Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 258 ‘Hunter’ Li Quan


Strong currents erupted directly on the bodies of these aliens. The powerful current even scorched some of the aliens.

Lord, Master! We really didn't lie to you!

Still want to lie?! Do you think I'm a fool?!

As soon as these words were spoken, strong currents continued to erupt.

After a while, the strong current disappeared.

Huh! I'll let you go this time!

There is no room for failure in the plan. Since Ji Rong cannot be captured, then just wait for the next mission.

As soon as these words came out, all the aliens finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It's really scary.

This Ji Rong was really rescued by Fang Tonghao who descended from the sky wearing a golden battle armor.

They were also depressed, but this was a fact. Why didn't their master believe it? !

However, what they didn't know was that their owner had received a video of their previous crucifixion.

Above the video is a video of Fang Tonghao holding the Gentleman's Dragon Scale Sword and wearing golden holy armor, killing three centaurs with one sword.

I didn't expect that Fang Tonghao would actually tear apart space and descend on Beta Star.

However, even so, our plan cannot be compromised. The position of Human Emperor has been occupied for thousands of years. It is time to change the position.

The plan failed and Ji Rong was attacked. As a member of the royal family, he would naturally become vigilant.

Few people know Ji Rong's identity. After all, the royal family is a very sensitive being.

Nowadays, someone dares to do harm to the royal family, so the royal family will definitely be very vigilant.

Apart from anything else, strengthening vigilance and so on are the most basic operations.

After Ji Rong was rescued, Li Quan, who was on the Blue Star, also laughed silently.

I didn't expect that I would build a suit of armor so quickly.

However, this was originally prepared for that boy, so it's not a loss.

While speaking, Li Quan put his pockets in his pockets and disappeared directly from the imperial capital.

Soon, Li Quan's figure appeared in Jiangdu City.

Moreover, the place where Li Quan appeared was Jiangdu's No. 1 Cultivation Academy.

This is the top training high school in Jiangdu City.

It is now Li Zun’s learning ground.

After Li Quan arrived at the college, he looked around and whistled, and his clothes were instantly changed into the uniforms of the students here.

Coupled with Li Quan's young face and wearing school uniform, he looks like a proper student.

Li Quan put his hands in his pockets, feeling Li Zun's breath like a little gangster, and quickly found Li Zun's class.

At this time, Li Zun was practicing with concentration.

Li Quan, on the other hand, came to the door of the class and looked at the environment in the class.

There are thirty students here.

It seems that in a training room, only thirty people are allowed to practice together at most.

There is a spirit gathering formation in the practice room, which is specially used to concentrate spiritual energy.

Coupled with the aura of Blue Star, it can be said that it is the most top existence in the universe today. There are many benefits to practicing in such a rich place.

As for Li Quan, after he finished inquiring, he quickly saw Li Zun.

Of course, there is also Fang Rong.

In this regard, Li Quan seems to have a bold idea.

His face suddenly changed, and he turned into the classmate who had just passed by next door, and his face looked a bit sinister.

With this face, Li Quan suddenly kicked the door open.

The sudden loud noise can be said to have frightened the practitioners in the practice room.

There were even a few who almost went crazy because of Li Quan's sudden kick.

Cultivation is all about tranquility.

The sudden sound can indeed easily make people go crazy.

You bastards from Class A, first year! Just stay aside for me!

Hurry up, I want to collect protection money! Hand over all the elixirs and other things you have on you to me!

As Li Quan finished speaking, an iron baseball bat appeared in his hand.

The stick hit the wall next to it hard, causing a large piece of the wall to dent.

After hearing this, the students did not show any fear.

After all, Li Quan is only one person, but there are thirty of them here.

In addition, the cultivation that Li Quan currently exudes is only in the foundation building stage, and they also have a foundation building stage here.

Fang Rong and Li Zun, two great students in the foundation building stage, are here. Could it be that they can't defeat Li Quan, a mere foundation building stage student?

This classmate, if you just leave, we can pretend that nothing happened.

At this moment, a four-eyed boy suddenly walked out.

It seems that this person is going to be a standout.

When Li Quan saw this, he raised his hand and slapped the student aside.

What the hell, you dare to talk to me.

Li Quan's tone can now be called a complete gangster.

And Li Quan slapped him in the face like this, which can be said to have aroused public outrage.

Two of the boys in the Qi refining stage rushed over, but before they could react, they were slapped by Li Quan and were slapped away one by one.

After being slapped away, Li Quan was stunned just like the four-eyed boy.

Two losers, how dare you go against me?!

You! You! You! Are you three guys dissatisfied?!

If you don't accept it, just hold it in for me.

Otherwise, I'll beat you to death!

Hurry up and pay the protection fee, otherwise, these three guys will be your fate!

As soon as these words came out, the girl who looked a little shy summoned up the courage to shout to Li Quan: You, you guy, how can you do this!

You do this! Aren't you afraid of punishment from the academy?

Academy punishment?!

Hahaha! Just kidding!

I, Guo Dong, am not afraid of any punishment at all!

Stop talking to me, otherwise, I'll beat the woman up too!

While speaking, the baseball bat in Li Quan's hand hit the ground heavily. The formation on the ground seemed to be affected, and it stopped running at this moment.

The average age of the students was only fifteen or sixteen years old. How had they ever seen such a scene before?

Being so frightened by Li Quan, he was immediately stunned.

Li Quan seemed disappointed when he saw this.

These guys are too cowardly. With so many people, only a few are on board. They are simply too weak.

Li Quan quickly glanced at Li Zun and found that Li Zun seemed to be at a critical juncture in his cultivation.

Moreover, it seemed that a small breakthrough was being made, but some problems were encountered.

Seeing this, Li Quan swaggered in front of Li Zun, hitting the ground with the baseball bat in his hand, and was planning to do something to Li Zun.

When Fang Rong saw this, she immediately protected Li Zun.

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