Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 313 National High School Competition!

I didn't expect that he turned out to be.

It turned out that Li Quan turned out to be the master of this inheritance, which meant that everything Jiuli received was given by Li Quan.

No wonder, when he was against Li Quan, Li Quan could easily break her spell.

The reason for all this is because Li Quan is the master of the inheritance!

I feel a little shy when I think about how I 'showed off my power' in front of Li Quan.

Isn't this a big show in front of Guan Gong?

However, since Li Quan is the master of the inheritance, nominally speaking, Jiu Li's skills have also been passed down to Li Quan.

In other words, Li Quan is Jiuli's master.

However, this master seems to be very unruly, and he often 'tortures' his disciples, which is really bad.

Since the inheritance comes from this place, that is to say, this space was also created by Li Quan.

As a result, Jiuli was a little surprised.

It takes hundreds of years to reach the end from this place. How big is it?

How strong is Li Quan?

You know, even the powerful people she knows can only open up a few million kilometers of space.

But here, there are more than just millions?

Flying at half the speed of light, it must have been flying for hundreds of years, and it must have grown from a few hundred light-years in size.

However, there is still no end in sight.

This is a bit scary.

This Li... what is the purpose of this master?

Now that she knows, Li Quan is her instructor of all skills. Although Li Quan has not taught herself, Li Quan has given her all skills and is her master.

Therefore, there is no problem in calling Li Quan master.

Wait a minute, there is a lot of spiritual energy here. Not only that, the amount of spiritual energy it has can be said to be the best in the universe.

The gravity on my body is increasing now. However, after the gravity on my body increases, the speed of my cultivation will also increase accordingly.

Could it be that the master's purpose is to make me practice well?

If that's the case, this place would be a good place to practice.

After all, no one disturbs me, and other lives are created by the boredom of Jiuli for hundreds of years.

Putting these aside, such a beautiful environment is very suitable for cultivation.

In other words, Li Quan's purpose is to let her practice!

But I can't sit still!

Jiu Li really wanted to practice, but the problem was that he couldn't sit still.

If he could really sit still, he would not be bored and create hundreds of lives.

It's a pity that there is no one else in this space, so no one can listen to Jiuli's complaint.

After venting silently for a few minutes, Jiuli also understood that he would not be able to leave this ghost place for the time being.

Since Li Quan's purpose is to let Jiuli practice in this place, then just do what Li Quan wants.

I just don’t know what it’s like outside since she’s been gone for so long.

After all, the universe develops at a rapid pace every year. Who knows what the universe will look like after she goes out.

And just when Jiuli was helpless to practice, the students had already arrived in the imperial capital.

The Supreme Academy of the Imperial Capital is the top training academy in Tenglong Kingdom and even the entire universe. It contains the top educational resources in the entire universe.

There are countless powerful ones, and there are even a lot of precious cultivation techniques and techniques in it.

In Jiangdu City, the high school competition finally ushered in the high school competition of the entire Tenglong Kingdom.

This competition is placed above the entire Tenglong Kingdom.

On this day, all the contestants will gather at the Imperial Capital Supreme Training Academy for the high school competition.

The land area of ​​Tenglong Kingdom is no longer limited to Blue Star, but occupies the entire solar system and even two other galaxies outside the solar system.

Therefore, there are so many contestants here, reaching a total of five hundred.

There are five hundred teams, all of which are the strongest teams in each region.

This is not comparable to the regional high school competition.

The golden elixir stage is no longer rare. Of course, it has not reached the level of golden elixir among all members like Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy.

I think this high school competition is not difficult at all for you, right?

In the scene before the competition started, Li Quan came in front of a group of students and asked them with a smile.


They are all golden elixirs. Other planets do not have such good conditions as Blue Star. If there is a golden elixir in a class, it will be an eye-opener for God.

After all, Blue Star is the place with the richest spiritual energy in the entire universe.

Therefore, the cultivation level of students in academies who practice on Blue Star is much higher than that of students who practice on other planets.

It is precisely for this reason that academies in various regions above Blue Star can basically rank among the top ten in the national high school competition.

Those who practice on other planets will aim to be in the top 30 in the competition.

There are five hundred participating teams, and it is not a shame to finish in the top thirty.

After all, there are only twenty areas above Blue Star.

Well, I think so. After all, with your current level of cultivation, even if you don't rely on your past training, you can easily win the championship simply by relying on your realm.

After all, Jin Dan for all members is no joke.

For other academies, even if they are also cultivating on Blue Star, it would be an eye-opener for them to have two or three golden elixir stages.

It will be like Jiangdu's No. 1 Cultivation Academy, where all members will be golden elixirs.

Isn't this cheating?

So, I decided to make a slight adjustment to this high school competition.

While speaking, Li Quan said with a smile on his face.


Obviously, everyone didn't know what Li Quan meant by adjustment.

To put it simply, it's you, versus teams from across the country.

After hearing what Li Quan said, everyone was shocked.

However, it was just a shock.

Not scared.

In the actual combat space, they experienced countless life and death crises and cooperated with each other.

They have already developed a strong heart.

In fact, if something is not difficult, it will not interest them at all.

Four hundred and ninety-nine teams, that is, one thousand four hundred and seventy people.

Thirty people versus nearly a thousand and a half, it can be said that it is impossible to talk about it.

However, there is also a factor to consider.

The gap between the actual combat power of the two sides.

Does that mean we'll be playing against other classes across the country?

Yes, and Li Zun, Fang Rong, you two can't use the strength of the Nascent Soul stage, do you know?

Across the country, there are currently no students who can reach the Nascent Soul stage in high school.

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