Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 54 Prepare what you need

What? Li Quan asked with a hint of curiosity on his face when he heard that Li Zhen was going to teach him something.

Hehehe, of course it's the secret to picking up girls!

After Li Quan heard this, he looked at his old father in surprise. The secret to picking up girls. Li Zhen actually possessed such a powerful thing? !

What's that look in your kid's face? Let me tell you, your dad was a heartthrob when I was young. Even your mom was one of my kind of suitors!

Having said this, Li Zhen looked smug.

Really? Why don't I think so? Li Quan looked at Li Zhen with disdain and said.

In Li Quan's memory, although Li Zhen was very handsome, was Wang Yun really one of Li Zhen's suitors?

Why didn't Li Quan see it?

Li Zhen's status in the family has always been Wang Yun, Li Quan and Li Zhen.

You kid, don't forget about your past. Do you still want me to teach you?

Yes! Of course I want it, don't ask for it for nothing. Even if you don't use such a good thing, you can at least use it to store Thirteen or something.

Hmph! Although you are not as handsome as your father and I when we were young, you are not bad either.

Let's go home! With that said, Li Zhen walked away first, while Li Quan followed silently while holding Li Lan in his arms.

At the same time, above the sky, Li Lan's consciousness met Li Ya's consciousness.

At this time, Li Lan is not in the loli form, but in the posture of a mature girl.

Li Ya, on the other hand, is a big sister with long ice-blue hair and a quiet and elegant atmosphere.

This is the true face of the two of them. As for the appearance in front of Li Quan, it is a shell.

Liya, do you have anything to do with me? Also, have you solved the demon chaos?

Li Lan played with his hair with the fingers of his right hand and asked Li Ya curiously.

Don't worry about Demon Chaos. It's just a guy with less than one ten thousandth of its strength. With my current strength, I can kill it.

The appearance of demon chaos means that other seals on the Blue Star Earth may also be broken. Remember to pay attention to the seals on the Earth.

Okay, but there are not as many seals on the earth as there are in the ocean, so you have to be careful.

I know this, but the seal on eldest sister's side...forget it, eldest sister is about to come out, let's wait for eldest sister to solve it.

In ancient times, the great powers of the human race suppressed the demons that could not be killed and sealed them in the three regions of heaven, earth and sea.

Nowadays, the emergence of demon chaos means that the seal from ancient times will become invalid.

Once the seal fails, all the sealed demons will escape, and then Blue Star will be in chaos.

After some discussion, the two sisters had a new mission, which was to suppress these ancient demons that broke out of the seal.

The strength of the ancient demons is not something that today's Tenglong Kingdom can deal with.

Its strength is strong enough to destroy the country.

Of course, a demon that has not yet recovered does not have this power, but what if there is more than one demon?

At night, the food is no longer like it was at noon today, with one vegetarian dish and two meat dishes.

It has two vegetarian and six meat dishes, which can be said to be very rich.

There are everything from hairy crabs to big-headed shrimps.

All in all, Li Quan had enough to eat.

Still smells like mom.

After dinner, Li Quan watched TV for a while with his parents, Li Lan, Ren Hong, and Wang Keyuan.

Soon it was eleven o'clock at night.

At this time, most of the villagers in Guangbei Village were asleep, and Li Quan's family was no exception.

There are five rooms, so there is no need to worry about room allocation problems.

Li Quan's room is located on the third floor. There are three rooms on the third floor, and Li Quan's room is right in the middle.

The two daughters, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong, were on both sides of Li Quan's room.

As for Li Lan, Wang Yun took Li Lan away because her grandma wanted to hold her granddaughter to sleep.

When leaving, Wang Yun gave Li Quan a look that you know, and said: Damn it, the weather is too hot recently, your dad and I will sleep deeply when we turn on the air conditioner, so no matter what happens, It’s hard for us all to hear.”

If anything happens, remember to pat our door, got it?

Yeah, I understand. Of course Li Quan knew what Wang Yun meant. Didn't he just want Li Quan and the two girls to do something inappropriate for children?

Yuanyuan and Honghong, if you need anything, just remember to find this brat. You're welcome.

While speaking, Wang Yun held Li Lan in her arms, patted Li Zhen on the shoulder and said, Let's go back to sleep, husband. These young people have a young world, and we have nothing to do with it.

When Li Zhen saw this, he nodded, then patted Li Quan on the shoulder and gave Li Quan a look that said you understand.

And when he was close to Li Quan, he whispered in Li Quan's ear: Son, I have prepared the things you need in the drawer in your room, remember.

After finishing speaking, Li Zhen hugged Wang Yun's shoulders and went downstairs with a smile on his face. When he went downstairs, he closed the door to the third floor.

Oops! Oops! I accidentally locked the door from behind. What should I do?

Oh shit, it's getting dark today. We forgot to put the key to the door there. If we force the door open, we might disturb the neighbors, so you'll have to suffer all night.

As soon as they finished speaking, their voices gradually disappeared, and they apparently went downstairs to their room to sleep.

Li Quan, on the other hand, looked at the closed door silently and rubbed his temples helplessly.

At this time, after the two women behind him reacted, their faces gradually turned red.

Li, Li Quan, I, I'm going to bed, you, you guys go to bed early too, good night!

Wang Keyuan saw this, covered her face, and then ran towards the room like crazy.

Ren Hong on the side was a little better. After all, she had been alone with Li Quan before, so she wasn't too shy.

Well, Li Quan, I'm going to bed too, good night. After saying that, Ren Hong quickly ran to his room and closed the door.

Li Quan sighed helplessly when he saw this.

Of course Li Quan knew what his parents wanted to do.

In desperation, Li Quan could only return to his room.

Suddenly, Li Quan thought that his father had said that there was something he needed in the drawer.

Go to your computer desktop and open the drawer.

It was empty inside and seemed to have been cleaned up in advance by Li Zhen.

Other than that, there was only something similar to a chewing gum package left in the drawer.

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