Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 315 Combat Team

All parties should be aware that the enemy is coming and be prepared to welcome the attack.

No. 1 is in good condition!

No. 2 is in good condition!

Number 29 is in good condition!

Okay, pay attention to all directions and cooperate with each other!


Like well-trained soldiers, everyone began to look at the surrounding environment vigilantly.

At this time, other classes were hiding in the mountains and forests beyond the plains.

No one wants to be cannon fodder, everyone wants to live. Therefore, five minutes have passed, and still no one has launched an attack, waiting for someone to lead the battle.

For a time, the entire battlefield fell into silence.

The audience was confused, what on earth is going on?

Why hasn't anyone moved yet? Could it be that the live broadcast is stuck?

At this time, there was a class outside the plain. Because they couldn't bear the long wait, all members chose to attack in secret.

This class is a regional class from the Loka planet.

Among them, there were three light attribute casters who actually cast a light curtain and enveloped everyone.

Because of the reflection of light, everyone became 'invisible' under the light!

wrong! It's not about being invisible, but about blending into the environment by distorting light.

If you look carefully, you can see a lot of transparent things approaching Li Zun and others.

Li Zun and others were not vegetarians. When the class was close to a hundred meters away, they had already noticed their footsteps.

The enemy is attacking, 90 degrees!

Visually, a spell such as invisibility was used.

Soon, the report reached Li Zun's ears, and in Li Zun's mind, a hundred ways to deal with the enemy appeared in an instant.

The first and second teams are on standby, while the third team uses the Mysterious Fire Technique! The fourth and fifth teams gather thunder and pay attention to the movements in all directions!



Thirty people were divided into five teams.

Li Zun, on the other hand, belongs to the first team.

A small team of six people cooperates with each other to face the enemy in a five-square direction, always paying attention to the surrounding environment.

Since one party can't help but take action, then the rest of the class can't help but take action as well.

This is a regional class from Planet Loka, a member of the Trials.

When the third team used the Mysterious Fire Technique, they did not bluff, but silently accumulated strength behind their backs, pretending not to notice the opponent.

When the people on Luoka Star were ten meters away from Li Zun and others, the precise shooting range came.

Do it!

Following Li Zun's order, the flames accumulated in the Xuanhuo Jue condensed by the six people in the third team were like cannonballs, attacking the incoming people at this moment.

Six fireballs, each one meter in size, are still the most basic fireballs.

With the strength of their golden elixir stage, they are enough to deal with the Luoka Star regional class whose strength is only at the foundation building level.

If it were a class match, they would probably just use their ultimate move.

Where can it be like now, where the foundation of the actual Five Elements Jue and the multiplication technique of fire control: Xuanhuo Jue.

After all, if you don't plan every step carefully, your spiritual energy will be exhausted quickly.

The power of the fireball released by the Xuanhuo Jue is astonishing.

At the golden elixir stage, even a casual blow can cause huge damage.

Although it is not as good as the Nascent Soul stage, he can split mountains with just a raise of his hands and feet.

However, the power released is enough to break rocks.

The regional class of Loka Star originally thought that Li Zun and others were just exaggerating.

After all, even if they used the light screen and were so close, they were not noticed. It was simply a waste of time.

However, when they got closer than 20 meters, they realized that everything was wrong with them.

It turned out that Li Zun and others had already discovered their traces and were waiting for their arrival.

Moreover, when they were about to launch a sneak attack, they were attacked first.

Six fireballs over one meter in size struck, and no one had time to react.

Among them, the entire foundation building period was accumulated in an entire area.

However, even so, it cannot withstand the golden elixir stage fireball that comes from a precise strike within twenty meters.

Six fireballs suddenly struck at a very fast speed, falling directly beside them in the blink of an eye.


A one-meter fireball caused an explosion with a radius of ten meters.

Each one is as powerful as a cannonball, plus this Loka Star area class is due to the use of light curtains.

In order to make everyone invisible, they were basically crowded together.

It is precisely for this reason that the six fireballs were like justice from heaven, and everyone was hit.

It was shrouded within the explosion range of these six fireballs.

In an instant, thirty restrictions were triggered, and this regional class from Star Loka was killed instantly.

If there was just one fireball, except for the one in the middle who would be eliminated, the others who were threatened by the blasting air wave would only be injured at best.

However, because of the light curtain, all members of this class were crowded into an area of ​​less than twenty meters.

Therefore, the six fireballs exploded six times within the twenty-meter area without mercy.

Everyone was eliminated.

And the moment Luoka Star was eliminated, it was like a clarion call for battle.

All classes at the foundation level have also begun to take action.

They knew that as long as they could eliminate the students from the Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy this time, the first stage would be considered a victory.

Therefore, they are also prepared to be cannon fodder.

Suddenly, enemies from all directions began to attack Li Zun and others.

Everyone is on alert, the enemy is coming.

Please pay attention to dodge spells and fight freely.

At this time, if you just stand there, you will be attacked by enemies from all directions.

Therefore, you can only move, and only by moving can you avoid some enemies and then defeat them one by one.

Don't forget, these are just enemies at the foundation-building level, and there are also enemies at the golden elixir level waiting in the dark.

At Li Zun's order, various spells suddenly appeared from all directions.

Thunder Technique, Explosive Fire Technique, Ice Ling Technique, Earth and Stone Technique, all available.

All spells have only one target, which is Li Zun and others in the center of the battlefield.

Ninety-degree direction! Attack!

There were overwhelming spells, although they could resist them as long as they used the defensive shield spell.

After all, with only a foundation-building level of strength, it would be difficult to hurt them at all.

However, if the defensive shield technique is used, then the golden elixir level combat power will be deployed next.

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