Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 44 Heshibi has been lost long ago!

The Tenglong Kingdom unified the entire Blue Star continent and completely wiped out the demon army.

Of course, those who are not able to become monsters will be resettled. If they are willing to submit, they will become members of the Tenglong Kingdom, that is, the Human Alliance.

If they are unwilling to submit, lock them all in one place, then send people to guard them, and let them fend for themselves.

As for why these people should become members of the Human Alliance, it is very simple, because in the Human Alliance, there are only 0.1% pure-bred humans.

Basically, it is an alliance of races dominated by humans.

After the unification of Tenglong Kingdom, its strength suddenly increased and it developed rapidly.

However, light is always accompanied by darkness, and there are actually traitors, or undercovers, in the Human Alliance.

Minister of Heavenly Secrets.

One of the emperor's right-hand men, he has always been deeply trusted by the emperor, and he can be regarded as a high-ranking person in the Tenglong Kingdom.

The real name of the Minister of Tianji is Zhao Riyuan. Because of his excellent divination skills, he has the name of Tianji and specializes in providing opinions on the future of Tenglong Kingdom.

And Tenglong Kingdom also developed rapidly because of Zhao Riyuan.

However, today his plan will finally succeed.

The plan that has been planned for decades will finally succeed today!

Zhao Riyuan's true identity is actually a descendant of the Destiny Black Turtle clan who is good at divination among the demon army.

While proficient in divination, Zhao Riyuan is also proficient in disguise. The two skills of divination and disguise complement each other, which is why Zhao Riyuan is where he is today.

Minister Tianji, He's Bi has been sent to you. His Majesty the Emperor hopes that you can deduce the location of our ancestors of the Tenglong Kingdom.

Emperor Ji Xuan has always had a dream, which is to lead the entire Tenglong Kingdom back to the embrace of the Universal Human Alliance in his lifetime.

Now that the Human Alliance has 'completely' eradicated the Demon Alliance, it's time to come back.

What Ji Xuan could not do for dozens of generations, he finally did it today!

He's Bi, this is a treasure left by Ji Xuanyuan, the ancestor of mankind.

It contains huge energy, and once it explodes, it can easily destroy the entire Blue Star.

Even the final blow of the rail gun, which was blocked by Li Quan, could not withstand the explosion of Heshi Bi.

Well, okay, tell His Majesty the Emperor that I, Zhao Riyuan, will use up all my energy to calculate the location of the ancestors and contact the ancestors.

Zhao Riyuan looks very kind, and his fairy-like demeanor has deceived many people.

Yes! Minister Tianji. After hearing Zhao Riyuan's words, the general escorting He Shibi said with his hands towards Zhao Riyuan, and then closed the door.

Zhao Riyuan has a habit of not wanting anyone to disturb him when doing calculations.

The door was closed, and Zhao Riyuan came to a box that was protected by multiple layers.

What is contained in this box is the legendary He's Bi, the He's Bi that possesses huge energy!

Whoever can get He's Bi can own the world!

This is the legend passed down from ancient times to this day.

After Zhao Riyuan opened the box with trembling hands, he saw a ray of light suddenly blooming.

Zhao Riyuan closed his eyes subconsciously, then took out a pair of sunglasses from his arms and put them on.

The light of Heshibi was so dazzling that it actually illuminated the whole place in this sealed dark environment.

Finally, I got He's Bi!

Your sacrifice will not be in vain! Let me summon the ancestors!

As he spoke, Zhao Riyuan took out a special device from his arms.

If you take a closer look at this palm-sized, mouse-like device, you will find that it actually has the pattern of the Demon Alliance on it.

Obviously, this is a prop to contact the Demon Alliance.

Zhao Riyuan pressed the communicator onto the He's Jade, which was 30 centimeters in size and looked like crystal.

The communicator received a supply of energy, was charged instantly, and began to operate, emitting signals.

While the signal was being sent out, Emperor Ji Xuan sat silently on the throne.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with glasses wearing a white scientific research uniform shook his glasses, came to Ji Xuan and said: Your Majesty, the emperor has detected a special signal, which was sent from the palace of the Minister of Tianji.

After hearing this, Ji Xuan had a hint of disappointment on his face.

Yen, yen, I have already given you a chance, but I didn't expect that you wouldn't cherish it.

In this case, don't blame me for not missing the old friendship and your contribution to Tenglong Kingdom.

While speaking, Ji Xuan pointed his hand forward, and soon, several Taoist priests who had reached the golden elixir stage came out from the press.

Taoist Master Wang Chong, I'm begging you.

Your Majesty the Emperor, you are welcome. You will kill the remaining demons without any hesitation!

As soon as he finished speaking, these five Taoist monks at the Golden Core Stage disappeared one after another and attacked where Zhao Riyuan was.

I've been suspicious since you accidentally mentioned He's Bi. I planned to give you a chance, but I didn't expect that you wouldn't cherish it.

In that case, don't blame me, alas.

At this time, at Zhao Riyuan's residence, Zhao Riyuan looked at the communicator that was constantly sending out signals with a smile on his face, with a hint of excitement on his face.

However, Zhao Riyuan soon stopped laughing.

Because, this Heshibi turned out to be fake!

Ten seconds after the communicator was successfully turned on, the light of Heshibi disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, Ji Xuan's figure was suddenly projected in the sky above Heshibi.


There are no unnecessary words, just one why.

Zhao Riyuan knew immediately that he had fallen into a trap!

Damn old man! You actually tricked me! This Heshibi is fake!

Zhao Riyuan reacted and knew that he was in doom.

Because the moment Ji Xuan's image came out, he made a calculation for himself.

Ten deaths and no life!

He's Bi is a fake! Where is it really?! Zhao Riyuan refused to give up. Since he was dead, he wanted to be a clear person.

Seeing this, Ji Xuan sighed helplessly: He's Bi? It was lost thousands of years ago.

Yes, it was lost thousands of years ago. Otherwise, why didn't the Tenglong Congress destroy the demon army until now?

He's Bi is the most powerful treasure left by the ancestor Ji Xuanyuan. Its power is incomparable, and the one who wins it can conquer the world.

At this time, Zhao Riyuan also understood that if Tenglong Kingdom really possessed He's Bi, then the demon army would be nothing more than pebbles hitting rocks for Tenglong Kingdom.

If it was still there, why did Mr. Liu cut off the dragon's veins and die with the demon army hundreds of years ago?

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