Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 390 After the barrier between gods and demons was broken

The barrier between the God Realm and the Demon Realm was broken, and all the gods and demon gods were shocked, not knowing what was going on.

How could the barrier established by the good-looking God of Creation be shattered like this?

And when some of their gods tried to inquire, the aura belonging to the Creation Godhead could be said to have directly knocked them back.

The Creation Godhead is the King of all Godheads. If he approaches rashly, he will naturally be bounced away.

Unless the owner of the Creation Godhead is willing to let other Godheads get close, unless you don't have a Godhead, you can't get close.

Of course, Fang Rong's godhead is different from the godhead constructed by this universe.

The godhead constructed by Fang Rong was constructed with her own strength.

Most of the gods here are conceived by the godhead itself.

Therefore, there is a difference between the two.

To put it simply, if the Creator Godhead is the mother body, the other Godheads in this universe are the children of the Creator Godhead.

And Fang Rong's thunder god personality is someone else's child.

Do you think other people’s children will listen to you?


That's right!

The moment the barrier between gods and demons was broken, the imprisoned spiritual energy poured into the mortal world in an instant.

For a time, the plants and monsters in the mortal world underwent great changes.

Warcraft also rely on themselves to absorb spiritual energy to improve their strength. However, because of the limited spiritual energy, the strength of the Warcraft is probably only at the third level at best.

The third level is equivalent to a great magician among magicians.

It is equivalent to the foundation building period in the cultivator system.

It can be said that the strength is very weak.

But there is no way, who has allowed the spiritual energy to be intercepted.

But now, the spiritual energy was released again, and for a while, a large number of monsters awakened their bloodline.

And where Li Quan 'picked up' Bai Ling, the magical beast that was sealed under the valley actually broke the seal at this moment.

The ground began to crack, and red hair emerged from the ground.

In an instant, his figure jumped out from the ground and roared to the sky.


It's just that it's another breed of roar, the white-haired roar.

And Bai Ling also has the bloodline of Baimaohou. Not only that, because he obtained the Creation Godhead, Bai Ling's bloodline has been infinitely improved at this time, and has surpassed Baimaohou.

Bai Ling at this time should be called: Baimaohou.

The power of his body is extremely great, and because the spiritual energy fell again, Bai Ling awakened his own talent: Devour!

Of course, this swallowing is different from Li Quan's talent.

There is no upper limit to Li Quan's devouring ability. As long as he can swallow it, he can swallow it without restraint.

But Bai Ling can't. Although he can swallow like Li Quan, this swallowing depends on his own strength.

Bai Ling's current strength is in the Nascent Soul stage, but because of his godhead, he can directly swallow up existences in the fusion stage.

However, it is a bit difficult to swallow the existence in the fusion stage. After all, the energy contained in it is very huge, and even after it is successfully swallowed, it will take some time to recover.

Moreover, after devouring it, the energy obtained is only one-tenth of the original body.

However, even so, it is extremely outrageous.

Because the spiritual energy was released again, all the monsters in the mortal world suddenly rose up.

However, because it was still relatively early, the strength of Warcraft had not improved very much, so it was quickly suppressed by the major countries and forces on the universe continent.

The Longhuang Empire occupied the entire chaotic land, and all its subjects gave up practicing magic and turned to practicing martial arts.

Suddenly, a large wave of foundation was born again. I believe that it won’t be long before these seeds take root and sprout.

This is a necessary condition for Li Zun to occupy the entire universe.

After Li Quan solved everything, he did not continue to stay in the Universe Continent.

The matter in the Universe Continent has basically been resolved. Next, it is time to bring Jiuli here.

With Jiuli's current strength, he is at least a high-ranking god here.

Soon, Li Quan opened the passage to the original universe, and then his figure instantly passed through the black hole and entered the original universe.

A few minutes later, in the original universe, Blue Star, and the center of the earth, Li Quan appeared in the space where Jiuli was trapped.

After carefully feeling Jiuli's position in the space, Li Quan was stunned for a moment.

Because, in this space, many lives were born.

Needless to say, these lives were given life and wisdom by Jiu Li.

Of course, the wisdom of these beings is very limited, which is equivalent to the wisdom of a gorilla.

Jiuli, how are you doing here?

At this moment, Jiu Li, who was fabricating his life, suddenly heard Li Quan's voice and turned around subconsciously.

After looking at Li Quan, he responded silently: What else can I do? I'm so bored. I'm either practicing or in a daze.

However, while Jiu Li continued to pinch his life, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and then turned back sharply.

When he found that Li Quan was looking at him with a smile on his face, his heart suddenly burst into joy, and his whole body felt like it was exploding.

You, you, you are finally back!

At this time, Jiuli was going crazy when he saw Li Quan.

Jiu Li didn't know how long he had stayed in this ghost place.

If it weren't for the companionship of cultivation and fabricated life forms, Jiuli might have gone crazy.

After hearing this, Li Quan didn't say anything, but felt Jiuli's cultivation.

Well, the cultivation is pretty good. At this time, Jiu Li has reached the level of a small galaxy. Of course, it is still a long way from the level of a large galaxy.

Well, of course I'm back.

I know you have a lot to ask first, so if there is anything you want to know, just ask.

It was a bit funny to see Jiuli's excited face and the way he almost ran up to hug Li Quan.

Soon, Jiu Li asked questions one after another, and Li Quan responded patiently.

Among them, it even includes whether her inheritance was passed down by Li Quan.

Li Quan did not speak, but smiled faintly.

Needless to say, that's it.

By saying this, Jiuli understood why Li Quan could easily break her spell when he fought against her.

It turns out that Li Quan is her master.

Although Jiuli didn't want to admit it, this was an unmitigated fact, and there was nothing he could do about it even if he denied it.

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