Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 285 Serious Zhang Fenfen

What's wrong with you?

With all the students looking like this, Zhang Fenfen asked with a trace of doubt on her face.

You know, in her memory, her students are extremely energetic.

But now, it is lifeless, like those who are about to die. What is going on?

Teacher, can we apply for a replacement practical teacher?

After hearing this, Zhang Fenfen looked confused.

Why change to a practical teacher?

She had seen a group of students who were very energetic in actual combat locations before.

What did your Teacher Li do to you?

At this moment, Zhang Fenfen seemed to have thought of something and silently asked the students.

After hearing what Zhang Fenfen said, all the students burst into tears, and soon the confession meeting began.

There is no other problem but one, and that is to file a complaint against Li Quan.

Some students have even made up their minds to go to the teaching office to complain about Li Quan after class.

This is a rhythm that will drive them to death!

If it weren't for Li Zun's strength, he led them to successfully survive the siege of three hundred goblins.

I'm afraid I won't be able to see the sun today from then on.

Although it is cloudy today.

In that case, did Teacher Li really do such an outrageous thing to you?

But why am I always so happy to see you killing people when I passed by yesterday?

After hearing this, all the students were confused.

When were they happy?

Is Teacher Zhang blind?

That eye saw that they were happy because they looked depressed?

No, weren't you killing goblins yesterday?

Yes, we are just killing goblins, but, teacher, how can you see that we are so happy?

Well, I saw you were quite ruthless when you killed goblins.

Well, it was indeed a bit ruthless, but it was only ruthless when killing thirty goblins.

However, the teacher did not see the tragic look when they fought against three hundred goblins.

If it weren't for Li Zun's presence, I'm afraid they would all be annihilated.

Well, in view of your complaints, I decided to consult with Teacher Li.

No matter what, since all his students have complained, it means there is something wrong with Li Quan.

As the head teacher of this class, Zhang Fenfen has the obligation to reflect well with Li Quan.

I hope Li Quan can make corrections in time, otherwise Zhang Fenfen will have no choice but to file a complaint against Li Quan and ask Li Quan to resign.

Although Zhang Fenfen was very reluctant to give up, for the sake of the students' future and physical and mental health, she could only sacrifice the one she loved.

Because of Zhang Fenfen, a group of lifeless students finally regained some vitality.

Of course, it's just a little bit. Compared to the past, it's still far behind.

At noon, Zhang Fenfen found Li Quan after taking a lunch break.

At this time, Li Quan was talking with his younger brother Li Zun in the school canteen.

After Li Quan saw the visitor, he said with a smile on his face: Isn't this Teacher Zhang? What a coincidence, you are also in the cafeteria.

What a coincidence, Teacher Li. Well, I have something to ask you. I wonder if you can do it.

While speaking, Teacher Zhang turned his attention to Li Zun standing aside.

After Li Zun heard this, he immediately knew what Zhang Fenfen was going to do.

Of course, Li Zun had no hope for what Zhang Fenfen would do next.


Even his mother couldn't successfully dissuade him. Not only that, she also joined her eldest brother's side.

This Fenfen is just a teacher, and she is just an acquaintance with Li Quan, so what use can it be?

As for finding your own sister-in-law?

Forget it.

My eldest sister-in-law will only care about her eldest brother, who will care about his brother-in-law.

And if it is Li Xiaotuan.

Li Zun didn't dare to think about it anymore. After all, it was estimated that if Li Xiaotuan tried to dissuade Li Quan, he might end up very miserable.

Brother, I'm full. If you and Teacher Zhang have something to do, just talk about it. I'll go take a rest.

Well, that's alright. You have to be serious about this afternoon's class.

The corners of Li Quan's mouth raised slightly, showing a naughty smile, which made Li Zun's whole body tremble.

I am so surprised.

After a moment of rejection in his heart, Li Zun left quickly.

After Li Zun left, Li Quan looked at Zhang Fenfen and said, So, I don't know, Teacher Zhang, do you have anything to do with me?

This...isn't a big deal.

While saying this, Zhang Fenfen sat opposite Li Quan, her eyes silently looking at Li Quan's handsome face.

He is so handsome that Zhang Fenfen can't even speak properly.

Huh? It's not a big deal?

Then what are you going to say?

Actually, it's just a small thing.

After hearing this, Li Quan was ashamed.

It's either a big thing or a small thing. So what exactly is it? Can't you tell me directly?

Ahem, that Teacher Zhang, if there is something wrong, just say it.

I don't mind if I can help you. After all, we are colleagues now.

Well, after being urged by Li Quan, Zhang Fenfen stopped procrastinating. She looked at Li Quan seriously and said, Teacher Li, why don't we talk about your practical course.

Li Quan saw Zhang Fenfen's serious look and asked in a funny tone: I don't know, Teacher Zhang, is there anything wrong with my practical course?

While speaking, Li Quan put his hands together and supported his chin.

He leaned his elbows on the table and looked at Zhang Fenfen with a smile on his face and asked.

Well, based on the reaction of the students today, Mr. Li, the practical class you gave yesterday was suspected of abusing them, so...

So, today you are going to tell me about the content of the practical course, right?

Li Quan responded with a smile, and the smiling face made Zhang Fenfen feel a little uneasy.

He is so handsome that he can't talk to Li Quan properly at all. What should I do? !

So, I don't know, Teacher Zhang, do you have any suggestions for my practical courses?

Well, I don't have many suggestions. I mean, can you follow the practical courses arranged by Teacher Wang in the past?

In this case, I believe that with your personality, Teacher Li, the students will definitely like you.

Seeing Zhang Fenfen's serious look, Li Quan laughed subconsciously.

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