However, it is difficult to complete this task.

Li Zun didn't know how big the Universe Continent was, but what Li Zun knew was that it would be impossible to conquer the land of chaos alone without hundreds or even thousands of years.

Not to mention the cosmic continent that is even larger than the Land of Chaos.

Of course, the task in my mind just means that all I have to do is conquer everyone.

Is this conquest literal, or is it a direct conquest of the entire universe?

Li Zun didn't know this.

However, now Li Zun also has a new goal.

That is to conquer everyone in the universe continent and achieve the human emperor status!

And when Li Zun was thinking about what to do as the first step.

In a corner of Seoul, Li Quan's figure appeared here.

As for Li Quan, after returning to Seoul, he sensed the whereabouts of his young apprentice and found that his young apprentice seemed to be in some trouble.

There was no money for food, and they were detained.

After Li Quan arrived, he saw Bai Ling walking towards Li Quan with a wronged look on his face, hugging Li Quan's chest with a cry and saying, Master, Bai Ling didn't do it on purpose!

After hearing this, Li Quan laughed helplessly after understanding the cause and effect.

I'm sorry, my apprentice is ignorant, I'll give this to you.

Li Quan suddenly condensed a dozen magic coins and handed them to the boss who detained Bai Ling.

It turned out that Bai Ling went to eat after Li Quan left.

If you just eat, it won't matter.

However, the problem was that Bai Ling ate without paying.

However, this is not Bai Ling's fault. After all, from the day Bai Ling transformed, Li Quan paid for all the expenses alone.

And Li Quan did not let Bai Ling come into contact with the most basic situation of shopping between people.

Therefore, this also led Bai Ling to think that he could eat without paying.

Hmph! Forget it this time.

The boss said with a hint of joy on his face after seeing the magic coin in Li Quan's hand.

Love money.

He loves money so much that he doesn't even pay attention to beauty like Bai Ling.

I have to say that the level of love for money is really high.

After handling the matter, Li Quan left here with Bai Ling.

When leaving, Bai Ling looked at Li Quan with an aggrieved look and said, Master, I'm sorry for causing you trouble.

Okay, it's not your fault. If you want to blame it, blame me. I didn't teach you about paying for things.

But now you know that you have to pay for eating and buying other people's food, right?

After hearing what Li Quan said, Bai Ling finally acquiesced.

Well, it's good now that you know.

From today on, we will live here.

Master! We don't have to wander anymore?!

Vagrancy refers to being displaced and homeless.

Since his transformation, Bai Ling has been wandering around the universe with Li Quan without a place to live.

Therefore, after hearing what Li Quan said, he asked unexpectedly.

Yes, why, don't you like it?

How could it be! Finally I don't have to continue traveling anymore!

After walking for nearly half a year, I finally found a stable place to live.

That's okay, let's go and buy a house to live in.

But before that, something needs to be done.

Li Quan waved his hand, and Li Quan's own face began to change, and Bai Ling's face gradually changed into that of an ordinary person.

The faces of Li Quan and Bai Ling now look like father and daughter.

Master, you are so ugly!

You're a girl, no matter how big or small you are.

After hearing Bai Ling's words, Li Quan knocked directly on Bai Ling's little head.

This made Bai Ling feel aggrieved.

In Bai Ling's eyes, Li Quan's current appearance is certainly ugly.

After all, after getting used to seeing Li Quan, the most handsome person in the universe, and suddenly encountering an ordinary face, he would naturally subconsciously think that he is ugly.

To put it simply, Li Quan is defined as handsome based on his appearance. Anyone who is not as handsome as Li Quan is considered ugly in Bai Ling's mind.

In this case, this universe will be sad.

After all, there is no one in this universe who is more handsome than Li Quan!

Even Li Quan's biological brother Li Zun, although slightly worse than Li Quan, is still no match for Li Quan.

Who knows, the stronger you are, the more perfect you will be.

Especially the true dragon, which is a perfect life form in itself. No matter what form it takes, or in the eyes of any person, it is the kind that is impeccably handsome.

Well, if it were our previous appearance, it would definitely attract attention, so for a while, let's keep it this way.

Ah, master, how long will this last?

Bai Ling rubbed his chubby face and asked with an aggrieved look.

It won't be long, just a little while longer.

Okay, it's time for us to check out the house.

Great! My disciple also wants to see the house!

Bai Ling was extremely excited when he heard about buying a house.

Soon, in Seoul, in a remote place near the border of the city wall, Li Quan finally bought a house in this corner.

The big hermit hides in the city, the small hermit hides in the wild.

Master, why does this house feel a bit ugly?

In Bai Ling's eyes, the house Li Quan bought looked like it was built randomly, all made of wood.

In addition, the aesthetics of the person who built the house is indeed not very good, and it looks like a house that was randomly put together.

An ugly stroke.

Okay, it will become beautiful in a moment.

Not to mention Bai Ling, Li Quan also felt a little awkward.

Li Quan even suspected that the person who built the house built it with his feet.

However, none of this is a problem.

Although Li Quan bought it directly without even looking at it, even if something went wrong, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

However, don't forget, Li Quan is not an ordinary person.

Ordinary people may consider themselves unlucky, but Li Quan can transform it at will.

You can’t make it too special, but you can still make your stay comfortable.

After Li Quan snapped his fingers, an invisible force was modifying the strange-shaped house. Soon, a very warm-looking wooden hut appeared in front of both of them.

It seems to give people a grand and friendly feeling.

Moreover, when you step inside, you can smell the pleasant fragrance in the air.

It just feels like returning home, comfortable and warm.

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