Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 320 Bullet time is here!

Now! Let's see where you go to escape!

Seeing Li Zun's Slowing Technique, Zhang Yifeng had a look of madness on his face.

He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Watching more and more of his companions fall beside him, Li Zun kept on attacking at a super high speed.

Zhang Yifeng himself thought that they would lose the game now that they couldn't even eliminate one person.

Who would have thought that, with God's help, Li Zun's physical and spiritual power had bottomed out.

It was precisely because of this that they were able to successfully cast the Slowness Technique, and it was firmly attached to Li Zun.

Although they only killed Li Zun alone, the defeat was not so ugly.

To blame, it was Li Zun who was so arrogant and tried to challenge fifty-six of them by himself.

Although Li Zun was very strong, it was over.

The five of them started working together, and threw several powerful golden elixir-powered spells at Li Zun.

If he really hits it all, with Li Zun's current state, he can indeed trigger the ban and be eliminated.

When Fang Rong saw this and couldn't help but take action, she was pulled back by Li Pujing on the side.

Squad leader! Li Zun is in danger now! We must help him!

Fang Rong, believe Li Zun, do you think he will be such an uncertain person?

After hearing what Li Pujing said, Fang Rong was stunned for a moment.

Then I remembered that Li Zun was indeed not such a person.

After all, Li Zun never does anything he is unsure of.

The reason why Li Zun dared to challenge fifty-six people by himself must be because he had a backup plan.

Although they don’t know what Li Zun’s back-up plan is, they should believe in Li Zun.

Thinking of this, Fang Rong breathed a sigh of relief.

When I saw Li Zun in danger, I immediately took action to help Li Zun.

However, after hearing Li Pujing's words and thinking of Li Zun's past character, he stopped.

Since Li Zun dared to challenge fifty-six people by himself, he must be sure of it.

So, they just need to wait quietly.

Li Zun! Die!

This is the price for your arrogance!

The flame in Zhang Yifeng's hand burst out and fell towards Li Zhengzhong.

This is the power of the golden elixir level. If you hit it in the middle, you may not be eliminated, but there are four attacks with the same power behind it.

When Li Zun saw this, he didn't have the slightest fear.

He couldn't even mention the pressure that made him afraid.

After seeing that Zhang Yifeng and others dared to release spells towards him in close combat, Li Zun laughed disdainfully.

The reason why Zhang Yifeng and others were able to cast spells in close combat was naturally because they wanted to accurately eliminate Li Zun.

After all, if it were a long-range attack, no one knew whether Li Zun would be able to dodge it, even with the slowness technique.

But if it is a melee spellcasting, this is different.

It is absolutely impossible for Li Zun to escape!

Absolutely impossible!

As for whether it will be injured.

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, their goal is to eliminate Li Zun!

Li Zun alone was enough to eliminate fifty-one of them.

Li Zun's companions may not be Li Zun's opponents in one-on-one combat, and they cannot defeat fifty-one of them.

But there are so many of them!

There are only five of them left, but there are still twenty-nine of Li Zun's companions.

how to spell?

Therefore, the outcome of the game was already determined the moment Li Zun's high-speed movement ended.

Since we can't win, we will die together with Li Zun!

Even if you lose!

We must also eliminate this arrogant guy Li Zun!

Therefore, the five people attacked Li Zun as if they were desperate for their lives.

And just when Zhang Yifeng's flames were about to hit Li Zun, Li Zun suddenly smiled at them.

Li Zun's smile fell in Zhang Yifeng's eyes, and his expression was very strange.

It even gave Zhang Yifeng the feeling that Li Zun could still fight back.

impossible! Absolutely impossible!

It is impossible for Li Zun to fight back!

After all, Li Zun has already run out of oil, and it is impossible for him to have the strength to resist!

If it had been before, it would have been hard to say, but now, Li Zun's physical and spiritual power have bottomed out, and he has also cast a slowness spell on himself, so it is impossible to avoid it!

Thinking of this, the flames in Zhang Yifeng's hand fell heavily.

He wants to end it all!

However, after the fierce flames, Zhang Yifeng was dumbfounded.

His attack failed.

The blow that was supposed to hit did not hit Li Zun, but hit the air.

Not only him, but also the remaining four people.

But these four people were a bit unlucky.

Because Li Zun suddenly disappeared, their attack fell on their companions.

This is a technique that combines all the strength of the attack, so the comrades who were hit were eliminated.

Only Zhang Yifeng and one other person were left on the battlefield.

The remaining three were eliminated because they hit their own companions.

Impossible! How is it possible to avoid this!

Obviously, Zhang Yifeng and others simply couldn't believe that Li Zun actually escaped.

Not only Zhang Yifeng, but also the audience in the auditorium were confused.

what on earth is it?

Hasn't Li Zun's spiritual power and physical strength bottomed out?

Why can you still avoid it?

Could it be that Li Zun is cheating? !

However, this is a nationally broadcast competition, and it has gone through various strict screenings and tests before the competition. It is impossible for Li Zun to cheat.

The question is, how did Li Zun do it.

Are you confused as to why I can escape?

With a faint smile on his face, Li Zun was suspended in mid-air, looking at Zhang Yifeng and the other person from above.

Zhang Yifeng did not reply, but looking at his face, it was clear that Zhang Yifeng was very puzzled and wanted to know the answer eagerly.

It's simple, because my innate magical power is called bullet time.

After hearing what Li Zun said, everyone was shocked.

Innate talent!

It turned out to be an innate magical power. Li Zun actually awakened the legendary innate magical power.

This is incredible.

Innate magical powers, the higher the strength, the greater the effect it can exert.

Moreover, innate magical powers consume neither spiritual power nor physical strength.

But mental strength.

Therefore, although Li Zun's spiritual power and physical strength have bottomed out, Li Zun's mental power has not.

So at the moment when Li Zun was about to be hit, he used his innate magical power, bullet time.

In the bullet time state, Li Zun's reaction speed reached the speed of light, and his own speed was also improved to a certain extent.

Therefore, even if he was hit by the Slowness Technique, Li Zun still had enough speed to avoid the knockout blows from Zhang Yifeng and others.

After hearing Li Zun's words, everyone finally felt relieved.

If you are gifted with supernatural powers, everything will make sense.

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