Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 42 Two people who refused to admit defeat

Wang, Wang Keyuan, why are you here? Li Quan asked with a trace of doubt on his face after seeing Wang Keyuan's figure.

After hearing this, Wang Keyuan explained with a sweet smile on her face: It's nothing. Isn't it because the weather is too hot, so I came here to play.

I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that I saw you guys playing here, so I came here to say hello to you.

While speaking, Wang Keyuan glanced at Li Lan and said with a smile: Lan Lan, do you miss your mother?

Yes! Mom, give me a hug! Li Lan ran towards Wang Keyuan, and then threw herself into Wang Keyuan's arms.

When Ren Hong saw this, he didn't even realize what happened.

When she reacted, Ren Hong's mouth twitched slightly, her face looked a little embarrassed, and she asked Li Quan, Is she Lan Lan's mother?

Didn't you tell me that Lan Lan's mother is dead?

Li Quan:? ?

Obviously, Li Quan was also confused. When did he say that Li Lan's mother was dead?

However, after Li Quan came to his senses, he quickly said: There is nothing wrong with her being Lan Lan's mother, but she is just recognized by Lan Lan, not her real mother.

As for her biological mother, it is probably the continent beneath her feet. After all, the entire continent can be said to have given birth to Li Lan's existence.

After hearing Li Quan's explanation, Ren Hong's face finally looked better.

However, after seeing Wang Keyuan's appearance, Ren Hong's face became embarrassed again.

It's you!

At this time, Wang Keyuan 'heard' Ren Hong's voice and pretended to exclaim: Hey, why is it you? Aren't you staying in Wuyue City? Why are you running to Jiangdu City so free?

Wuyue City?

Yes, I'm from Wuyue City, but because of my studies, I came to Jiangdu City. Ren Hong didn't hide anything about where he was from.

Are you Lan Lan's mother?

Of course. Wang Keyuan said with a hint of arrogance on her face. At the same time, she looked at Li Quan with a hint of shyness on her pretty face.

Li Quan, what do you think of my swimsuit?

After hearing Wang Keyuan's words, Li Quan turned his attention to Wang Keyuan and realized that Wang Keyuan's swimsuit was Ren Hong's style.

Except for the different colors, the rest are exactly the same.

It looks good! Li Quan praised Wang Keyuan with a smile.

Compared with hers, which of our swimsuits looks better?

While saying this, Wang Keyuan put Li Lan down, walked to Ren Hong's side, looked at Li Quan and asked.

Seeing this, Ren Hong also deliberately puffed up her chest and asked Li Quan shyly: Yes, Li Quan, tell me, who of us looks better in swimsuits?

Li Quan:? ? ?

What kind of trouble are the two of them going to have?

Li Quan knew that as long as he said someone was good-looking, he would indirectly 'offend' the other person.

Isn't this just a proposition?

The appearance of the two people is originally rare in the world. Wang Keyuan is like a fish and a wild goose, and Ren Hongwan is ashamed of the flower.

Both of them have excellent bodies with golden proportions, but now it's up to Li Quan to choose who is the prettiest.

Can there be a choice, can there be an answer?

Moreover, because of the two women, Li Quan could feel the eyes of the surrounding people coming towards him.

In fact, Li Quan had no doubt that if sight could kill, Li Quan would have been beaten with thousands of holes.

Ahem, do you really want to hear the truth? Li Quan pretended to cough to relieve his embarrassment.

Yes! To be honest, who is more beautiful, me or her! Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan pointed at each other in unison at this time and said.

Li Quan glanced at the two of them, and when his eyes were fixed on Wang Keyuan, Wang Keyuan felt Li Quan's eyes and felt shy because of Li Quan's eyes.

However, in order to win, Wang Keyuan tried her best to show her most beautiful side.

And when Li Quan's eyes were focused on Ren Hong, Ren Hong was too shy to look directly into Li Quan's eyes.

However, after seeing Wang Keyuan's actions just now, Ren Hong, who refused to admit defeat, also boldly showed his beautiful side.

As a result, Li Quan had to forcefully suppress the evil fire in his heart.

It's so exciting.

Li Quan was originally a strong-blooded man, and since he became a true dragon, Li Quan was a very strong and strong person.

Faced with such a scene, being able to suppress the gun until now has proven that Li Quan has full self-control.

Ahem, what if I say that you all have your own strengths and weaknesses, and I like both of you?

Finally, Li Quan gave a pertinent answer and tentatively probed towards the two women.

Hmph! I knew you would say that.

Humph! Although I'm not very satisfied, that's all.

After the two women heard Li Quan's answer, although they were not satisfied, it was the best answer.

Come on, Lan Lan, how about mom taking you to play on the water roller coaster? At this time, Wang Keyuan came to Li Lan and squatted down, smiling at Li Lan and asked.

While speaking, Wang Keyuan looked at Ren Hong with a playful look, obviously saying, I am Li Lan's mother now, are you?

When Ren Hong saw this, how could he bear this?

After thinking for a while, Ren Hong finally made a decision!

Wait a minute. At this moment, Ren Hong suddenly said.

What's wrong? After hearing this, Wang Keyuan always had a bad premonition for some reason.

Lan Lan said before that I feel like my mother, so I decided that I want to be Lan Lan's mother!

Tch, just because of this sentence, do you think Lan Lan will admit that you are her mother?

Lan Lan, what do you think? Wang Keyuan asked Li Lan with a smile on her face.

Okay! Lan Lan has a mother again! Lan Lan is so happy.

However, when Wang Keyuan asked Lan Lan, Lan Lan's answer was beyond Wang Keyuan's imagination.

You Lan Lan, are you telling the truth? Wang Keyuan looked in disbelief.

Yes, Lan Lan wants many, many mothers. In this case, Lan Lan can get twice as much love from her mother. Li Lan's eyes were very 'pure'. Seeing Li Lan's eyes, the two of them simply fell in love with each other. He couldn't bear to scold Li Lan.

They even recalled Lan Lan's life experience.

Because of the 'departure' of his biological mother, Li Lan lacked her mother's care, so it makes sense that she would make such a decision.

After hearing Li Lan's words, Ren Hong responded to Wang Keyuan with a playful look, obviously saying: I am also Li Lan's mother!

Li Quan had nothing to say about the behavior of Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

These two women have a will not to admit defeat, and with Li Lan 'fanning the flames', today's trip to Dinosaur Park will be troublesome.

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