Is this the godhead?

Li Zun said with a hint of envy in his eyes after seeing the godhead above Fang Rong's head return to his body.

She could feel a powerful force in Fang Rong's body, which was the power of the godhead and the power of the law.

However, the power of this law is very fragile.

I-I succeeded?!

Fang Rong looked in disbelief. Just now, when Fang Rong was about to lose her strength, she felt a warm current pass through her body, and then she successfully condensed the God of Thunder.

Well, congratulations, you succeeded.

From today on, you are also a god, the only god in the chaotic land.

Li Quan smiled and praised, and Fang Rong smiled even brighter after hearing this.

Honey, what do you think?

At this moment, Li Zun, the husband, asked curiously.

Well, I feel like I'm full of power now.

While speaking, Fang Rong looked at Li Zun with a hint of ill-intention on her face.

Husband, how long has it been since we practiced?

Honey, my eldest brother is still here. Besides, weren't we there yesterday?

After hearing this, Fang Rong's pretty face turned red instantly.

You idiot! Who told you this!

After hearing this, Li Quan silently patted Li Zun on the shoulder, and then stuffed something into Li Zun's arms.

The figure turned into a point of light and disappeared.

Li Zun, on the other hand, glanced at what Li Quan handed over with a confused expression.

It was a glass jar with little blue pills in it.

When Li Zun saw this, he didn't know what Li Quan meant.

I thought she couldn't bear it.

What a joke!

He was the majestic emperor of the Longhuang Empire, and his existence was enough to make Fang Rong call him daddy, but he was actually looked down upon by others.

It’s simply unbearable!

Even if this person is his eldest brother.



Seeing as you've already left, I won't argue with you.

At this time, Li Zun also understood what Fang Rong meant by not practicing for a long time.

It's just that I haven't fought before and I need to practice properly.

Okay, is this it?

No, we can't use our strength here at all. Let's go to a more open place.

Well, I know there is a place. That place is extremely empty, and there are no people at all.

If you practice sparring here, you can avoid being disturbed.

After all, both of them are top experts, and the strength they unleashed is simply too strong.

In order to avoid affecting innocent people, we can only choose an empty and uninhabited place.

But, wife, if you lose, don't blame me.

You, you guy!

Fang Rong was almost furious with Li Zun. What was this guy thinking? Why did he always think about such things?

Then let's talk about it after you win!

While speaking, Fang Rong jumped into the air and entered the clouds in an instant.

When Li Zun saw this, he glanced at the little blue pill in his hand, hesitated, and put it away.

After all, this is something given to me by my elder brother, and it may have other uses.

Soon, in the chaotic place, a place called Ize Deep, the earth-shattering sound of battle came.

The sound of cracking ground, the sound of fire, and the continuous sound of thunder can be said to be as terrifying as the end of the world.

This is the strength of the top experts.

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