It's just that Evelia doesn't want others to disturb Li Quan, but there are others who don't want to.

This is the companion of Evelia, known as the Demon God of Destruction, Everel.

Everel, the World-Destroying Demon God, like Evelia, possesses the strength of the peak of Hunyuan.

Of course, they don't know how to fight, they just make some sarcastic remarks if they meet occasionally.

This is somewhat inconsistent with the title of Everel, the World-Destroying Demon God.

But this is normal.

The Demon God of Destruction is naturally called the Demon God of Destruction because her dark power can cause creatures in the universe to fall into a state of madness.

Although the strength will increase, it will destroy everywhere because it loses its rationality.

As a provider of dark magic, Everel is naturally called the Demon God of Destruction.

When the two met, the most they would do was bicker or something.

They all know that if they fight, the universe will be destroyed.

In this way, it fits the title of Everel, the World-Destroying Demon God.

However, if the universe is destroyed due to the battle between the two, they will not survive.

After all, it is impossible to break through Hunyuan and survive in the void world.

No matter how strong your body is, you can't survive in nothingness.

Maybe you can sustain it for a while, but if you lose the strength to resist the corrosion of the void world, death is just a normal thing.

Moreover, their power comes from the entire universe.

Both sides hold half of the power of the universe, so if the two fight, the universe will be destroyed.

Once the universe is destroyed, their godhood will disappear, and their body and soul will disappear.

Everel is hidden in the endless void, which is somewhat similar to the void world.

But what is different from the void world is that there is no corrosion from the power of void in the endless void.

And because of being with Everel, sometimes Everel can obtain a little bit of Evellia's vague memories.

And this vague memory happens to be everything about Li Quan.

She fell in love with Li Quan.

Foreign invaders who can rely on their own strength to travel across the universe and land here must be very powerful.

In this case, we can find this person to cooperate and seal the bitch Iveliya away.

As for why he didn't kill her, it was naturally because if Evelia died, Everel, her symbiotic companion, would also be severely damaged.

Moreover, their death is not a real death, but a loss of memory.

After death, the physical body will dissipate, leaving behind what is called the godhead.

The godhood escapes into the void, and after countless years of gestation, it will come again.

Back then, Evelia's strength was still the same as hers.

This is the headache of being together.

Therefore, if you cannot kill Evelia, you can only choose to seal it.

Seal it for tens of millions of years, and then continue to reinforce it when the power of the seal is about to disappear.

When the time comes, the universe will be her possessions, Everel.

Everel's idea is good, but only if Li Quan agrees.

However, Everel was not worried about Li Quan’s disapproval.

She felt that Li Quan came to this universe because he was interested.

In this case, there must be something Li Quan is interested in.

As long as you catch what Li Quan is interested in, you won't have to worry about Li Quan not coming to help.

It's a pity that Everel's idea is beautiful, but the reality is too cruel.

The reason why Li Quan came here was just to take refuge.

By the way, let's see how my brother Li Zun is doing.

After all, Li Quan didn't know what the flow rate of this universe was.

If the flow rate is not the same as that of your own planet, you need to think carefully about how to arrange the time.

In the endless void, Everel was seen walking out of the darkness.

If Li Quan were here, he would definitely think that this person is Evelia.

However, the difference is that Evelia is wearing a conservative white dress.

As for Everel, she was all in black and dressed in a slightly seductive attire.


At this moment, Everel walked out of the endless void. After whispering a name, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Everel.

Lord, the World-Destroying Demon God, I wonder what your orders are?

Oranx is one of the three supreme gods under Everel, and his strength is equivalent to the Galaxy Network level.

Moreover, Olanx is one of the gods who provides the most dark power to this universe.

After all, all the violent disciples basically originated from Oranx.

As for Everel, although they are provided, they are very few.

After all, the divine power provided by Everel's realm is still extremely powerful after being transformed into magic.

Even killing gods is not impossible.

After all, in the history of this universe, there were demi-humans with the dark divine power of Everel who killed gods from the sky.

What it relies on is the power of dark magic transformed from Everel's dark divine power.

In this universe, a powerful god with the same status as us has arrived. Now, you go to recruit him. Remember, you must invite him.

As for why Everel didn’t go there in person.

First, it is because his own body is too powerful. If he walks around the universe at will, it will cause the destruction of the universe continent.

Second, naturally Everel didn't know Li Quan's attitude.

What if you find Li Quan rashly and are killed by Li Quan?

You know, Li Quan is stronger than her.

For the sake of your own safety, it is better to let your men test it out.

After hearing what Everel said, Olankes was stunned for a moment.

Let me wait, of course he will not include himself in it.

The we whom Everel refers to are naturally Evelia.

After all, although he is the supreme god, compared to Everel, he can be crushed to death with just one finger.

Moreover, from a spiritual point of view, Everel was firmly holding him down.

There was no way to resist.

However, something happened that made Olanx confused.

In the universe, a third creation god-level existence has appeared. What is going on?

Judging from Everel's tone, this third creation god-level existence seemed to come from outside the universe.

And isn’t there nothing outside the universe?

How did this third creation god-level existence come about?

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