Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 407 Preparations before the war

However, in the endless void, a world where no one knows how long time has passed, Li Quan actually spent more than a year.

I have to say, this endless void is really terrifying.

Originally, Li Quan thought it would only take him a dozen days, but it took him a year.

After Li Quan returned to the cabin, his two apprentices were not in the cabin. At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, and it must be evening.

Huh? Where did these guys go when they weren't at home?

Li Quan had a look of doubt on his face, and then walked towards the palace.

His own mental power covered the entire Seoul by the way, and after a while, he found the whereabouts of his two apprentices.

It turned out that they were all in the palace, not only them, but also Li Quan's twenty-nine students and Li Zun himself.

The people gathered in the palace seemed to be discussing something.

Moreover, at this time, the palace was full of powerful officials.

Li Quan was not in a hurry to show up, but was inquiring about their words.

Everyone, I think everyone is ready, right?

Li Zun was full of majesty at this time. A hundred years later, his own strength has successfully broken through the Mahayana stage and achieved half-step planetary level.

In the universe continent, he is equivalent to a demigod.

However, this demigod is not ordinary. If he really wants to unleash his true combat power, even a planet-level existence will not be Li Zun's opponent.

No, even at the stellar level. After all, with the bonus of all the residents of the Longhuang Empire, the power of the Human Emperor is so powerful.

We are ready. Now, there are a total population of 700 billion monks in the Golden Core stage. Even in the Nascent Soul stage, there are more than 600 million.

As for the integration period, there are only more than 6,000 people.

These more than 6,000 people were the first batch of native residents of the Universe Continent to become monks.

Now, a hundred years have passed, and their strength has become even stronger.

As for the students who have already condensed the godhead at this time, because they complement each other with the power of the godhead, their strength has reached the half-step planet level.

Equivalent to the demigod level of all members.

The existence of demigods can be said to be enough to sweep away the Dharma Gods surrounding them.

Moreover, having accumulated the strength for so long, it was time to take action.

Otherwise, the gang of Dharma gods who surround them outside will think that they are weak persimmons for a hundred years.

In this case, we will make a plan and wait until three months later to launch a full-scale attack on the Universe Continent!

Li Zun's words can be described as very domineering. Compared to the universe continent, it is not an exaggeration to say that the chaotic land is the size of a virus.

Just relying on such a small population, they want to occupy the entire cosmic continent. I am afraid that if the gods and demons outside know about it, they will laugh out loud.

However, what they didn't know was that Li Zun really had this strength.

Fighting requires not only momentum, but also strength and popular support.

As long as they are frightened, the situation will be the same as in the chaotic land. The second and third largest forces will surrender and be destroyed one after another, and the remaining forces will surrender one after another.

Those who did not surrender would be massacred directly.

This can also work on the cosmic continent.

After all, not everyone has a strong heart.

Do you have any opinions?

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