Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 72 Bloodline Awakening

After hearing Li Lan's words and looking at Li Lan's big 'pure' eyes, Li Quan took a breath silently, and then shouted at Li Lan: Get out!

This girl simply goes to the house and demolishes the tiles if she doesn't beat her for a day.

This kind of thing can also be said.

However, after taking a look, due to the absorption of inheritance, the bodies of the two women unconsciously became hot, and fragrant sweat gradually broke out.

It looks a little bit painful, and it's really a little bit attractive.

For some reason, Li Quan always felt that Li Lan's statement might be worth trying. It's bullshit!

Li Quan is a gentleman, at least he thinks so.

If the two girls were given to each other in this state, wouldn't Li Quan be a beast?

They are now accepting the inheritance you gave them. As long as they can accept it, their path to practice will be smooth.

After Li Quan heard this, there was nothing he could do. They had to rely on themselves.

Li Quan couldn't help them. The most he could do was take care of their bodies. By the way, he would call the two girls 666 or something.

I don’t know how much time passed, but it was already past two o’clock in the morning.

Li Quan and Li Lan didn't need to sleep at all, so they stayed until the two girls woke up.

After a while, the two girls finally woke up, and the first one to wake up was Wang Keyuan.

When Wang Keyuan woke up and saw the ceiling above the living room of the villa, she was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something and hurriedly sat up.

Oh, you're awake. At this time, Wang Keyuan looked to her right and found that Li Quan was holding Li Lan. The father and daughter were sitting on the sofa and said to Wang Keyuan with a smile on their faces. .

Huh? Why did I have so many things in my mind just now?

Wang Keyuan herself has the bloodline of the Nine Heavens, so the inherited technique she received is the Nine Heavens Encircling the Universe.

Once she practices the Nine Heavens Ringing the Universe, Wang Keyuan can quickly increase her strength to the Mahayana stage before reaching the half-star level.

As for after the Mahayana period, you have to wait for Li Quan to change to a brand new method.

As you think, I will give you and Sister Hong, each of you an inheritance about your own bloodline.

You only need to practice the techniques in your mind, and your strength will soar quickly.

Bloodline inheritance? After hearing these four words, Wang Keyuan was stunned for a moment, then recalled the two books that appeared in Li Quan's hands before, with a complicated look on her face, she looked at Li Quan and asked: Li Quan, what is your true identity?

Is my true identity really that important? After hearing this, Li Quan responded with a smile on his face.

My true identity will be told to you when the time comes, and you don't need to pay so much attention. Now, all you need to do is to improve your own cultivation level, so that you can be worthy of what I have given you. exercises.

That's one billion, a technique comparable to the price of a dragon gate!

Poor Fang Tonghao, although he also has the skills given by Li Quan, his skills are only worth one hundred wealth points, while the two women's skills are worth one billion.

If Fang Tonghao knew about this gap, I wonder if Fang Tonghao would cry?

Of course, Fang Tonghao's technique is only a incomplete one that cannot be cultivated to a higher level. After all, it only has the first level at the beginning.

In addition, Li Quan also needs to add the following content to Fang Tonghao.

If it were to be purchased completely, it would probably cost 100 million to buy it perfectly.

Okay. Although Wang Keyuan was curious about Li Quan's true identity, she still knew herself.

At the very least, she would not do things that disgusted Li Quan or make Li Quan difficult to make a choice.

Of course, this difficult decision is about certain things, not the fight between the two women.

Soon, after Wang Keyuan woke up, Ren Hong also woke up soon after.

When Ren Hong woke up, the flames of the true phoenix suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Red flames appeared in his eyes, startling Wang Keyuan who was standing beside him.

Your bloodline seems to have opened up a little bit. After Ren Hong woke up, Li Quan clearly felt that something was wrong with Ren Hong.

After feeling it carefully, I discovered that Ren Hong's bloodline showed some signs of awakening.

In addition, the same is true for Wang Keyuan.

After Ren Hong successfully awakened a little bloodline, Wang Keyuan refused to admit defeat and forced herself to awaken as well.

Fortunately, God still favored Wang Keyuan.

Like Ren Hong, Wang Keyuan also awakened a little bit of her bloodline.

The moment the bloodline was activated, Wang Keyuan's eyes actually had a special nine characters.

In addition, the cold wind suddenly emanated from Wang Keyuan's body.

If Ren Hong's bloodline represents fire, then Wang Keyuan's bloodline represents coldness.

It's always hot and cold around you, so if you stay there for a long time, ordinary people will probably get sick.

Sister Hong, how are you feeling now? Li Quan looked at Ren Hong curiously and asked.

I feel full of power all over my body, and I have never felt so comfortable. The bloodline opened a little bit, and at this time, Ren Hong only felt that power was continuously being stimulated from the bloodline.

This feeling is so wonderful, almost addictive.

Me too, it feels like this power is innate. Wang Keyuan also felt the power all over her body and exclaimed in wonder.

Human potential is huge, especially the Blue Star human race.

This point has something to do with the great supernatural being from ancient times.

The humans of Blue Star can burst into powerful power as long as they can correctly develop the potential of their bodies.

In ancient times, most of the powerful powers of the demon clan were sealed by the powerful powers of the Blue Star human clan.

However, at the moment when the two girls awakened.

In the universe, among the stars of the Nine Heavens, the Mysterious Stars of the Nine Heavens, and the Holy Land of the Nine Heavens, a crystal as white as jade suddenly bloomed with light.

The old man guarding the crystal looked like an immortal who had attained enlightenment.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the crystal beside him.

After truly confirming that this piece of crystal was really shining, everyone became excited.

The Nine Heavens lineage is finally rising!

When the old man was excited, he pointed towards the crystal with one hand.

The crystal gradually transformed into Wang Keyuan's appearance, and the location of Blue Star was also directly exposed.

I didn't expect that someone from the Jiutian clan, like me, would be left behind on this planet.

But why are there people from the Jiutian lineage living here?

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