Of course, Li Quan also knew what Bai Ling meant. He was obviously tired and wanted to rest.

However, according to Bai Ling's character, if Li Quan didn't tell him to take a rest, Bai Ling would have persisted until he couldn't persist anymore and fell unconscious on the ground.

There is a precedent for this.

Therefore, after hearing Bai Ling's words, Li Quan responded with a smile: Well, looking at the weather, it seems a bit dark, and it's time to rest.

Li Quan silently looked at the blue white clouds in the sky and said silently.

When Bai Ling saw this, he didn't know that Li Quan was thinking about himself.

Thank you, Master~!

Now I can finally rest.

However, during the break, Bai Ling was not idle either. Instead, he meditated on the spot and then entered a state of cultivation.

There are also spiritual powers in this world, but the spiritual powers here are called divine powers.

The so-called divine power is the power cultivated and used by gods.

Although the power used by gods basically comes from their own divine power, if the divine power wants to go further, it needs to absorb divine energy.

That is to say, only by absorbing spiritual energy can one advance successfully.

Otherwise, you can only stay where you are and cannot advance to a higher level.

As for divine energy, it can be seen everywhere in the universe, but it is just a matter of quantity and quality.

The places with the most abundant divine energy are in the realm of gods and demons.

In the mortal world, although there are also divine powers, there are very few divine powers.

And the quality is not that good. This is because the so-called gods have isolated the divine energy that is abundant in the universe into the world of gods and demons.

The Universe Continent itself can produce divine energy, but for some reason, the Goddess of Creation and the Demon God of Destruction teamed up to isolate 99% of its divine energy.

In other words, if the Universe Continent produces a share of divine energy, then 99% of the divine energy will be divided into the divine realm and the demonic realm.

However, the Universe Continent only possesses one percent of divine energy.

Although there are few, they are enough daily activities for the gods to descend.

If it's a big war, it won't last long.

After all, without divine power, their power would also be lost.

Therefore, after extracting the divine energy, in order to prevent the power of the universe from collapsing, the two goddesses used divine power as a medium to dilute it into magic.

This is where magic comes from today.

Now, the exercises that Li Quan gave Bai Ling to practice were suitable for Bai Ling and were enough for Bai Ling to practice to the Mahayana stage.

This set of exercises is called Taiyin Zhenjue.

In addition to being able to absorb the divine energy in the universe and use it for cultivation, it can also absorb the power of moonlight emitted by the moonlight in the sky.

It is worth mentioning that there are three moons in the universe continent.

Therefore, at night, Bai Ling's training speed will be greatly improved.

As for Bai Ling, according to his talent a month ago, if he released the restrictions on his bloodline in the universe continent, he could reach the Mahayana level.

However, Li Quan didn't dare to guarantee the higher realm.

Therefore, during this month, Li Quan would get some food that could improve his qualifications from time to time.

Bai Ling was surprisingly a foodie, perhaps because he had just become a demi-human and was exposed to unfamiliar food.

That’s why I turned into a snack foodie.

In the past month alone, the delicacies that Li Quan and Bai Ling had eaten amounted to hundreds of thousands of magic coins.

This is an astronomical number, a number that ordinary people will never be able to reach.

With Bai Ling's current talent, there is no problem in breaking through the Mahayana level easily.

Li Quan saw Bai Ling just staying under the tree and meditating on the spot, with a faint smile on his face.

I have to say, it’s fun to relax and raise a little guy once in a while.

After all, Bai Ling is the result of a mutated red jade rabbit that was just born, and his personality is relatively pure, just like a pure white paper.

What Li Quan has to do is to teach Bai Ling how to be a good person, and by the way, nurture Bai Ling.

After all, Bai Ling will play a big role in the future.

And when Li Quan was cultivating Bai Ling, there was a place of chaos.

This is the junction of darkness and light, and it is also the most chaotic place in the universe.

It is a common thing for people to kill people.

Moreover, this place is full of dangers. Because the gods cannot interfere, there are many powerful monsters. It is difficult to survive in the chaotic land.

Unless you have great strength.

Li Zun, on the other hand, was in the chaotic land and had built a city as his stronghold.

Of course, Li Zun is not alone.

The thirty people in the class were all sucked into an inexplicable black hole a few months ago.

Originally, according to Li Quan's strength, he could completely prevent the black hole from sucking them into it, but Li Quan did not take action.

At this time, Li Zun had self-doubt, whether he was Li Quan's biological brother.

Now, in order to survive in this damn chaotic place, Li Zun and others united.

They exerted the strength they had united in Li Quan's actual combat space and successfully occupied the city named Orlan within a few days after crossing.

At this time, Orlan City was officially named Seoul by Li Zun.

Although Li Zun and others do not know anything about the other world, they do not even understand the language.

However, the strong strength of Li Zun and others, especially Li Zun's Mahayana level combat power, and the fact that every student is a battle-experienced warrior, can barely stand firm in this chaotic place.

Today, several months later, Li Zun and others finally got rid of the danger around them.

It was a city ruled by members of the violent cult who claimed to be a branch of the Dark Cult.

Because they fell in love with the transcendent combat prowess of Li Zun and others and the unprecedented strength of Li Zun and others, they had the idea of ​​​​taking back Li Zun and others.

On the cosmic continent, above the gods, therefore, behind all the forces, there are so-called gods.

Who dares to offend the gods at will?

Unless the god behind it is strong enough, otherwise, if you rashly offend other religious sects, the god behind it will personally come and destroy others, which will be more than worth the loss.

However, Li Zun and others did not encounter this situation.

After all, in the place of chaos, at the interface between light and darkness, gods cannot interfere.

If it weren't for this reason, the violent religious sect that wanted to regain Li Zun and others would have long ago invited the gods behind them to come down, and then wiped out Li Zun and the others.

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