Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 62 Dragon and Tiger!

Who is this? Why does the body exude such a terrifying aura? !

The tiger was immediately stunned after feeling Li Quan's aura. This tiger had no intention of resisting this terrifying pressure. It was so frightened that it immediately fell down on all fours and surrendered with its head toward Li Quan.

It was really scary. He just wanted to go hunting. Why did he encounter such a terrifying existence?

After the tiger felt the terrifying dragon power on Li Quan, he was so frightened that he did not dare to move.

Li Quan saw Tiger making his decision and nodded with satisfaction.

Dragon power, this is an ability that can make everything in the world surrender. This tiger is just a tiger that is about to become a spirit. No, even a tiger that has become a spirit cannot withstand Li Quan's terrifying dragon power.

Well, very good. In that case, if you choose to surrender to me, then I will reluctantly accept you. As for why Li Quan wanted to accept this tiger, it was naturally Li Quan's own plan.

When Li Quan's strength reached level 70, he gained an ability called Dragon Blood Technique. Dragon Blood Technique can create dragons from his own blood.

In this regard, Li Quan wanted to try it with his own blood.

Now, there is a tiger that is about to become a sperm right in front of us and we can try it out.

Since you choose to surrender to me, I will not treat you badly.

But if you dare to betray me, do you know the consequences of betraying me? As he said this, Li Quan's illusion began to activate.

In Tiger's mind, Li Quan's proud figure appeared.

A real dragon, bigger than Blue Star, appeared in front of the tiger and stared at the tiger.

At this time, in the outside world, the tiger's eyes were almost turning white.

The kind that scares your guts to the point of bursting.

Li Quan saw the good effect and nodded with satisfaction.

Then his left and right fingers cut open his right index finger, and blood fell from Li Quan's finger.

Drops of blood fell on the tiger's head.

Li Quan's blood is extraordinary. Even in human form, he still has the blood of a true dragon.

After the blood came into contact with the tiger, the tiger's body began to expand rapidly. While expanding, the tiger struggled and roared in pain.

Li Quan just retreated silently, looking at the growing tiger.

And because the tiger's roar is so loud, even people outside the Immortal Life Mountain can hear the tiger's terrifying roar.

When the two girls were about to discuss why their father did not allow them to practice, they heard the tiger's terrifying voice, and they were so frightened that they hugged each other.

W-what on earth is going on?! There was a trace of fear on the faces of the two women.

Suddenly, they thought of something.

Li Quan!

Li Quan was running in that direction alone, wouldn't something go wrong with Li Quan?

Although the two women were frightened, they successfully overcame their inner fear and walked towards the direction of Li Quan, wanting to see whether Li Quan was alive or dead.

At this time, the tiger finally returned to normal after roaring.

The tiger at this time, no, it should be said to be a combination of dragon and tiger.

It has a tiger's head, but it has two sharp dragon horns. In addition, important parts of its body are covered with scales, and its spine has the unique backbone of the dragon tribe.

The tail also turned directly into a dragon's tail, which looked very powerful.

Roar! The tiger roared in the forest! At this moment, all the wild animals in the entire Immortal Mountain surrendered.

Yes, yes, from now on you will be called Longhu. Well, Longhu, a very simple and crude name.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Longhu gradually shrank in size and finally returned to his original posture.

However, the tiger's appearance at this time was very different from that of the tiger at the beginning.

From now on, you will be in this Immortal Life Mountain. By the way, this is for you. Li Quan's finger just touched Longhu's forehead.

At the same time, the system store popped up, and a training book called Dragon Tiger Jue appeared.

Dragon and Tiger Secret (100 million wealth value)

A fortune worth 100 million is just a small amount for Li Quan, who is now rich.

Moreover, this is the first dragon he has cultivated with his own hands, so he must take proper care of it.

The Dragon and Tiger Technique transitioned from Li Quan's fingers to Long Hu's sea of ​​consciousness.

From now on, Immortal Mountain will be your command area, but remember, you are not allowed to harm humans.

Otherwise, you know the consequences. After hearing the consequences of Li Quan, Longhu, who was originally in an arrogant state, was immediately trembling with fear.

It's really terrifying. Is this the strength of Lord True Dragon? !

wrong! This is not the real strength of Lord True Dragon, this is just the tip of the iceberg of Lord True Dragon!

Dragon Tiger was originally a tiger that was about to become a spirit. Now he has obtained Li Quan's dragon blood and transformed into a member of the dragon clan. At this time, his wisdom is no longer that of normal ordinary people.

Therefore, Longhu could still hear Li Quan's words clearly.

In that case, you go ahead and remember to restrain the beasts in this Immortal Mountain.

After Li Quan gave the order, he expelled Longhu. After all, Li Quan had already felt the arrival of the two women.

When the two girls came behind Li Quan, Li Quan turned around and smiled at the two girls with a smile on his face: Why are you here?

You, are you okay Li Quan? Wang Keyuan asked Li Quan with a worried expression.

Me? What can happen to me?

On the contrary, it's you who are hugging each other.

Li Quan looked at the two girls hugging each other and asked with a smile on his face.

After the two women reacted, they looked at each other and separated immediately after a moment.

No, no! We didn't hug each other!

Yes! No! The faces of the two women who were seen by Li Quan quickly turned red. They were too shy.

Forget it, let's keep walking and see if there is any game on the Immortal Mountain that we can hunt.

Li, Li Quan, why don't we go back. At this time, Wang Keyuan said with a hint of prayer on her face.

Go back? Why?

There are tigers on the Immortal Ming Mountain. Didn't you hear such a loud roar just now? Ren Hong said to Li Quan with a worried look on his face.

Oh, you tell me this, it's okay, let alone tigers, even if lions and elephants come, I can fight them off. While saying this, Li Quan punched the big tree where the three of them were hugging each other. , the big tree was instantly discounted by Li Quan.

Don't worry, with me here, your safety is guaranteed. Mere beasts are no match for me. Li Quan said with a smile on his face.

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