No wonder that when Li Quan entered the universe before, he did not cause the universe to collapse due to the force of his body, just like them.

It turns out that Li Quan himself is in the Nine Palaces realm and can restrain his own strength.

Now, Eve's strength has reached the Nine Palaces level, so she feels that she can fight Li Quan.

However, Eve also knew that if it were in the universe, the entire universe would be destroyed at will by their power.

If you don't want to destroy the universe, you must leave the universe or go to some subspaces to fight.

In this way, it will not have a huge impact on the universe.

Now, Li Quan can actually enter the endless void by himself, which saves Eve's thoughts.

I didn't expect that it would take you so long to even crack my space reinforcement. Are you sure you can defeat me?

Before turning it on, Li Quan taunted Eve directly.

After hearing this, Eve said nothing.

She is most familiar with the endless space.

Who gave Li Quan the confidence to fight in an unfamiliar battlefield?

The Endless Void exists on top of the void world. Therefore, once super strength breaks out, the Endless Void will collapse.

In addition, in the realm of nothingness, there is a terrifying power of nothingness that can destroy your body.

Although they have now reached the realm of the Nine Palaces, the bite of nothingness cannot harm their bodies.

However, it can be used as an important means to contain Li Quan.

Why, did you start fighting after just a disagreement?

Li Quan was about to say something, but Eve got close to him in an instant, then stretched out her right hand, and struck Li Quan's chest with a palm that could destroy the world.

With one palm strike, the surrounding space was directly torn apart, and the void world was directly exposed in front of the two of them.

Is this the realm of nothingness?

Li Quan is no stranger to the realm of nothingness, after all, he has had a little contact with it.

However, the initial contact was only for a moment, but now, it is a head-on confrontation.

The power of nothingness in the void world is now devouring Li Quan's body, seeming to want to swallow Li Quan here.

Not only that, Li Quan could feel what his body was resisting.

Although the Nine Palaces realm can already resist the power of nothingness, it is based on the premise of using one's own energy to resist.

If you rely solely on your physical body, you will still be devoured by the power of nothingness.

As for the Nine Palaces realm, the reason why they can walk in the void world is because their bodies can already generate energy on their own, just like a universe.

Able to be self-sufficient.

The power of nothingness, well, that's fine. If we start fighting here, we don't have to worry about it affecting the universe continent.

While speaking, Li Quan thought about it and saw the system store appear.

And in Li Quan's mind, he quickly filtered some products.

Eventually, a product called Void Power appeared.

It's worth five trillion yuan, and for Li Quan today, it can be bought.

Fifty thousand wealth points disappeared instantly, and the power of nothingness instantly emerged in Li Quan's body.

And Li Quan himself began to transform into a void creature.

Because the power of nothingness is produced in the body, the power of nothingness in the realm of nothingness is not only unable to cause any harm to Li Quan, but can also provide Li Quan with enough strength.

With Li Quan's current strength, if he activates the power of nothingness, he can reach the peak of the Hunyuan realm.

Moreover, the physical body can also reach the peak of Hunyuan realm.

Coupled with the power of the Dragon Ball, it is not difficult to reach the Nine Palaces realm in an instant.

Moreover, in Li Quan's current state, even without the help of the Dragon Ball, he can still rely on the power of nothingness to fight against Eve in the Nine Palaces realm.

The two fought for who knows how many rounds, but whenever Eve took the initiative to attack, Li Quan was able to avoid them one by one.

If you can't avoid it, you will use skill to remove it.

Although this Eve is very powerful, she has a shortcoming.

That is lack of combat experience.

After all, this Eve is so powerful by nature that no one can be his opponent.

Therefore, to Li Quan, Eve is a fighting idiot with powerful power.

The more the fight continued, the more Li Quan felt like he was bullying Eve.

Although Li Quan himself treats Eve with this mentality.

Forget it, my little apprentice has probably been waiting for a long time. It's time to deal with you.

After hearing this, Eve was confused.

Although Li Quan was very strong, he was so powerful that no matter what kind of attack he used, he could easily resist it.

Not only that, Li Quan's strength gives people a vague and uncertain feeling, as if he is powerful sometimes and weak sometimes.

Could it be that Li Quan's strength is only at the peak of Hunyuan, but is infinitely close to the realm of Jiugong, so he can barely tie with himself?

After all, Eve had just broken through to the Nine Palaces realm. If Li Quan was at the Nine Palaces realm, although she could fight, she would not be able to fight as easily as she does now.

However, Li Quan's strength now only reaches the peak level of Hunyuan for her.

However, Eve was not wrong.

After all, Li Quan did not use the power of the Dragon Ball, but used the power of nothingness.

In this world of nothingness, there is a lot of power of nothingness.

It can be said that the power of nothingness is infinite. As long as the energy of nothingness does not disappear for a day, Li Quan can borrow this power of nothingness infinitely.

Although the Nine Palaces realm can generate energy within its own body, it is difficult for Eve, who has just broken through the Nine Palaces realm, to keep up with the huge consumption.

Li Quan, are you kidding?

What do you think?

Li Quan felt that there was no need to continue playing. After all, the two of them had probably been fighting for several hours.

Who knows what will happen after I leave for a few hours.

Therefore, Li Quan directly took out the Hongtian soul that he had collected.

Hongtian's soul was in a confused state at this time, and when it came into contact with the void world, the air of void directly stimulated Hongtian himself.

At this moment, Hongtian was awakened by the stimulation.

The moment he woke up, Hongtian only felt extreme pain all over his body.

The physical body will be continuously eroded when exposed to the realm of nothingness.

This is especially true for the soul.

Now, what Hongtian is facing is that his soul is swallowed up by the air of nothingness.

Under constant stimulation, Hongtian finally shouted miserably.

What's this?

Seeing Li Quan suddenly taking out Hongtian's soul, Eve felt an ominous premonition in her heart for some reason.

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