Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 378 Piano Girl and the Demon Concubine

Beauty, such a beautiful woman can appear in this place. I wonder where the beauty will go tonight?

If you don't mind, I don't know if it's okay.

However, before the eldest prince could finish speaking, the beautiful woman in front of him suddenly played the harp in her hand. The sound of the harp sounded like thunder, and with a hiss, the eldest prince's head actually fell to the ground.

that's not allowed.

After hearing this, the woman smiled with a charming smile. Her appearance was simply the most beautiful scenery in the world.

However, when everyone reacted, they only felt that their faces were covered with blood. When they looked back, they found that the eldest prince's head was gone!

Yes! Today's eldest prince is just a headless corpse.

Oops! This, this enchanting woman actually killed the eldest prince!

No! This place is a secret area of ​​the palace. Why is there a woman here?

At this time, a minister who had woken up earlier shouted with fear on his face.

It's very simple, because I am Li Pujing, the piano girl of the Longhuang Empire.

This enchanting woman is Li Pujing, the squad leader of Li Zun and others.

Because of the cultivation techniques, Li Pujing at this time was slightly more beautiful than her Fang Rong.

Moreover, her clothes are a bit revealing. However, people who are familiar with her know that despite her revealing clothes, Li Pujing is actually very conservative.

If you are not the one you love, if you keep your eyes on her for a long time, she will remember you and secretly set you back.

Of course, except for familiar people.

Moreover, because of the cultivation techniques, his piano skills can be said to be very superb.

Moreover, the weapon that Li Quan had given to Li Pujing also turned into the Dragon Xuqin at this moment.

The artifact Long Xuqin.

I didn't expect that you people in the Night Dream Empire are so ugly. When it comes to life and death, you are still fighting in the nest. You simply don't know how to live or die.

Asshole! There is only one person with this woman! We have more than thirty people here! Go! Capture her alive! I will avenge my dead brother today!

Captured alive rather than killed. Obviously, the second prince fell in love with Li Pujing's beauty and wanted to possess Li Pujing.

When everyone saw this, except for a few who had lost their sexual ability, the rest wanted to possess Li Pujing.

It's just a pity that their master has taken a liking to Li Pujing.

I can only live with my eyesight.

More than thirty people are the last traces of the Night Dream Empire.

There are more than thirty great magisters, including three Dharma Gods.

With so many high-end combat forces here, how could there be only one Li Pujing who could be their opponent?

Do you want to rely on the crowd to bully me, a weak woman?

After Li Pujing listened, he said with a trace of sadness on his face.

While speaking, Li Pujing was seen playing with the dragon's harp in his hand. The music emitted by the dragon's harp had a certain psychedelic effect. For a moment, everyone seemed to have fallen into a secret realm after hearing the music.

Among the people, except for the three magic gods who were able to resist for a while because the magic in their bodies was stronger, the rest fell directly.

They all fell into Li Pujing's magical sea of ​​​​harp and were controlled by Li Pujing.

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