Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 381 Consideration

After hearing Feng Ruolan's words, everyone was extremely angry.

How dare Feng Ruolan be so arrogant and speak arrogantly in the midst of their Yale empire.

It's simply courting death.

However, if it was before and the incident in the Night Dream Empire had not happened, if Feng Ruolan dared to speak like this.

If nothing else, before Yale III could say anything, they who were the younger ones had already taken down Feng Ruolan directly.

So what if you look cute?

Anyone who dares to talk to their king like this is looking for death!

But, it's different now.

Is Night Dream Empire awesome?

The third largest force after their Yale Empire, but what about now?

In less than half a day, the palace was forced, the king, the heir, and the secrets among them were all solved in half a day.

But now, the Longhuang Empire's army is pursuing the victory and sending its army directly into the Yemeng Empire.

It can be said that after today, the map section of Longhuang Empire will expand again.

Although they are the second largest force in the Land of Chaos, they only have one more Dharma God than the Night Dream Empire.

It's just that there is one more Dharma God, but there is not much more foundation at all.

Since people can kill all the details of the other party quietly, they have the ability to deal with them.

And I heard that any of the twenty-nine kings of the Longhuang Empire is a being comparable to a Dharma God.

In addition, their king Li Zun was even more powerful. Twenty-nine kings besieged Li Zun together but could not win.

It is estimated that in this universe, only gods can firmly suppress Li Zun.

However, since Li Zun became the king of the country, he was still the first generation king. He was possessed by special laws of the universe, and the gods could not harm him at all.

In other words, Li Zun is invincible!

The situation has been decided, and the life and death of the Yale Empire has arrived.

Surrender or resist?

If the Yale Empire surrenders, what benefits will the Longhuang Empire bring to us?

You big fat man, I'm here just to tell you, it's up to you to decide whether to surrender or not.

If we surrender, we won't have to go to war and everyone will be happy.

If you don't surrender, the Longhuang Empire's army will also pay a visit in the near future, hoping to teach you the strength of the Yale Empire that has stood for thousands of years.

Well, Feng Ruolan's words are already very clear.

What benefits do you want?


Being able to avoid killing you is already the greatest benefit.

Of course, if you do well, there are rewards.

After hearing this, Yale III looked extremely aggrieved.


Does he dare?

Don't dare!

If he dared, Feng Ruolan would take action directly and take his head off.

Therefore, after hearing Feng Ruolan's words, although Yale III was very angry, he also forcibly suppressed himself and could not fall out.

If he fell out, he had a feeling that he would die miserably.

Feng Ruolan, after taking a look at Yale III, said silently: Forget it, you idiot, you are not interesting at all, let's go now. ’

I'll give you three days to think it over.

While speaking, a cyan thread composed of the power of wind dissipated from the neck of Yale III in the air.

When Yale III saw this, he broke into a cold sweat.

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