Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 360 Nine Palace Realm~!

After all, they believe in the law of the jungle.

And in the void world, it is indeed as infinite as Li Quan thought, and there is an existence called the safe zone.

In the safe zone, this place is a complete paradise for weak void creatures.

In the safe zone, all void creatures cannot harm each other.

If there is a violation, once this void creature attacks and devours other void creatures, the one who takes the initiative to attack will transfer all its own strength to the attacked void creature.

Unless it is unconscious, otherwise, one's own strength will be completely transferred away.

Therefore, in this realm of nothingness, most of the creatures of nothingness exist in the safe zone of the realm of nothingness.

At the same time, they don't know how they were born. They only know that when they are conscious, they are already seemingly devouring them.

So, your vocation is to maintain the stability of the void world and prohibit cosmic creatures from entering the void world, right?

Yes, sir, I don't know what else you want to know, sir.

Well, I was thinking, if I devour you, how much more powerful can I increase?

Sir, please spare my life!

However, no matter how much Islaq spared his life, he was suddenly transformed into a prototype by Li Quan, and then swallowed him in one gulp.

Soon, Li Quan's strength improved.

Completely break through the peak of Hunyuan, and with basic strength, set foot in the Nine Palaces realm!

LV.282 (nine thousand Gai/two million Zi)

Body length: 120,000 meters

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, five elements, heart-protecting dragon scales, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth, dragon concealment, transformation, shrinking the earth into an inch, Bagua Ruyi Formation, the power of the virtual dragon, dragon Blood magic, game world, dragon energy increase.

His strength has been improved again. At this time, Li Quan can reach the Nine Palaces realm without resorting to the power of nothingness.

After truly reaching the Nine Palaces realm, Li Quan's physical strength was once again improved.

Is this the true power of the Nine Palaces?

If he uses his power to directly increase his power, Li Quan's realm will be the pseudo-nine palace realm. Of course, even if it is the pseudo-nine palace realm, it is still the nine palace realm.

After devouring Islak, Li Quan finally knew how to improve his strength.

The universe exists in the realm of nothingness. Even if Li Quan swallows the entire universe, he doesn't know how much it can be improved.

Therefore, if you want to increase your strength, you must devour void creatures.

The realm of nothingness is infinite, so there are countless creatures of nothingness.

However, because the void world is too large, the scattered void creatures are pitifully few.

Moreover, void creatures exist intelligently. Weak void creatures only exist in the safe zone in the void world.

Only in the safe zone can they grow with peace of mind without worrying about being devoured as nutrients.

After digesting Islak, Li Quan set his sights on Eve in the distance.

At this time, Eve was still attacking Li Quan's barrier.

However, with Eve's current strength, trying to break the barrier is simply nonsense.

Soon, Li Quan came to Eve, looked at the extremely angry Eve, and said with a smile on his face: Okay, Islak has also solved it. Now, it's time to have a good talk between us. problem.

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