Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 371 The wedding is in progress!

It made Li Zun feel like their own biological son and daughter.

The young girls were even more sad, like idiots, looking at the sky stupidly.

Even thinking about what my life is for.

For a time, a large number of philosophers and thinkers were born.

At this time, on the side of the Yemeng Empire, Wang Ruifa also secretly led a group of soldiers, carrying gifts, to lurk in Seoul.

The smoothness was beyond the imagination of these soldiers.

When Wang Ruifa saw this, he smiled secretly.

All this has been arranged.

Li Zun, on the other hand, was in his own palace, being served and changed by a group of maids.

Moreover, Li Quan appeared next to Li Zun. Looking at Li Zun who had dressed up, Li Quan said with a smile on his face: You boy, you look quite handsome now.

After hearing this, Li Zun responded with a smile: No matter what, I can't be more handsome than you, big brother.

Well, I like to hear what you said. After all, it's the truth.

Li Zun was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed helplessly.

Although Li Quan is telling the truth, today is his wedding, so can't he praise him and let him shine?

Brother, is there really no problem with all this?

Don't worry, trust me, when have I ever tricked you, your elder brother?

When did you trick him?

For some reason, Li Zun's mind silently echoed the memories of the devil training, specifically training her alone.

Li Zun now fully understands the feeling at that time.

Okay, don't think so much about the past. Now, you only need to complete one goal, which is to conquer the universe continent.

In this way, after you go back, you can directly devour the position of another human emperor. After the double union, you can go one step further.

The position of Human Emperor can be overlapped. Therefore, as long as the position of Human Emperor overlaps everything, Li Zun's own power will become more powerful.

At the same time, let alone the Hunyuan realm, even the Nine Palaces realm is not impossible.

However, it is difficult and far away to achieve this goal.

After all, if Li Quan takes action himself, Li Zun can directly dominate the universe continent.

However, if Li Quan takes action, what will Li Zun do?

Are you going to sit back and enjoy the results?

Therefore, Li Quan would not let this happen. Li Quan had already paved the way for Li Zun. It was Li Zun's decision to decide how it would turn out. Li Quan would never interfere.

At this moment, the bell suddenly rang.

After hearing this, Li Quan patted Li Zun on the shoulder and said with a smile: Okay, you kid, go quickly, don't keep Rongrong waiting too long.

After hearing this, Li Zun nodded with a smile, and then changed his temperament. He was no longer a gentle boy, but the overlord who seemed to dominate everything.

Li Quan looked at Li Zun's figure silently and sighed helplessly.

Being the big brother is tiring.

Not only must he deal with the future for his sister, but he must also pave the way for his younger brother and give him a future.

Li Quan only hoped that his parents would not give birth to another child. If they did, Li Quan would be very busy.

Okay, it's time for me to arrange some things.

The space behind Li Quan suddenly split open, and at the same time, Li Quan's figure also disappeared into the space.

The scene turned and Li Zun was seen walking domineeringly into the sacrifice platform.

Because the wedding of the king of a country is a big event and needs to be reported to heaven. Therefore, the Tiantai is the only medium to communicate with God. The wedding ceremony is naturally held at the Tiantai.

Among the ministers, the oldest man, a grand mage-level man who was about 600 years old, wore a heaven-sacrifice robe, came to the heaven-sacrifice platform, and began to read some sacrificial inscriptions about the wedding.

The bell rang again and the bride appeared.

At this time, Fang Rong was wearing a red phoenix-luan embroidered dress and a red scarf on her head. With the help of the maid, she walked towards the altar.

Soon, he arrived in front of Li Zun.

When the maid saw this, she left silently. Only one old man was left on the entire sacrificial platform, who was still reciting the sacrificial inscriptions.

Rong Rong, you are so beautiful today.

Li Zun, who didn't know what to say, said this silently.

However, after hearing this, Fang Rong laughed subconsciously.

After all, Fang Rong is wearing a red scarf now. How did Li Zun see her true appearance under the red scarf?

Needless to say, it's obvious that he didn't know what to say, so he said this.


Fang Rong also laughed helplessly. Soon, the moment she finished reciting the memorial text, the sky suddenly became covered with dark clouds and thunder exploded.

For a moment, no one knew what happened.

This was especially true for the old man who was reciting the sacrificial inscriptions. He obviously didn't know what was going on.

It was clear that it was a sunny and windy environment just now, but now it has turned into dark clouds, and there is a scene of thunder and lightning in the sky.

One has to wonder whether God is against this kind of marriage.

However, at the moment when everyone was doubtful, the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds was suddenly clawed away by a huge dragon claw.

At the same time, the dark clouds that were still trying to gather together were directly dispersed by a huge body.

A real dragon appears!

Li Quan transformed into his true form and appeared directly in this chaotic place.

Of course, it can only be seen in this area of ​​Seoul.

The moment everyone saw Li Quan, they all knelt down.

This was a god that appeared once during the founding ceremony, and Li Zun also said afterwards that this real dragon was the patron saint of the Longhuang Empire.

Therefore, when Li Quan appeared, everyone in the Longhuang Empire and Seoul who participated in the wedding knelt down and worshiped Li Quan.

Although the scene was not as good as the original Wanlong pilgrimage, it was still very grand.

I saw Li Quan's divine form slowly descending, then his eyes scanned the surroundings, and finally settled on Li Zun and said: Human Emperor, today is your special day, I can promise you a promise that does not violate my conditions. desire.

As soon as he said this, Li Zun thought about it 'carefully' for a while, while Fang Rong on the side just grabbed Li Zun's arm nervously.

Can I make a wish for all of us to go back?

No, this is beyond my scope.

Then can you help me rule the universe in an instant?

No, this is beyond my scope.

Neither wish worked, so Li Zun closed his eyes and thought carefully.

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