Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 327 Stabilize Li Quan

However, after hearing Li Quan's words, this woman did not believe that Li Quan was a good person.

If you were a good person, would you suddenly appear in front of others and stop them from talking?

Of course, the woman didn't resist.

It's not that she doesn't want to resist, but she knows that since Li Quan can appear in front of her quietly and prevent herself from using her divine power.

In other words, Li Quan's strength is superior to hers, so even if he resists, it will be in vain.

Therefore, in order to cause unnecessary damage, we can only see what Li Quan is going to do.

First, stabilize Li Quan and prevent him from messing around.

And find out what Li Quan's purpose is.

Why should we enter their universe?

As for starting with Li Quan directly.

This is courting death.

Moreover, if you start working here, this space will be shattered.

In addition, the universe will also be damaged and torn apart alive.

As a result, all life in the universe will be in crisis.

In order to prevent this from happening, we can only see what Li Quan is going to do.

Who are you? Why do you want to break into our universe!

The woman did not resist, but looked at Li Quan coldly, trying to know what Li Quan's purpose was.

After all, Li Quan, a person even more powerful than her, would definitely cause very dangerous things if he walked around in this universe at will.

Therefore, Li Quan must be stabilized and controlled.

Although this method is difficult, compared with the destruction of the universe, this is the only way we can do it.

You guess.

However, although the woman knew that Li Quan might not cooperate, no one knew that Li Quan would actually say guess.

I guess you are a ghost!

The woman complained to Li Quan in her heart.

Of course, she would not say this directly. If she did, no one would know what Li Quan's character was like.

If Li Quan is the kind of person who doesn't like others talking about him, then she will be in trouble.

Perhaps the universe was destroyed because of her words.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, why don't you talk anymore? It's boring.

However, I guess you are guessing what I want to do. Not only that, do you want to control my activities or something?

However, without the woman's words, Li Quan had already guessed it.

After all, Li Quan entered a strange universe.

In this universe, what Li Quan does, if he is weak, such as Li Zun and others, or Hunyuan level beings like women, may not care.

After all, what can you do if you only have Mahayana level strength?

Perhaps, to ordinary people, Li Zun is very strong, but to them, the strength in the Mahayana stage is nothing more than an ant.

And he's the kind of ant that can be destroyed with just one look.

But Li Quan is different.

Li Quan is a being who can destroy the universe at any time!

If Li Quan destroys this universe, he can just pat his butt and leave.

They can't!

In order to restore the universe, great efforts are required.

Moreover, the woman wanted to ask Li Quan why Li Quan could directly travel through the universe and come to their place.

The outside of the universe is the realm of nothingness.

There is nothingness. Even with their strength, it is difficult to survive in the world of nothingness.

So how did Li Quan rely on his own strength to travel across the universe?

Also, her strength is the strongest existence in the entire universe. She has been at the peak of Hunyuan for countless years.

However, he still couldn't defeat Li Quan and was crushed by Li Quan in all aspects.

She didn't know how long she lived, she only knew that she had been at the peak of Hunyuan for countless years.

Although, for her, if the universe is not destroyed, then she will exist forever.

The universe is her, and she is the embodiment of the universe.

However, being unable to break through to a higher realm means that your strength will always stagnate.

Therefore, if you want to know a higher realm, Li Quan is the key.

Li Quan was the only one who made her breakthrough.

Therefore, no matter what, Li Quan must be firmly in his hands.

Although she is not Li Quan's opponent, this does not prevent her from having this idea.

And Li Quan had already figured out her idea.

It's normal to want to control yourself and not let yourself move around.

After all, the average Hunyuan level powerhouse cannot control the power of his body at all.

He can only put his true body in the space he created like this woman, Nuwa, Fuxi, Demon Ancestor and other powerful Huanyun level players.

And his clone travels the universe on his behalf to maintain the peace of the universe.

Why didn't you say anything? Could it be that I was right?

The closer Li Quan got to the woman, the more uneasy the woman felt.

Because Li Quan said it all.

Okay, I won't tease you anymore.

Don't worry, I'm not here to destroy the universe, so you don't have to worry about me causing any harm to your universe.

But, on equal terms, you must tell me the information about this universe.

Hey, don't be too busy refusing and denying.

Because you will find that you do not have the right to refuse.

Li Quan looked at the beautiful woman with a smile and said.

Li Quan was not joking, being weak was the original sin.

So what about the peak of Hunyuan?

Perhaps, no one in this universe is her opponent, but for Li Quan, it is as easy to deal with her as it was to deal with Hongtian.

Therefore, in Li Quan's eyes, this beautiful woman cannot cause any trouble.

I can only endure all my conditions silently.

What do you want?

Didn't I say that?

I just want to know information about this universe.

Of course, if you don't mind, you can let me try it. I can explore the entire universe with my mental power.

After hearing what Li Quan said, the woman quickly shouted: No!

Who knows what kind of danger Li Quan's mental power will cause to this universe?

Therefore, for safety reasons, the woman had to tell Li Quan some of the most basic information about her universe.

Of course, it is impossible to tell Li Quan some secrets about this universe.

After all, this is the secret of a planet.

It was impossible to tell Li Quan.

As for why Li Quan could communicate with women after arriving in this universe.

Naturally, automatic translation requires more mental power.

At this level, words are no longer a problem at all.

As long as you know how to use mental power, you can talk to each other through mental power.

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