is as smooth as a mirror.

At the end of the crack, two buildings more than 30 meters high were also split into a crack of ten meters wide.

The afterglow of the setting sun passed through this crack.

It’s like a gate to heaven.

Everyone in the base looked at this scene, their eyes widened and their mouths wide open.

This destructive power is also amazing.

In the very center of this huge gully.

The lower body of the third-level waste hunter was already deeply plunged into the mud.

His upper body was still holding a long spear and Gene Martial Arts, maintaining a blocking posture.

On his long spear genetic weapon, there was a trace about one centimeter deep.

Mo Shi’s gene martial arts, after all, failed to split the guy’s spear gene martial arts with one blow.

It’s just that on the guy’s right arm, at the interface between the mechanical chopper and the shoulder, sparks appeared.

And blood constantly oozes out.

It turned out that although Mo Shi could not split his genetic martial arts with one stroke.

But the power of this axe was too great, and it directly shook the interface between his mechanical arm and his shoulder, causing it to malfunction.

The level 3 waste hunter looked at the interface of his right arm in disbelief.

How can it be?

How could this guy’s power be so strong?

The level of horror of this power is actually much stronger than the level 3 waste hunter himself.

A mere 10-level hunter, he is a guy who can easily pinch to death on weekdays.

How can it be so strong now?

Is he too good at it, or is this kid too strong?

Of course he didn’t know that Mo Shi’s body was transformed by the transformation fluid, so naturally it couldn’t be measured by the power of an ordinary hunter.

It can be said that Mo Shi’s power is already equivalent to the level of a 4th-level waste hunter.

Naturally, this level 3 hunter can not bear it.

At this time, Mo Shi saw that the genetic weapons of the level 3 wilderness hunters had malfunctioned and could no longer show stronger combat effectiveness.

He didn’t bother to pester him again.

The great axe slashed again.


The gene martial arts of the 3rd-level waste hunter suddenly broke into two pieces.

At the same time, the great axe fell on the head of the 3rd-level waste hunter.

The 3rd-level waste hunter was chopped in half.

At this point, all the invaders have been wiped out!

Mo Shi closed his eyes slightly, thinking about the battle scene just now.

In my mind, I have a deeper understanding of the power, speed, and fighting style of the hunters.

He secretly estimated.

With his current strength, he can crush Level 3 waste hunters without using thought power.

If you encounter a 4th-level waste hunter, you are 50-50.

And if you use your mind power alone, you can also crush the 3rd-level waste hunter.

If Master Long Nian and the wilderness hunters use all their methods, crushing level 5 wilderness hunters shouldn’t be a problem.

When encountering a 6th-level waste hunter, it should be 50-50.

As a level 10 great hunter, level 3 Longnian master, he has overcome so many levels to crush a level 5 wilderness hunter.

Even in the Yanshi Continent, it was quite stunning.

Of course, Mo Shi still has the absolute trump card of summoning the blood clan.

So in fact, his overall strength is even stronger.

As for how strong he is, he has never used the skill of summoning blood races, and he doesn’t know.

Of course, this skill cannot be used casually.

The summoned things are random in strength, quantity, and type.

And we are not the enemy.

If you kill yourself at that time, it will be embarrassing.

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