Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 247 Your family member Li Quan is online

This is a Hunyuan-level soul, and it is also a soul that has lived for who knows how many eras.

The soul energy contained in it is astronomically high.

Just such a soul alone is already more than all the souls and 'experiences' that Li Quan has absorbed in the game world before.

Therefore, Li Quan would not let such a soul go.

Perhaps, Li Quan could devour it and then use the power of its soul to raise his basic strength to the Hunyuan level.

In this way, once Li Quan breaks out, his true strength will be even higher.

Of course, before that, Li Quan had to adapt to the power he had just gained.

After all, now that all the blessing power has faded, Li Quan's strength has reached the peak of the Galaxy Network.

This is just the most basic strength.

And every time Li Quan's strength skyrockets, his own strength will also skyrocket.

Therefore, Li Quan had to spend a little time to adapt to the surge of power in his body.

Otherwise, if the power surges too much in a short period of time, even someone as strong as Li Quan will have a phenomenon similar to oxygen drunk.

However, because Li Quan has 99% control over his own power, he only needs to get used to it and he can reach 100%.

This is good news.

At the very least, if Li Quan can achieve 100% power control, even if his basic power reaches the Hunyuan level, Li Quan can walk freely in the universe.

There is no need to worry about Xiang Nuwa, Fuxi, Demon Ancestor, and Demon Ancestor, who are terrified that the universe will be torn apart due to their daily activities, and have to hide their true bodies in the mysterious space.

After all, the power control has reached 100%. Even if Li Quan can explode a thousand tons of power with any movement, he can also control it to a power explosion of one kilogram.

This is the terrifying thing about having 100% control over your own power.

And the time to adapt, say it quickly, a few hundred years, for Li Quan who has been fighting in the small world for a hundred thousand years, it can be regarded as a blink of an eye.

However, to be honest, this is quite slow.

Of course, in the outside world, time passes very slowly. Three hundred years is only three-tenths of a year.

Soon, when Li Quan and Hongtian fought, Li Quan pulled Hongtian into Xiaotiandi.

The space here began to be crazily distorted, and when the space was distorted to a certain extent, a hand suddenly popped out and tore the space apart.

The owner of the hands soon appeared in the universe.

It's Li Quan.

As for that small world, it was destroyed along with Li Quan's departure.

Anyway, even if Li Quan didn't leave, this small world would have been completely destroyed by the war between the two sides.

In a hundred thousand years, if there is no battle, a new life may be born.

It's a pity that the two sides have been fighting non-stop for a hundred thousand years. It is only now, with Hongtian's death and Li Quan's breakthrough, that the battle can be resolved.

Of course, if it continues to be preserved, according to the fact that there is a complete ecological circle in this small world, other creatures can be born and reproduce.

The moment Li Quan came out, he felt the energy of the universe for a long time, a familiar feeling.

Not only that, besides feeling the familiar energy fluctuations of the universe, Li Quan also felt something strange.

It seems to be a quantum fluctuation, and it is trying to invade Li Quan's spirit and try to connect with Li Quan's spirit.

When Li Quan saw this, his face was full of curiosity.

It's only been a hundred years in the outside world. Could it be that a lot of things happened in the outside world during these hundred years?

Li Quan gave up resisting this external quantum fluctuation and connected with it.

Soon, Li Quan's mental power captured a trace of quantum fluctuations, and the quantum fluctuations began to build a communication panel similar to a system through Li Quan himself as the medium.

After seeing this panel, Li Quan's expression was a bit complicated.

Because, isn't this panel the same panel Li Quan used when he created the demon resistance system?

No, it's not the same.

The system panel Li Quan originally built only had the function of communication.

And this panel has many functions.

It can be used as an encyclopedia, and can also be used for remote real-time teaching and a series of activities.

It can be said that this is based on Li Quan's demon resistance system and has been optimized.

After capturing Li Quan's mental power, Universe Network began to assess Li Quan.

After all, the purpose of the assessment is to distinguish intelligent creatures from non-intelligent creatures.

If it is a non-intelligent creature, it will not know how to operate the panel at all.

And this cosmic network also has a special, hidden function.


As long as you are connected to the Universe Network, the Universe Network can capture your real-time location.

In this way, if there is anything like a crime, it will be clear.

This reduces the efficiency of crime.

Of course, even if there are crimes and other things that endanger the universe, the person involved will not connect to the cosmic network stupidly.

Isn’t this just plain telling yourself, I’m here, come and catch me?

As for Li Quan, after connecting to the Universe Network, several questions quickly appeared.

May I ask if you are an intelligent creature?

Li Quan almost wanted to complain about this question.

Will a creature without intelligence understand what you choose?

Soon, Li Quan controlled his mental power and chose one of the two options.

The first question was selected successfully, and the second question was quickly entered.

What planet do you belong to?

Are you asking in such detail?

Li Quan came up with the word Blue Star directly based on the choice.

Behind it, a series of detailed addresses suddenly popped up.

There is even a personal ID card to fill in and so on.

When Li Quan filled in all these, all the annoying options disappeared.

Instead, there is an unfamiliar interface.

Very simple, only communication, Internet access and home quantum network.

Huh? Home Quantum Network? What is this?

Li Quan saw this special option and silently clicked on it.

At this moment, a notification sound suddenly sounded in the cosmic network of Li Zhen, Wang Yun, Wang Keyuan, Ren Hong and others: Your family member Li Quan is online, come and chat with him.

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