Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 49 The unsurpassable Wuling Hongguang

The distance of five kilometers is only a matter of tens of seconds for the two super sports cars that exploded with maximum power at this time.

Just when they were surpassing each other and trying to win the final victory, a dark shadow suddenly passed by. At the same time, this dark shadow was accompanied by bursts of low moans from real dragons.

When they quickly looked at the location of the black shadow, they discovered that it was the Wuling Hongguang that had thrown them away before!

What on earth is going on?! Both of them were confused. Is this speed really possessed by Wuling Hongguang?

This simply surpasses everyone's vehicle modification technology today, reaching a point where no one can rival it!

At this time, after Li Quan successfully surpassed these two guys, the corners of his mouth rose with disdain.

Feel good.

So what if you have the ultimate modification?

A dragon energy increase, let’s see which one is better, your modification, or Li Quan’s increase!

However, just when he was about to reach the end, a huge arm suddenly stretched out from the ground, on the road one kilometer away that Li Quan was passing.

At the same time, the owner of the arm also appeared, and it turned out to be a monster!

And it's still a very huge monster, a monster three hundred meters in size!

The appearance of the monster is no different from that of a pig. However, this monster has a green face, fangs, and bone spurs all over its body. It looks very scary.

Hey, isn't this the chaos of demons suppressed by the great powers of the ancient human race in ancient times?

Why did you suddenly break the seal and run out?

At this moment, Li Lan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said with a hint of doubt on his face.

Father, leave it to me. At this moment, Li Quan's ear suddenly heard Li Ya's voice.

Suddenly, there was a heavy rain in the sky. In the rain, the sound of dragon roar suddenly sounded, and a giant dragon made of water appeared out of thin air.

The moment Li Ya appeared, Naxi Taoists who were proficient in divination from all over Tenglong Kingdom suddenly opened their eyes.

The three ancestors of the Dragon Clan, the Earth Dragon, and the Sea Dragon have already appeared. Could it be said that the Dragon Clan will be born again and the troubled times will begin again?!

Li Ya showed his true nature as a dragon. Of course, it was not the real body, but a consciousness like Li Lan.

However, even so, it is enough to deal with the demon chaos that has been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years.

The demon chaos that had just broken the seal did not have enough power to resist Li Ya in his heyday.


Even the Demon Chaos might not be able to defeat some of Li Ya's strength in its heyday, let alone now.

The giant dragon took off and hit the demon Luan's body. Before Luan could make a roar of battle, Li Ya was carried directly into the sky and tried to take Luan into the ocean.

After all, the ocean is Li Ya's home field.

At the moment when Li Ya took the demon away, Li Quan set his sights on the destroyed road.

Because the road happened to be built on the spot where the demon had sealed it, at this time, where the seal was, there was a huge hole that was more than a hundred meters long and unknown how deep it was.

If it were any other car, there would be no way to cross this untouchable gap.

But Li Quan is different!

To put it simply, the Wuling Hongguang driven by Li Quan is different!

This is Wuling Hongguang, which was amplified by Li Quan with dragon energy amplification. It is no longer a mortal object and should be called a dragon weapon!

Lan Lan, sit still! Dad is going to race! Li Quan shouted with a slightly evil smile on his lips.

Come on, Dad! Racing, racing! Li Lan's delicate and cute appearance is particularly pleasing.

hold head high!

Wuling Hongguang once again burst out with dragon roars. At this moment, Wuling Hongguang took advantage of the slight uphill angle and its amazing speed. At this moment, Wuling Hongguang seemed to have turned into a dragon!

And at the moment when Wuling Hongguang made the leap, the two cars behind it that were desperately trying to catch up finally caught up.

No! However, after seeing the bottomless gap, the two sports cars suddenly stopped at the same time.

The extreme speed forced them to slide for three seconds before they stopped.

When they stopped, there was a hint of happiness on their faces.

Because, about ten meters in front of them, there was a huge fracture.

In the center of the fracture is a bottomless pit.

The two were helpless. The gap on both sides was hundreds of meters long. With their speed and the angle, it was indeed possible to jump over it.

However, that is only possible. Once it fails, it will result in a car crash and death.

They are just looking for excitement, not death.

And when they stopped, the Wuling Hongguang driven by Li Quan finally landed on the ground.

Is this a lie? The two looked shocked when they saw the Wuling Hongguang driven by Li Quan surpassing everyone at this moment and successfully flying over the road that was destroyed due to the monster's destruction.

Send me the Wuling Hongguang Feiyue just now.

Sitting in a Bugatti Veyron, a video suddenly came to the phone of a rich second-generation guy.

In the video, the video of the monster breaking the seal and being taken away by Li Ya was played, and then the process of Li Quan driving Wuling Hongguang and leaping over the gap appeared.

There are actually monsters appearing in Chunming Mountain, no! There are also dragons!

Because he was busy fighting with the guy from Maserati while driving the sports car, he didn't notice what happened after the monster broke the seal and was taken away by Li Ya.

However, after seeing Wuling Hongguang flying across the more than 100-meter-long gap, the young man fell silent.

Not only him, but also the Maserati guy was silent.

After a while, the owner of the Bugatti Veyron pressed the Bluetooth headset.

Aluo, prepare a Wuling Hongguang for me.

Master, Master, what are you talking about?

Prepare a Wuling Hongguang for me, do you hear me?

Listen, I heard it

By the way, help me investigate who the owner of the Wuling Hongguang car is. I want to ask him to help me modify it!


Yes, Master.

At this time, after Li Quan successfully flew across the chasm, he gradually slowed down.

With such a huge gap, besides Wuling Hongguang controlled by Li Quan, who else can surpass it?

Dad, it's just so exciting. Li Lan turned around and smiled happily at Li Quan.

Well, let's come and play again next time, but I have to go back now, otherwise my mother will nag me again. While speaking, Li Quan turned his face with a smile to the back seat where the two girls were sitting. He smiled and said, Are you okay? You should be.

However, when Li Quan set his sights on the two women, he was completely confused.

Because at this time, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong were already in the back seat, vomiting fragrance, and their eyes turned white and they fainted in the back seat.

Well, Dad, the two mothers seemed unable to bear it and fainted.

Li Lan on the side looked back, covered his little mouth and snickered.

Li Quan's crazy racing just now caused the two girls, who were already a little motion sick, to faint.

With such a fast speed, the two women are just ordinary people, and of course they cannot withstand such rapid racing and gorgeous drifting.

Ahem, Lan Lan, is there any way you can help them both recover?

At this time, Li Quan looked very embarrassed and asked Li Lan. At the same time, he told Wuling Hongguang to the side of the road.

I was just focused on racing myself, completely forgetting that there were two people behind me who couldn't handle this level of racing.

Okay. After hearing this, Li Lan said with a slight smile on his face.

At the same time, the surrounding earth's spiritual energy began to pour into the bodies of the two women crazily. The originally pale face gradually regained its color, and the two women's faces also gradually recovered.

After recovering, the two women reacted, quickly opened the car door, and then spit out the fragrance from their mouths.

After recovering, the two women each took a bottle of mineral water from Li Quan's hand. After cleaning their mouths, they took big gulps of fresh air.

Are you okay? Li Quan had a look of embarrassment on his face, obviously knowing that he had done something wrong.

What do you say! This time, the two women spoke in unison and started to attack Li Quan.

It’s so abominable!

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