Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 74 The old father comes to the door

After Ao Shun successfully crossed the dragon gate, all the members of the Blue Star Dragon Clan became excited!

Jump over the dragon gate!

Their Dragon King actually successfully crossed the Dragon Gate!

However, this is only expected. However, after millions of years, a dragon has once again successfully crossed the Dragon Gate. This is such an amazing thing.

As long as you successfully cross the dragon gate, you have the potential to become a powerful dragon.

If he doesn't die, then Ao Shun can become the top member of the dragon clan in the future.

After Ao Shun successfully crossed the dragon gate, that was the goal of all the dragon clan!

After successfully crossing the dragon gate, Ao Shun's size directly returned to 100,000 meters!

wrong! Beyond 100,000 meters! Keep heading towards millions.

It's a pity that it withered when it soared to 600,000.

However, even so, a body length of 600,000 is still a terrifying number.

After Ao Shun took the lead to jump over the dragon gate, a group of giant dragons from the Blue Star Dragon Clan also began to leap over the dragon gate.

It's a pity that after a whole day, apart from Ao Shun, only one little dragon successfully crossed the dragon gate.

And this little dragon, all crystal clear, is a white dragon.

No one thought that this little white dragon, only a hundred meters long, could cross the dragon gate and have the potential to become a powerful dragon.

As long as you successfully cross the dragon gate, the symptom of infertility can be eliminated directly.

Not only that, as long as they are leaping dragons, the blood in all dragons has also been strengthened to a greater or lesser extent.

Finally done. Li Quan said with a sigh of relief as he looked at the dragons flying over the dragon gate.

This time, although one billion was spent to build a dragon gate.

However, it is not without gain.

At the very least, the strength of the giant dragons of the Blue Star Dragon Clan has been transformed. In addition, Li Quan's wealth is constantly soaring.

From the beginning, there were only 300 million left, and it has soared to 5.6 billion today, and this figure is still increasing.

This may be what is called making a fortune.

At the end of the day, Blue Star's strength soared a lot.

As for Dragon Gate, every dragon only has one chance to leap forward in his life.

Once used, it will not be possible to fly over the gantry again from now on.

Unless there are special circumstances, you can make another leap.

In addition, any creature with dragon bloodline, no matter whether it is a dragon or not, as long as it jumps through the dragon gate, the dragon bloodline in the body will transform.

Thus joining the lineage of the Blue Star Dragon Clan.

Of course, humans can do it too. After all, in ancient times, dragons and humans were in alliance. Naturally, there were also dragons and humans who fell in love.

After a whole day, Li Quan finally returned to his villa.

In the villa, the two girls are still practicing.

The speed of cultivation is very astonishing, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he can enter the body refining stage.

The two girls were practicing, so of course Li Quan was embarrassed to disturb their practice.

Then they silently hugged Li Lan and watched TV together. As for making money, is Li Quan missing?

But, late at night, an uninvited guest, no, two uninvited guests, came to the door.

Open the door! Open the door! Only the voices of two men were heard outside the door.

One of the voices sounded familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

When Li Quan opened the door, he found Wang Ruobin and a middle-aged uncle who was the same size as Wang Ruobin and looked quite handsome.

Uncle Wang, why are you here?

Also, who is this? Li Quan looked at the middle-aged handsome uncle with a puzzled look and asked.

Huh! I'm Ren Changjiang. Ren Changjiang said with a slightly unhappy expression.

Ren Changjiang, Li Quan thought about it for a moment, wasn't this Ren Hong's father Ren Changjiang!

Why did the father of these two girls suddenly come to visit?

wrong! The two girls are now in Li Quan's villa, all night long, no! You haven't gone back all day, shouldn't others come to your door?

But what happened to the Yangtze River this time?

If Li Quan remembers correctly, Ren Changjiang should be in Wuyue City. When Ren Hong went to Guangbei Village for two days before, Ren Changjiang should not know about it either.

Why did he suddenly come to the door this time, with a hint of anger on his face?

Uh, it turns out they are two uncles, please come in. Now that the identities of the two are known, it is much simpler.

Li Quan directly invited the two of them into the villa, but they did not look good on Li Quan.

Especially Wang Ruobin, who asked Li Quan angrily: Li Quan, did you let my daughter practice?!

Li Quan was a little surprised after hearing this. How did Wang Ruobin know?

Don't deny it. As long as Xiaoyuan practices, the bloodline amethyst will shine.

Do you know that you are sending the entire Blue Star to death?

When it came to this, Wang Ruobin was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

The same is true for Ren Changjiang on the side.

Wait a minute, uncles, the two of them are practicing just to give them the ability to protect themselves and extend their lifespan. Is it as exaggerated as you say?

It's just cultivation, and it won't destroy the world. Are these two people so exaggerated?

You kid, what do you know! As he said this, Ren Changjiang walked directly towards the room where the two girls were. When he was about to kick the door open, Ren Changjiang found that his hands and feet could not move.

What's going on? Not only Ren Changjiang, but also Wang Ruobin.

Li Quan sat silently on the sofa, then smiled at the two of them and said, How about you two uncles sit down here and let's talk about some issues about them?

Li Quan's fingers tapped lightly on the glass table, and the two of them walked towards the sofa uncontrollably.

When the two sat down, their faces were full of shock.

Both of them have cultivation bases. They are both strong men who have reached the peak of the Golden Core and are only one step away from entering the Nascent Soul.

However, with such strength, he could not control his body.

What is your identity? Wang Ruobin had tested Li Quan's strength before and thought that Li Quan was just a simple physical practitioner.

After all, there are two types of cultivation world, one is physical cultivation, and the other is the mass practice of practicing Qi into the body and taking the path of cultivation.

The reason why Li Quan is stronger than him is that he thinks it is physical cultivation.

However, it seems now that Li Quan is not a physical practitioner at all!

Who am I? Is this really important? Li Quan said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.

I want to know more about Keyuan and Ren Hong. I wonder if the two uncles can tell me?

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