Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 47 Things about going home

Do you really want to make a choice? Li Quan asked with a hint of helplessness on his face, looking at the two beauties pressing against each other.

Of course! I have to choose one between her and me!

The two women pointed at each other and shouted in unison.

After hearing this, Li Quan sighed helplessly and said to his children: Okay, I choose. While saying this, Li Quan pointed his finger at Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

His fingers lingered between the two women, and their expressions were constantly changing, very rich.

Okay! I've decided! Take a taxi back! This is the most compromise solution.

Humph! The two expressed dissatisfaction with Li Quan's method. However, in order to prevent Li Quan from being embarrassed, this was the only way.

In the end, Li Quan took a taxi with Li Lan, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong back to Guangbei Village.

As for Li Ya, according to Li Ya's words, in order not to disturb his father, that is, Li Quan's normal life, although he would follow the four Li Quan, he would not show up on his own initiative.

On the way, the four rented a Wuling Hongguang, and Li Quan acted as the driver.

After all, Li Quan has a real identity: Qiu Mingshan Mountain Racing God!

Of course, this is just an identity imagined by Li Quan. In reality, Li Quan does not have a driver's license. The ones who have driver's licenses are Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

Li Quan, how about I do it? I have three years of driving experience. When they learned that Li Quan did not have a driver's license and had never driven a car, the two women began to panic.

It's okay, don't worry, trust me! Li Quan patted his chest and said confidently.

For Li Quan, who now has great control over himself, driving is just a piece of cake.

Even though Li Quan had never driven a car, he successfully learned to drive under the guidance of Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan.

At this moment, the ‘sprinting’ mode started on the highway.

Simply put, it means driving as fast as possible.

The speed of one hundred and twenty yards is very fast for ordinary people Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan.

However, for Li Quan, who could travel around the Blue Star in an instant, it was still too slow.

At Abi's speed of twenty yards, the scenery outside the car window turned into afterimages.

On the side, Li Lan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, shouted excitedly to speed up.

The two girls hugged each other with pale faces, praying that they would arrive safely along the way.

Li Quan was so terrible that the two girls even regretted teaching Li Quan how to drive.

Isn’t this a complete deception of oneself?

For the first time, the two girls hugged each other and trembled with each other.

Li, Li Quan, can't you slow down? I, we are afraid. Wang Keyuan said in a trembling voice, but unfortunately, Li Quan didn't care.

Don't worry, I'm an experienced driver and my driving skills are top-notch. Look, we passed a Maserati again.

With that said, Li Quan continued to step on the accelerator, and the speed of the car continued to soar.

Moreover, Li Quan discovered that this Wuling Hongguang was not simple, it was actually a modified car!

The speed continued to soar, until one hundred and thirty, one hundred and forty, one hundred and fifty, and soared to one hundred and ninety yards!

At this time, the scenery outside the window really turned into a phantom. For some reason, the two girls always felt like they were motion sick.

At this moment, a Maserati suddenly approached. It was the Maserati that Li Quan had just overtaken.

The owner of the car is a young man who looks quite handsome, but unfortunately he is still not as handsome as Li Quan.

After the Maserati owner drove up, he actually gave Li Quan a middle finger.

Are you young, a Maserati that can be regarded as a sports car was surpassed by a Wuling Hongguang, where is the face?

Naturally, the young man refused to admit defeat and directly caught up with him. He gave Li Quan a middle finger and then surpassed Li Quan.

Can this be tolerated?

Without saying a word, Li Quan continued to speed up, and the speed of the car continued to soar, two hundred yards, two hundred and ten yards!

Gradually, Li Quan once again surpassed Maserati, and when the young owner of the Maserati car looked at Li Quan, Li Quan directly let go of the steering wheel with both hands, gave the Maserati owner double middle finger contempt, and gave him a double friendly greeting.

The young owner of this Maserati was confused. What kind of car is this? Is the engine a sports car engine? !

It's incredible that Wuling Hongguang can outrun Maserati.

However, the glory of blocking the sports car! Li Quan must not be surpassed!

The young man continued to increase the speed. Obviously, his sports car had also been modified. After all, the rich second generation likes drag racing. This is a very common thing in this area of ​​Jiangdu City.

In addition, on the way Li Quan went home, there was a road called Chunming Mountain. The favorite thing of those young people was racing on Chunming Mountain.

At this time, the Wuling Hongguang driven by Li Quan and the Maserati driven by Xiao Younian were on the road to Chunming Mountain.

Without saying a word, the two immediately started their drag racing journey.

At this time, at the starting line of Chunming Mountain, a group of wealthy second-generation people were driving sports cars such as Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Bugatti Veyrons to race on Chunming Mountain.

The winner will receive a joint venture bonus of 30 million.

Thirty million is really nothing to these young family backgrounds.




Following the beautiful referee's order, the five sports cars began to roar with heavy engines. The sound was like a subwoofer, shocking everyone in the audience.

Start! Along with the start sound, the five sports cars buzzed, suddenly erupted like swimming dragons, and rushed forward.

The speed was so fast that after everyone reacted, they only saw the butt of the car a hundred meters away.

Just when everyone was sighing at its rapid speed, two more roars suddenly started.

Everyone looked towards the starting line about three hundred meters away, where two cars were approaching.

It was the Wuling Hongguang driven by Li Quan and the Maserati driven by Xiaoyoun.

The two cars were traveling very fast. In an instant, they crossed the starting line and chased the five sports cars.

Among the five sports cars, the leader is the Bugatti Veyron, a specially modified sports car with a top speed of 450 yards per hour.

Because of this, this Bugatti Veyron is far ahead of the four sports cars behind it by nearly a hundred meters.

However, the four sports cars at the rear are not vegetarian. They have also undergone special modifications. Even if they cannot match the leading Bugatti Veyron, on this winding track in Chunming Mountain, the test is technology. Not the speed!

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