Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 92 Do I have a share?

Impossible. If you don't want to die, leave now. Otherwise, don't blame me for killing you too. Li Quan's words were full of murderous intent.

After hearing this, the old man felt anxious in his heart.

Brother Dragon Clan, if you give up this massacre, then I will personally hand over to you the Hunyuan Pearl that I have collected for a long time! There was no other way, the old man gritted his teeth, and could only use this method to bribe Li Quan.

As for Li Quan Hard Steel?

Not to mention anything else, Li Quan's size alone is scary enough, and Li Quan's strength is extraordinary. He is no match for him, even if he is a strong man at the level of a large galaxy.

Hunyuan Pearl? Just as Li Quan finished speaking, the system store suddenly popped up a purchase option for Hunyuan Pearl.

Darling, this thing is really expensive. It costs a full 300 billion to buy it.

With Li Quan's current net worth, he can't afford it.

I'm curious, even if you find your destined person, what can you do?

When your destined person finds out that it was me who massacred the Jiutian clan and comes to seek revenge from me, what will you do?

Brother Dragon Clan Taoist, don't worry about this. My so-called destined person is just a furnace.

As long as I absorb this cauldron, my strength will reach a higher level. By then, breaking this damn galaxy seal will not be a problem at all!

The old man's face was very gloomy, but Li Quan didn't say anything after knowing the old man's plan.

It is still possible to exchange a gadget worth 300 billion in wealth for a short period of peace.

Okay, tell me what characteristics the destined person you are looking for has.

I'd let her go if I could.

That's great. According to my predictions, this destined person is from another planet. His surname is not Jiu, but Wang.

In my calculations, this is a rare flying feather holy body in the universe. Once activated, surpassing the level of a large galaxy is just a piece of cake.

As long as I can force her to practice with me, then I can use the Great Deprivation Technique to take her Feiyu Holy Body as my own.

After Li Quan heard what this old man said, he always felt something was wrong. He came from another planet and his surname was Wang.

She hasn't arrived yet, but she should be here soon.

It's just that because of your massacre, brother Taoist Dragon Clan, I don't know if the trajectory of fate has changed. Let me make a prediction first.

By the way, I'm Daoguzi, I wonder what I call Brother Dragon Clan Taoist Brother?

Li Quan. Li Quan didn't mind telling his name to this millet, and Li Quan also wanted to confirm the truth.

The world is infinite, the universe is one hexagram! A turtle shell flew out of Dao Guzi's sleeves, and there were special lines on the turtle shell.

After activating the turtle shell, the turtle shell began to rotate around Daoguzi. At the same time, several inscriptions began to change around Daoguzi.

After a moment, Dao Guzi opened his eyes, looked at Li Quan and said, I found it. Sure enough, the trajectory of this fate has changed because of Brother Li Dao's problem.

However, the cauldron is still on that planet. We haven't been able to find the location of that planet before. I only know that someone destined to be from the Jiutian clan will arrive recently.

Where is her planet? Li Quan's words were a bit strange. Although Dao Guzi found it a bit strange after hearing this, he just regarded it as the character of Li Quan.

It seems to be a place called Blue Star. Although the trajectory of fate has changed, I am determined to be your good friend.

I can't give you the Hunyuan Pearl, but this one can be used instead.

While speaking, the old man took out a treasure called the Blue Water Golden Pearl from his sleeves.

According to Li Quan's system store, the value of this blue water golden bead has reached 10 billion.

The main function is to strengthen water attribute spells.

Okay, Dao Guzi, I'll take my leave. Brother Li Dao will see you again if we have the chance.

Wait a moment. At this moment, Li Quan's figure gradually shrunk, and after turning into a human form, he grabbed the green water golden beads thrown by Dao Guzi with his hand.

What, Brother Li Dao, do you still have questions?

Of course, are you sure you want to go to Blue Star?

Yes, I have been at the large galaxy level for 500 million years. Now I have finally found a way to advance. Of course I have to go.

In that case, I would like to see what the so-called Feiyu Holy Body is like.

Li Quan's face looked a little strange, but Dao Guzi didn't notice anything was wrong.

In this case, I will wait for the journey, but brother Li Dao, don't you want to slaughter the Jiutian clan?

You can kill the Jiutian clan at any time. I'm not short of time.

Okay, let me go together. Jiutian Galaxy is a full seven thousand light years away from Blue Star. However, at the speed of a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy, it only takes a few minutes.

On the way back to Blue Star, Li Quan learned some of the skills of this millet.

For example, the Qiankun in the Sleeve, the Zhou Tian Gua Technique, the Hunyuan Finger, etc., especially the Hunyuan Finger, is so powerful that one finger can directly penetrate from the easternmost edge of the Milky Way to the westernmost edge.

Even strong men of the same level need to be vigilant when facing this Hunyuan Finger.

Soon, Blue Star arrived.

At this time, Dao Guzi turned into a human old man without saying anything. He looked quite presentable.

I didn't expect there to be such a weak race in this galaxy.

Look at the purity of their bloodline. It's so mixed. Bloodlines from all races are mixed in.

Well, there is actually pure human blood, and it comes from the lineage of the Human Emperor. Not bad.

Huh? I didn't expect that in addition to Feiyu Holy Body, there is also Fire Source Holy Body here.

God help me!

Li Quan listened to Dao Guzi's words and followed behind Dao Guzi step by step, his face becoming darker and darker.

Sure enough, just as Li Quan thought, the target of this millet turned out to be Wang Keyuan, and now there is another one, Ren Hong.

A moment later, the figures of Dao Guzi and Li Quan appeared on the top of the clouds. Because both parties hid their auras, Li Bing, who controlled the sky domain, did not notice the existence of Li Quan and Dao Guzi.

I didn't expect to be so lucky this time. I saw two rare holy bodies in the universe, the Feiyu Holy Body and the Fire Source Holy Body.

Old Taoist, I am very happy along the way. I don't need two holy bodies by myself. In this way, after I absorb the Feiyu Holy Body, I will give the Fire Source Holy Body to you, Brother Li Dao.

Do I have a share? Li Quan said with a strange expression on his face.

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