Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 78 The seal is broken!

You, are you the golden dragon that bestowed the Dragon Gate on the Pacific Ocean today?!

After hearing Wang Ruobin's words, Ren Changjiang was also shocked.

Yes! Only in this way will Dragon King Ao Shun respect Li Quan so much!

Moreover, Ao Shun just called Li Quan Lord True Dragon!

Thinking about it this way, Li Quan's identity becomes very scary.

Could it be said that Li Quan’s information investigation and so on are all fake? !

Don't be surprised, you two. As I said, if anything happens, I'll just handle it.

Now, we can have a good talk about the issues of the Jiutian Clan and the True Phoenix Clan. Li Quan smiled at the two of them with a smile on his face.

In the end, Wang Ruobin and Ren Changjiang left. When they left, they seemed to be doubting their lives.

But, after all, anyone who has this kind of thing happen to him will only doubt his life.

From that day on, the two girls were very confused.

Because their father no longer interfered with their affairs, and told the two daughters that they must have a good relationship with Li Quan, and it would be best to get Li Quan.

Facing the old father's words, the two girls were shocked.

Moreover, their father stopped talking about cultivation. Even if he knew that the two daughters had started practicing, he would not abolish the cultivation of the two daughters as he did at the beginning.

At the gantry, there are small fish and shrimps every day, try to jump over the gantry.

However, not any creature with dragon bloodline can jump through the Dragon Gate. It requires strength to jump.

The potential and strength are not good enough. Even the most basic gantry line cannot be leaped. The opportunity to jump over the gantry is wasted. I will not be able to continue jumping over the gantry in this life.

Apart from that, Li Quan's life was quite pleasant. He occasionally gave advice on Ao Xue's cultivation and other things, watched TV at home and, by the way, teased the two daughters.

I receive all kinds of treasures every day, such as luminous pearls, diamonds and other luxuries. It's a great time.

The two girls' cultivation level is also constantly improving. After one day of practicing Qi, ten days later, they successfully entered the realm of body refining.

After the two women successfully entered the body refining realm, their own bloodline transformed again and was improved.

The techniques practiced by the two girls originally had an effect on bloodline development.

Now, the two women's bloodline awakening has reached a whole new level.

On the day when the two girls had reached body refining and their bloodlines had reawakened, dozens of uninvited guests arrived from outside the solar system.

The True Phoenix Clan and the Jiutian Clan!

These two are the top races in the human alliance. Today, they are all gathered outside the solar system.

Huh? Who am I? It turns out to be the Holy Son of Jiutian of the Jiutian clan. Why don't you stay in your Jiutian Holy Land? What are you doing here?

A star-level warrior from the True Phoenix Clan who traveled across the universe, led dozens of planet-level space battleships from the True Phoenix Clan to come here.

After seeing the members of the Jiutian clan, he couldn't help but sneered.

There are also factions in the Human Alliance.

For example, the Jiutian lineage is similar in appearance to humans, so it is considered to be closer to the Human Emperor lineage.

As for the true phoenix clan, its true body is the phoenix, so it is relatively close to the alien beast sect.

Although the two said they would not fight as soon as they met, there were still a few taunts and the like.

I said who spoke so arrogantly, it turns out to be the Holy Phoenix of the True Phoenix Clan. Why don't you stay in your Phoenix Palace of the True Phoenix Clan and do what you are doing here?

There is no need for Jiutian Holy Son to worry. The descendants of our bloodline are left here, so naturally we will come to welcome them back.

Oh? What a coincidence, the descendants of our bloodline are also left here.

The two looked at each other, knowing each other's intentions.

Humph! In that case, the water in the well does not interfere with the water in the river.


The purpose of both is the same, to bring their respective bloodline descendants to the Holy Land later.

According to the clan leader, this bloodline descendant is related to the opportunity for the rise of their race.

As long as these descendants can be brought back and cultivated, their race will rise again!

There is a small galaxy-level seal here, which is really rare.

What is it that is hidden that would lead to such a seal?

If it weren't for the bloodline amethyst, they probably wouldn't have been able to discover the existence of this hidden formation.

Although it is a formation at the level of a small galaxy, even a strong person at the level of a large galaxy cannot detect it after it is hidden.

However, since it is not a defensive formation, as long as there is a star-level strength, it can be broken.

In other words, either of them can break this seal.

Break this seal.


It goes without saying that the two of them used their great powers together to break the formation that sealed the solar system.

The incarnation of the sacred phoenix, a million-meter-sized phoenix with a strong body and white-gold flying feathers, appeared.

I saw six huge golden light balls suddenly condensed behind it. After the light balls condensed to a certain extent, a beam of light suddenly bloomed.

Six light balls, that is, six beams of light, hit the sealing formation of the solar system together.

And the Holy Son of Jiutian on the side was not to be outdone.

There is no wind in the universe, but under the control of the Nine Heavens Holy Son, a terrifying green hurricane sweeps over the seal.

The solar system is so huge, it is two light-years in size, and so is the seal.

However, with the combined efforts of the two, this seal began to be broken at this moment.

However, the breaking speed is still too slow.

Dozens of pairs of planet-level space battleships led by the two launched a terrifying ray attack together.

The formation collapsed at an accelerated pace, and while inside the Blue Star, Li Bing, Ao Shun and Li Quan felt the changes in the solar system.

The solar system, which was originally lacking in energy, unexpectedly ushered in a brand new energy storm at this moment.

The energy storm swept across the entire Blue Star, but anyone with cultivation, Long, could feel their cells being happy.

As for Li Quan, his experience points have stopped improving, and at this moment, the data is rising crazily.

After a while, level seventy-one, level seventy-two.

The level is constantly improving, and Li Quan can find that his strength is gradually improving, and the speed of improvement is very rapid.

What's going on? Just when Li Quan was wondering, Li Bing's figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Quan.

Huh? Li Bing?

Father, the sealing formation of the solar system has been broken.

Broken? I haven't done anything yet. Suddenly, Li Quan seemed to have thought of something.

An enemy is coming. Jiutian clan and True Phoenix clan, come with me to meet the enemy. After saying this, Li Quan transformed into a million-meter dragon and flew in the direction of Jiutian Holy Son and Holy True Phoenix.

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