Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 89 Just commit suicide

What? Say it again! After hearing the important information coming after his son's death, the father of Jiutian Holy Son looked in disbelief.

Yue'e, who was on the side, backed away with a look of fear. She did not expect that the adultery between herself and Jiulong would be seen by the Holy Son of Jiutian.

It's true! Father! You have to help me get revenge. However, before the Holy Son of Nine Heavens could finish speaking, his remaining soul was suddenly shattered.

Son! Son! You! Jiugong, the father of Jiutian Holy Son, looked in disbelief as he watched his son's remnant soul shatter in front of him.

Jiulong! You bastard! As he said this, Jiugong looked back at Yue'e, only to see Yue'e dodge and then immediately kneel on the ground begging for mercy.

Jiugong! It was Jiulong who coerced me in the first place! I didn't mean to betray you! Just let me go this time!

It's just a pity that Jiugong's son Jiutian Holy Son was killed, and even his remaining soul was not spared, and the chance of reincarnation or resurrection was lost.

Now he has so many worries, and has long been overwhelmed by anger.

Go to hell and tell my son! As he said that, Jiugong saw one hand grabbing Yue'e's head. No matter how Yue'e begged for mercy, the hand grabbing Yue'e's head suddenly became stronger. .

Yue'e's head exploded and her brains splashed to the ground.

Jiulong! You bastard! Originally, Jiulong was allowed to greet his son because Jiulong was his brother, but who would have thought that this guy Jiulong actually killed his son with his own hands.


Come here! Gather the Imperial Guards of the Jiutian Clan for me! I want to kill people! The Imperial Guards of the Jiutian Clan will only be dispatched when the Jiutian Clan is in danger of being almost wiped out.

Nowadays, Jiugong, who is overwhelmed by anger, will understand so much.

Yes! Lord Jiugong! After promising, the Imperial Guards of the Jiutian clan began to gather.

At this time, Li Quan returned his consciousness. He had just groped through the remaining soul of the Holy Son of Jiutian, and finally found the place where the Jiutian clan belonged.

In this way, Li Quan could finally destroy the Jiutian clan.

At this time, Jiulong was covered in blood and had a sharp blade in his hand. He had obviously completed his mission.

Senior, I have completed the task, don't you know?

Well, very good, I'm very satisfied. As long as you complete the last task, then I will accept you.

Really? That's great! I wonder what your last mission will be, senior?

You commit suicide. Li Quan said with a faint smile on his face.

Wha, what? Senior, what are you talking about? Jiulong seemed to have heard wrongly and wanted to confirm Li Quan's words again.

I usually don't say my words a second time, but for the sake of what you did the first two things, I'll repeat it again. You can commit suicide.

This, senior! This is what you are doing! No! You liar!

How could I lie to you? As long as you do these three things last night, I will naturally accept you. Li Quan's smile was indifferent.

But Jiulong was angry. After so long, Li Quan was playing tricks on him!

You, you are teasing me!

How could I play tricks on you?

If you don't commit suicide, don't blame me for doing it.

After all, there is a grudge between us. Li Quan's figure appeared in front of Jiulong in an instant, and he leaned into Jiulong's ear and whispered.

After hearing this, Jiulong's eyes widened with anger, and veins appeared on his forehead.

Bastard! Jiulong was extremely angry for a moment, and thrust the sharp knife in his hand towards Li Quan's chest.

However, the clothes on Li Quan's body were made from his own dragon scales and were extremely hard. Even if he projected his spiritual body, his strength would only be half.

But it can’t be broken by the so-called Jiutian clan’s magical weapons.

The sharp blade pierced Li Quan's chest. However, the sharp edge suddenly shattered, and then the entire blade also collapsed.

Since you are unwilling to complete the last thing, and you dare to attack me.

Then don't blame me for being cruel.

By the way, do you know what the giant life form is that is besieging you?

After hearing Li Quan's words, Jiulong always had an ominous premonition for some reason.

Let me tell you a secret. In fact, the huge life form besieging you is me. As he said this, Li Quan's figure disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, Li Quan's head suddenly stretched out from the sky. His huge eyes were as huge as the sun, and they were also emitting dazzling light.

You! What on earth are you! At this moment, Jiulong collapsed.

After doing so much, I didn’t expect to be tricked by Li Quan in the end.

What am I?

The ancestor of the dragon clan, the real dragon! As he said this, Li Quan's dragon roar suddenly sounded.

The power of the dragon was mighty and the dragon's chant was passed down from generation to generation. All the dragons in the galaxy subconsciously began to worship where Li Quan was.

Kowloon, which was besieged by Li Quan, was crushed and exploded by Li Quan's mighty dragon power.

Even its soul is like this.

Trash! With your little strength, you dare to spy on the people I care about. Li Quan said with disdain as he looked at Kowloon, which had exploded and even its soul was wiped out.

Next, we have to deal with the Jiutian Clan. Li Quan already knows where the Jiutian Clan's clan is.

As for the true phoenix lineage, there is no need to worry, because no one in the true phoenix lineage can escape due to the Nine Yuan Ice Heart Ion Barrier.

Even if all of them attack together, no one can break the nine-yuan ice heart ion shield for a year or two.

It's time to settle accounts. The Holy Son of Nine Heavens and the Holy Phoenix are at most accomplices, and at most, it is their clansmen's decision.

Without their awareness, these two guys would not have come to Blue Star.

To cut weeds, we must remove the roots.

Li Quan glanced at everyone who was dead and relaxed.

Although the size of six thousand trillion meters is very large, it is too small in this vast universe.

The overall size of the Milky Way is more than 100,000 light-years, and Li Quan is less than one light-year.


hold head high!

Li Quan raised his head and chanted, and saw that the space around him was suddenly distorted, and then his body disappeared into the space, heading towards the Jiutian Galaxy, the homeland of the Jiutian Clan.

As for the original place, if it weren't for the damage caused by the space battleship, everyone would think that nothing happened here.

A few minutes later, in the Jiutian Galaxy and the Jiutian Holy Land.

Sir! It's not good!

What happened? At this time, Jiugong was already furious, but after hearing someone's report, he suppressed his anger.

We just successfully intercepted the signal of the Nine Heavens Holy Son and their space battleship. No one on the space battleship survived.

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