Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 409 Playing tricks

Brother, why do you suddenly ask this question?

Why, as the eldest brother, am I not even qualified to ask this question?

While speaking, Li Quan patted Li Zun on the shoulder and said with a smile: Okay, I'm just teasing you, but the bloodline of our old Li family cannot be cut off in the hands of our generation.

After hearing this, Li Zun nodded helplessly and said, Okay, I will work harder.

That's good, okay. If there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first. I hope you can conquer the entire universe.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan turned around and walked away, leaving behind Li Zun who looked helpless and sighed.

After the meeting, Bai Ling and Jiuli naturally returned to the cabin.

Even though a hundred years have passed, they have not moved away from this cabin. It can be said that this cabin is the place where they have stayed for a long time.

By the time Li Quan returned to the cabin, Bai Ling and Bai Ling had already returned to the cabin and started practicing.

Hundreds of years have passed.

Bai Ling's strength has finally reached the fusion stage, while Jiu Li's strength still maintains the level of a small galaxy.

After all, for an existence at the level of a small galaxy, even with the help of a godhead, it would take tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years to quickly improve its strength.

Compared to a normal small galaxy level powerhouse that can take millions of years to improve one level of strength, Jiu Li's speed can be said to be faster than even a rocket ride.

There is not much interaction between the two. Of course, a hundred years have passed, and although there will be some quarrels between the two, their relationship is getting deeper day by day.

Soon, Li Quan appeared beside the two of them in an instant. At this time, the two were practicing and did not notice Li Quan who suddenly appeared next to them.

In response, Li Quan had a smile on his face.

The figure gradually dimmed and disappeared.

The next second, Bai Ling felt as if he had been punched in the head.

After waking up from practice, he looked at Jiuli beside him with a confused look on his face and asked, Senior sister, why did you hit me?

After hearing this, Jiuli slowly opened his eyes and responded with a hint of doubt: Hit you? When did I hit you?

Didn't you hit me?

I have been practicing just now, how can I hit you?

After hearing this, Bai Ling felt that this seemed to be the truth.

After all, if you are in a state of cultivation, you don't want to wake up from it unless it is necessary.

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to re-enter the cultivation state.

Soon, the two entered the state of cultivation again.

This time, Li Quan did not play tricks on Bai Ling, but chose to attack Jiuli.

After Li Quan's hand slowly reduced to the size of Bai Ling's hand, he began to scratch Jiu Li's waist.

In a state of high concentration, Jiu Li didn't even notice Li Quan's small movements.

Naturally, Li Quan succeeded.

It was because of Li Quan's sudden tickling that Jiu Li burst into tears subconsciously.

Bai, Bai Ling, stop making trouble.

While speaking, Jiuli patted where Bai Ling was.

Ren Bailing looked at Jiuli with a confused look on his face: Senior sister, what's wrong with you?

No, no, I should be the one to ask you what's wrong.

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