Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 310 Golden elixir for all members

What is the background of the class opposite?

We don't know, but according to the information, this is a first-year class from Jiangdu No. 1 Training Academy.

It seems that I participated because I won the class competition in the whole school.

Opposite, the monitor of the third-year class A, after hearing the analysis of his team members, said with a trace of hesitation on his face: First-year class?

As everyone knows, the first-year class is a class that has just come into contact with spiritual practice. How could they be their opponents?

However, they don't know why, but they always feel in their hearts that Class A is not easy this year.

Moreover, they were actually unable to detect the cultivation level of the students in the other class.

This is a bit scary.

However, the technique of concealing one's cultivation level is not unheard of in this world.

Therefore, there is only one reason why they cannot detect the opponent's cultivation strength, and that is because they use a technique to hide their cultivation.

As for being stronger than them, this is impossible!

After all, if they have only been practicing for less than a year, how can they be the opponents of those who have been practicing for three years?

Thinking about it this way, the third-year Class A student from Jiangdu Digging Cultivation Academy feels much more relaxed.

Right, even if their academy is the weakest in the entire Jiangdu city, it can't even beat a first-year class.

Furthermore, the Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy across the street actually sent a first-year class A. Is there no one in Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy?

Otherwise, why are first-year students sent instead of third-year students?

Therefore, the anxious hearts of the students in Class A of the third year of Jiangdu Dikeng Cultivation Academy finally calmed down.

Isn't it just beating first-year students? Although the opposite is the number one college in Jiangdu City, can the third-year students still not be able to beat the first-year students?

The students in Class A of the first year also seemed to be aware of each other's thoughts.

However, this is all expected.

It's time to take action. This time, let Teacher Li know the results of our devil's training for so long.

After hearing what Li Zun said, the students began to get excited.

For a full year, I stayed in the actual combat space for a year, surviving in the crisis of life and death almost every day.

It is precisely because of this that they have the strength they have today.

All members have reached the Golden Elixir stage, and Fang Rong and Li Zun have even reached the Nascent Soul stage.

This kind of strength is destined to be a blockbuster.

Together or individually?

Apart from anything else, they could feel that none of the classes at the Dikeng Cultivation Academy in Jiangdu across the street had a single golden elixir stage.

Among the thirty of them, any one has the strength of the Golden Core stage, and all of them have emerged from the struggle between life and death.

Everyone has the fighting power to defeat many.

Therefore, although it is a bit troublesome to fight alone, it is enough to completely destroy them.

Let's come together, otherwise, others will think that we underestimate them.

After hearing this, Fang Rong responded with a smile.

That's okay, but don't make others lose too embarrassingly.

After hearing this, Li Zun didn't mind.

On the opposite side, students from Class A of the third year of Jiangdu Digging Training Academy became angry after hearing the voices of Li Zun and others.

How is this going?

Looking down on them or what?

How dare a mere first-year student look down on them?

Monitor, those first-year students across the street look down on us!

Yes! Come together and let these first-year students know that we are not easy to mess with!

Yes! Even if our school is the weakest among the thirty schools, the third grade is the third grade. This is an insurmountable gap in practice!

After hearing what Li Zun and others said, the students in Class A of the third year of Jiangdu Digging Cultivation Academy were extremely angry.

How dare you underestimate them? If they were in the third grade or second grade class, they would have the capital.

However, even if it is the number one training academy in Jiangdu City, your first-year students have only been exposed to training for less than a year, and you dare to look down on them. You are simply looking for death!

Therefore, the students in Class A of the third year of Jiangdu Digging Cultivation College decided to teach all the students in Class A of the first year a lesson to let them know what is third grade and what is first grade!

A crowd broke out.

During the body refining and foundation building stages, the cultivation levels were unleashed one after another.

Although their cultivation was very weak, they had gained a preliminary understanding after a certain amount of training when they participated in the competition.

Therefore, although their individual strength is very weak, when they are kneaded together, the momentum they erupt is enough to crush a golden elixir stage!

After all, the power of a group is huge.

But Li Zun and others did not panic after feeling the imposing aura of the students from Class A of the third year of Jiangdu Digging Cultivation Academy.

Because this kind of momentum was nothing at all during their year of devilish training.

Finally, the other party took action.

Thirty people dispersed and attacked everyone.

Everyone is separated by a certain distance, but the distance is neither too far nor too close.

In this way, it would be more convenient for everyone to support each other.

Seeing the crowd coming, the students in Class A of the first year did not take action. Instead, they continued to wait, as if they were frightened.

Everyone in the audience was very puzzled.

After all, the students from the Jiangdu Digging Cultivation Academy have already taken action. Why don’t the students from the Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy take action?

Or rather, the students at the Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy were frightened and did not dare to take action at all.

Just when everyone was wondering why they didn't take action, a shocking scene happened.

I saw waves of aura belonging to the golden elixir stage suddenly erupting from the students of Jiangdu's No. 1 Cultivation Academy.

Especially at the end, two Nascent Soul-level auras burst out one after another. At that moment, everyone was stunned.


It's simply unbelievable.

In less than a year of practice, the entire class has reached the golden elixir stage.

This is something that has never happened in education for hundreds of years.

However, the facts are right in front of us.

The students from the Digging Cultivation Academy in Jiangdu City originally planned to teach the students from the No. 1 Cultivation Academy in Jiangdu a profound lesson.

Let them know what the gap in practice time is.

But, they understood now.

Turns out, they were the ones who needed to know the difference.

The momentum exploded, and the students of Jiangdu Dikeng Training Academy subconsciously stopped their bodies.

Of course, there was another one who did not stop and ran in front of the students of Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy.

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