Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 398 Heading to the unknown endless void

Soon, several years passed, and the students finally condensed their own godhead. It can be said that the overall strength has improved by more than one step.

As for the overall strength of the Longhuang Empire, due to the years of recuperation, the new generation with the highest cultivation level has reached the Golden Core stage.

As for the average cultivation level, it has reached the foundation building stage. It can be said that it will not be long before he can lead an army to attack.

As for Li Quan, it's time to leave the cosmic continent and go to the unknown endless void.

Master, are you leaving?

On this day, after Li Quan told Li Zun and others where he was going, he returned to the cabin so that Bai Ling could say goodbye.

Well, that's right. After all, your master and I also want to improve my strength.

Although Li Quan is now so powerful that he can explode, the universe continent is just a toy in front of Li Quan.

The kind that can be destroyed in a single thought.

However, no one knows what is there in the unknown endless void.

However, Li Quan learned a few years ago that there was a so-called safe zone in the endless void.

As long as you come to the safe zone, you may not necessarily gain anything good.

Master, you are so powerful, can you bring Bai Ling with you?

Bai Ling asked Li Quan with a hint of pleading on his face.


Li Quan rejected Bai Ling without hesitation.

After all, the endless void is no joke. Even a Hunyuan-level existence in the endless void will be completely corroded by the power of the void because it cannot receive energy.

Although Li Quan could take Bai Ling with him, in addition to the corrosion of the endless void, there were also many unknown dangers.

Therefore, for safety reasons, Li Quan decided that it would be safer to set off alone.

Otherwise, when a war breaks out, it will be difficult to take care of Bai Ling.

Hey, master, just take Bai Ling with you. Bai Ling promises to be obedient!

Well, it's not that I don't want to take you, but the place where the master goes is not to any corner of the universe, but to the endless void.

Only after your strength reaches the Nine Palaces realm, the master can take you out.


Li Quan had already mentioned this, so of course Bai Ling could only compromise and stop begging Li Quan to take her away.

Master, it's a deal!

Well, of course.

After hearing what Bai Ling said, Li Quan responded with a smile.

Okay, while I'm away, just listen to your senior sister's words honestly. If I find out what trouble you caused when I come back, don't blame me for being cruel, master.

Li Quan now has a general understanding of Bai Ling's character, so he warned Bai Ling.

Luanluanluo! No way!

Li Quan saw this and scraped Bai Ling's nose helplessly.

Then the figure dissipated in an instant, turning into a point of light and disappearing in front of Bai Ling.

Jiu Li, who was on the side, folded his hands on his chest, with a hint of fun on his face, and said to Bai Ling: Bai Ling, the teacher has just given instructions. During the period when the teacher leaves, you You have to listen to me.

Hmph! I don't want it.

However, Jiuli did not respond to Bai Ling, but smiled and silently used the Xuanjing Technique.

Among them, there is the conversation between Bai Ling and Jiu Li just now.

Sister! You!

Unexpectedly, Jiuli would record this sentence. If Li Quan knew that he had just left and said this, wouldn't he be punished by Li Quan when he came back?

Senior sister! My good senior sister!

We are all under the same master, why should we care about each other?

Delete your mysterious realm skills.

After hearing this, Jiuli responded with a smile on his face: What a beautiful idea.

I will remember this video. As for whether the teacher will know it then, it depends on your performance.


After hearing this, Bai Ling felt bad. He didn't expect that Jiuli would catch him.

Senior sister! I promise! I will be obedient!

So, you just

No, until then, I will keep this video. I have been with you for so long, don't think that your senior sister and I don't know some of your little tricks.

While speaking, Jiu Li's eyes turned into funny expressions unconsciously.

After Bai Ling heard this, he felt that his whole world was filled with darkness.

At this time, Li Quan had left the cosmic continent and came to the unknown endless void.

Li Quan looked back, glanced at the overall structure of the universe continent, and sighed helplessly.

It's time to set off.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan accelerated and flew towards the safe zone.

On the way, Li Quan saw void creatures of different sizes and abilities.

However, the strength of any void creature that does not operate in the safe zone is generally above the planet level.

Those below this level are basically in the safe zone.

After all, the safe zone is the place of protection for void creatures. Only in the safe zone can one avoid the fate of being devoured by powerful void creatures.

Moreover, there are many powerful void creatures in the safe zone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to protect these weak void creatures.

Of course, if there are powerful void creatures, they will directly massacre in the safe zone.

If the void creatures guarding the safe zone cannot compete, the safe zone will no longer be a safe zone.

Therefore, those who can guard the safe zone are generally very powerful, at least above the Hunyuan realm.

Li Quan was already considered powerful, but he didn't know how long he had been flying. He saw a lot of unknown universes along the way, but he had not yet encountered the so-called safe zone.

Could it be that that guy's memory is fake?

Li Quan didn't know how long it had been. Anyway, there was no time to compare in the endless void, so Li Quan could only keep flying in one direction.

Moreover, Li Quan could no longer feel the traces of the existence of the Universe Continent. He must have been far away from the perception range of the Universe Continent.

At the moment when Li Quan was still flying, suddenly, under Li Quan's perception, he discovered several weak energy reactions of void creatures.

Subsequently, more and more energy responses from void creatures entered Li Quan's range of perception.

It seems that the safe zone has arrived.

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