Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 69 The Infertile Blue Star Dragon Clan

If you want everyone in Blue Star to take a step further in strength, you must break the formation seal set by the ancient powers in the solar system, right?

After hearing this, Li Quan asked hesitantly.

Yes, Father, but the seal of the solar system is not only protection, but also a kind of restraint.

Blue Star, it is recorded in the legends of ancient times that as long as you find the Blue Star, you can gain powerful power and be able to break the strength of a large galaxy.

This sentence was very popular in ancient times.

Even though millions of years have passed, I'm not sure whether it's still circulating.

Once this ancient legend is still spread, then Blue Star will be in danger.

Of course, Blue Star is not sure whether this legend has spread because it has been kept secret for millions of years.

Where did this legend come from?

Li Quan would like to know who told this legend. Since you can gain powerful power if you get the Blue Star, why are the humans who have been living on the Blue Star so weak?

Obviously, this is just a lie.

I don't know this, because this legend has been circulating as long as I can remember it.

Well, this is a legend that lasts longer than the other three sisters.

Okay, let's talk about breaking the seal when the time comes.

Now it's time to give you a name. Since Li Lan and Li Ya both have one, as their eldest sister, you naturally have to have one too.

Please give me your name, Father. After hearing Li Quan's words, Tianlong suddenly knelt down on one knee towards Li Quan.

If other people saw this scene, among other things, they would definitely roll up their sleeves and point at Li Quan and shout child abuse.

Get up, it's not just a name.

Father, you also said that you don't know that names given by a true dragon have power. Anyone who can be named by a true dragon will be somehow connected to the true dragon.

And, with this name, the owner's strength will also increase.

Li Quan was stunned after hearing this. Is he so powerful? Why doesn't he know.

Forget it, just call me Li Bing. As soon as he said this, Li Bing shouted to Li Quan with a smile on his face: Thank you, father, for the name!

Okay, okay, as long as you three sisters don't cause any trouble to me.

Li Ya and Li Bing's words made Li Quan feel a little relieved, but as for Li Lan's words.

This girl, Li Quan is simply uncomfortable if she doesn't say anything for a day.

Soon, three days passed.

During the three days, Li Quan enjoyed himself at home. Of course, he also occasionally joked with Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong to enhance their relationship.

In addition, Fang Tonghao has finally reached the body-refining level.

He has good strength, and he vaguely carries the aura of a dragon king.

Today, Li Quan received an uninvited guest at his home.

Dragon King Ao Shun!

However, the Dragon King Ao Shun in front of him was the kind who visited privately incognito.

Hello, Lord True Dragon! Li Quan, who was holding Li Lan and watching the entertainment channel at home, was laughing heartily when the shadow of Dragon King Ao Shun suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Huh? Dragon King?

Xiaolong doesn't dare to take it seriously. Master Zhenlong, just call Xiaolong Ao Shun.

Hello, Ancestor Earth Dragon. After greeting Li Quan, Ao Shun saw Li Lan in Li Quan's arms and quickly said respectfully to Li Lan.

Well, okay, you little dragon, don't stop me from watching TV, go ahead.

After Li Lan heard this, he pushed Ao Shun aside because Ao Shun was blocking Li Lan from watching TV.

Li Lan was stronger than Ao Shun. Before Ao Shun could react, he was pushed to the side of the sofa.

Uh. The moment he sat on the sofa, Ao Shun stood up immediately.

What's wrong with you? If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly and don't disturb the two of us watching TV.

Seeing Ao Shun stand up suddenly, Li Lan said to Ao Shun a little unhappy.

Well, actually, Master Zhenlong, we have something to ask you this time.

What's going on? Li Quan asked after biting a potato chip with a puzzled look on his face.

Some questions about our Blue Star Dragon Clan. Soon, Ao told Li Quan the current situation of the Blue Star Dragon Clan.

Although hundreds of years ago, the Blue Star Dragon Clan was greatly disappointed with the dragon vein slaying thing, so they left Blue Star and went to live in a secret realm that remained in the ancient heaven, and named it the Dragon Clan Fantasy Land.

After living in the dragon environment for hundreds of years, although my life was very comfortable, I also faced a problem.

In the fantasy world of dragons, offspring cannot be conceived.

Originally, they thought that they could give birth to offspring again as long as they left the dragon fantasy world, but they were wrong.

Even after leaving the fantasy world of dragons, until now, they have not been able to successfully give birth to offspring, and the success rate is still zero!

It didn't take long for them to discover the problem.

In the dragon fantasy, there is a mysterious force that controls the dragon's reproductive function, causing all dragons living in the dragon fantasy to lose the ability to give birth to offspring.

If one continues, the Blue Star Dragon Clan will be completely extinct!

As for expelling that mysterious power, it won't work.

Because, after living in the fantasy world of dragons for hundreds of years, this power has become seriously attached to their bodies.

It can't be eliminated at all. The only way is to find Li Quan! The origin of this dragon clan! Lord True Dragon!

Only Li Quan has the ability to make the Blue Star Dragon Clan develop again.

So, you are looking for me to treat infertility?

Ahem, yes, Lord True Dragon. After hearing Li Quan's words, Ao Shun said a little embarrassed.

I'm not a dragon doctor, how can I help you with treatment? Li Quan was dumbfounded. People came to him for infertility. Shouldn't they go to the hospital for treatment?

Master True Dragon, even the dragon doctor can't do anything. This mysterious power, because we have been here for hundreds of years, has overlapped with our own power, and there is no way to get rid of it.

Ao Shun was also very depressed. If it weren't for this reason, would the Blue Star Dragon Clan return to Blue Star?

Even if you say so, I don't. However, before Li Quan could finish speaking, the system store popped up.

This system store, which has been silent for several days, is online again.

This time, the items provided to Li Quan turned out to be treasures that could bring about the current status of the Blue Star Dragon Clan, but the price was a little expensive.

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