Death Canyon, maybe Ji Rong doesn't know what it represents.

However, the centaur race living among them clearly knows what it represents.

The Death Canyon is now located behind Ji Rong, and Ji Rong has already stepped into the Death Canyon.

If Ji Rong continues to go in, although Ji Rong's strength has reached the Mahayana stage, she will also fall into the death canyon at the Mahayana stage.

They just want to hold Ji Rong hostage to obtain the secret of why Blue Star has developed so rapidly.

I don't want to kill Ji Rong.

After all, no matter how limited their IQ is, they will not kill the hostages.

Hmph! If you want to use me to blackmail Blue Star, you are thinking too much!

Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!

While speaking, Ji Rong ran directly towards the Death Canyon.

The three and a half planet-level centaurs who were chasing Ji Rong had to break into the Death Canyon at this moment.

The special substance of Death Valley is something they don't want to be contaminated with even if they are at the semi-planet level.

And when Ji Rong looked at the centaurs approaching so fast, a dagger suddenly appeared in her hand.

The dagger looked extremely sharp, and even emitted bursts of cold light.

With this dagger, just a slight touch on the neck can easily kill someone on the spot.

After all, the blade of this dagger contains a special poison.

Even a strong man in the Mahayana stage would be killed on the spot if he accidentally encountered one.

For existences on the upper half of the planet, although they cannot be killed with one blow, it is enough to kill them.

However, Ji Rong did not intend to deal with the centaurs.

Because Ji Rong knew that she alone was no match for the three of them, not to mention that these three were existences whose strength had reached the level of half a planet.

Therefore, Ji Rong placed the dagger in front of her neck, with a face that was not afraid of life and death, and shouted at the three attacking centaurs: If you dare to take a step forward, I will commit suicide immediately!

This way! The hatred between you and my father and husband has been forged!

After hearing this, the three centaurs were stunned for a moment and stopped.

However, as if the three centaurs had received a message, they continued to move forward where they had stopped.

Not only that, the centaur among them even launched a death sprint.

Death sprint is the natural ability of centaurs.

The power of the whole body is concentrated on one point, and the power that bursts out is enough to severely damage enemies of the same level.

The power exerted by a half-planet level existence can be imagined.

Therefore, Ji Rong was stunned.

He obviously wanted to catch her just now, but unexpectedly, he wanted to kill her the next second.

Seeing this, Ji Rong closed her eyes silently.

In such a scene, death is inevitable.

No one can save her.

It's just a pity that she can't watch her daughter grow up, get married and have children.

I can no longer stay with Fang Tonghao.

At that moment, Ji Rong was about to collide with the centaur who was performing a death sprint, three seconds away.

The space above Ji Rong's head was suddenly torn apart. At the same time, Fang Tonghao's figure suddenly flew out and collided with the centaur's death sprint.


Along with a violent collision, Li Quan's voice said faintly: By the way, this thing is for you.

At the same time, in the torn space, a golden ball was suddenly thrown out by Li Quan and hit Fang Tonghao, who fell to the ground and was slightly injured.

A half-planet level death sprint, although very powerful.

Even against some weaker planet-level experts, it can still cause huge amounts of damage.

But who is Fang Tonghao?

People who practice Human and Dragon Shared Martial Arts have physical strength comparable to that of dragons.

It is recognized that the body of the Dragon Clan is one of the top in the universe.

Moreover, Fang Tonghao's strength was at the planet level, so when this powerful attack fell on Fang Tonghao, he was only slightly injured.

This is a minor injury, the kind of scratched skin.

It only takes a moment to recover.

Ji Rong, who was desperate and waiting for death to come, was blown away by the huge air wave caused by the impact before he could react, and fell a hundred meters away.

The rolling distance of a hundred meters was nothing to Ji Rong, who had the strength of the Mahayana stage.

What Ji Rong was more curious about was who came to save her.

Among the dust, Fang Tonghao slowly stood up and caught a golden ball thrown in by Li Quan from the other side of the torn space.

The moment Fang Tonghao came into contact with the golden ball, Fang Tonghao found that his palm was pricked by the protruding thorns of the golden ball.

Hiss, Li Quan, you are like this

The moment Fang Tonghao was stabbed, the blood was absorbed by the golden ball.

Not only that, after absorbing it, Fang Tonghao discovered that he had a slight connection with the golden ball.

The golden ball also successfully recognized its owner after absorbing Fang Tonghao's blood.

After recognizing the master, a golden light bloomed.

At this moment, the golden ball turned into a golden armor.

The golden armor fit Fang Tonghao's body perfectly. Not only that, there was also a giant dragon pattern engraved on his chest.

A three-foot long dragon scale sword was held tightly in Fang Tonghao's hand.

Thank you very much, Li Quan.

Li Quan on the other side of the space saw this and smiled, and the torn space returned to normal.

And Fang Tonghao seemed to feel something, and his originally smiling face turned cold at this moment.

Holding the Gentleman's Dragon Scale Sword tightly in his right hand, he swiped it forward slightly.

The strong sword energy instantly cut away the dust surrounding it.

The strong air wave not only chopped open the dust, but also chopped open the dead matter that began to be produced in the death canyon.

As the dust dispersed, Fang Tonghao appeared in front of everyone wearing a golden battle armor and holding a gentleman's dragon scale sword.

Everyone was extremely surprised when they saw this.

Especially Ji Rong.

She knew exactly where Fang Tonghao was.

Therefore, the moment she saw Fang Tonghao, Ji Rong felt that she had a hallucination before death.

Fang Tonghao looked back at Ji Rong, and his figure appeared next to Ji Rong in an instant. He supported Ji Rong with his left hand, and then in the next second, the two figures appeared outside the Death Canyon.

Although the death matter emitted from the Death Canyon has no impact on Fang Tonghao, it still has a great impact on Ji Rong.

Therefore, for the safety of his wife, it is better for Ji Rong to stay outside the Death Valley.

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