Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 226 Holy Body Breakthrough!

In the subspace, in order to help the two girls achieve a successful breakthrough, Li Quan specially opened up a subspace for the two girls.

Within the subspace, the richness of spiritual energy inside is no worse than that of Longyuan Space.

Of course, this is a subspace that Li Quan spent a certain amount of effort to create.

Therefore, Li Quan was very curious about the identity of the dragon who created the dragon source space.

Even Li Quan himself found it so troublesome when he wanted to create a subspace similar to the Longyuan space level.

So how strong is the dragon that created the Dragon Source Space?

Li Quan didn't know this.

However, as Li Quan's strength improves, one day, Li Quan will know everything.

At this time, in the subspace, the two women were sitting in the pavilion carefully built by Li Quan.

With the pleasant scenery and the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers, the two girls will naturally feel relaxed and happy when they break through.

It's time to start.

Don't worry, as long as I'm here, you won't be in danger.

Although the Mahayana stage is still a realm that is difficult to touch for ordinary people, to Li Quan, it is like an ant.

Although the half-planet level above the Mahayana stage is more powerful than the Mahayana stage, it is just a bigger ant in front of Li Quan.

According to Li Quan's purpose, those who are weaker than him are no different from ants.

Of course, there are some ants who like to cause trouble. It would be okay if Li Quan is not provoked.

However, if Li Quan is provoked, Li Quan will let him know what it means to be an ant, and he should have the consciousness of an ant.

Under Li Quan's urging, the two girls finally began to make a breakthrough.

The process of breakthrough is almost the same as that of Wang Yun and Li Zhen.

However, because the talents of the two are not weak in themselves, and because they possess holy bodies, the vision they achieve through breakthrough is particularly spectacular.

The moment Wang Keyuan broke through, there was a howling wind in the subspace that had no wind source.

On Ren Hong's side, a phantom of a phoenix actually appeared behind him.

Not only that, the moment the phoenix's shadow appeared, the temperature around it rose sharply.

After a while, the two women formed a half-hot situation.

The spiritual energy in the subspace also began to be pulled up by the two women, and all of it poured into the bodies of the two women.

The two women only felt that their bodies seemed to be suffering from painful tearing.

That feeling was simply more painful than being in a sea of ​​fire or a mountain of swords.

Li Quan can naturally see the situation of the two girls.

However, all Fanshi can do is to forcibly interrupt their breakthrough.

Because the two women did not have dragon blood in their bodies, Li Quan could not directly help the two women break through to the half-planet level without pain.

Therefore, the two women can only rely on their own will to make a breakthrough.

Of course, if the two women cannot persist, Li Quan can also directly cut off the two women's breakthrough process. Although, if this is done, the two women will not be able to successfully reach the half-planet level.

However, for the second daughter's life, breakthroughs are not important at all.

What's more, at Li Quan's level, isn't there any other way to break through to the semi-planet level?

There are many!

However, only when you make a natural breakthrough can you fully unleash your potential.

And if Li Quan forcibly interferes with the breakthrough of people without dragon blood, he will not be able to perfectly unleash their potential.

Otherwise, Li Quan would let the two girls break through to the half-planet level just like he helped Hu Shengjun.

After all, Hu Shengjun has the blood of the dragon clan, and the talent that Hu Shengjun possesses was given by Li Quan. Naturally, it can be activated 100%.

The two women's breakthrough lasted for more than half an hour.

According to the normal breakthrough time, after such a long time, even the Mahayana period with strong potential has been successful.

Even like Li Quan's parents, Li Zhen and Wang Yun, it only took them half an hour to achieve a successful breakthrough.

The second girl seemed to have just entered a breakthrough state at this time.

But yes, the two women have the presence of the Holy Body in their bodies.

What is the Eucharist?

There are only ten kinds of holy bodies in a universe.

Each holy body corresponds to an element respectively.

And Wang Keyuan corresponds to Feng.

Ren Hong corresponds to fire.

As long as you don't die and successfully break through, you will become a powerful person.

Moreover, it is still the kind of power that can defeat many with one.

When the two girls broke through, they did not break through like ordinary people. Because they absorbed too much spiritual energy, their bodies turned into a big fat man.

When they broke through, it was no different than usual, except for a little pain.

It seems that it is very difficult for the Holy Body to break through.

Time passed again for half an hour, and Li Quan could already feel that the two women had entered a white-hot stage.

If you can survive this breakthrough period, you can achieve a successful breakthrough.

However, breakthroughs in the white-hot stage are more difficult.

Even if he has been a cultivator for more than 20 years and has the ability to withstand pain, he still cannot help but let out a low roar of pain.

Seeing this, Li Quan had no choice but to pray that the two girls could successfully break through.

After all, although Li Quan has great powers, he is still unable to help with such natural breakthroughs.

Perhaps, when Li Quan becomes stronger in the future, Li Quan can directly interfere with their breakthrough progress.

Of course, although today's Li Quan, as long as he does not exist at the Hunyuan level, no one can be his opponent.

The most important breakthrough stage has finally arrived.

I saw Wang Keyuan, and the wind around her was quickly integrating into Wang Keyuan's body. Not only that, but a shadow of herself appeared behind Wang Keyuan.

The phantom seemed to be unconscious, and as the phantom entered, Wang Keyuan roared angrily, and waves of energy erupted from Wang Keyuan's body.

Although the clothes on his body were also magic weapons, they still could not withstand the air wave when Wang Keyuan broke through.

The clothes exploded into pieces without any ripples.

As for Ren Hong, the phantom of his true self also appeared behind him. Unlike Wang Keyuan, when the phantom merged into Ren Hong's body, a flame like the Supreme Ten Thousand Fires erupted from Ren Hong's body.

The clothes could not withstand the burning of the hot flames and were directly burned to ashes, leaving only the white, tender and smooth skin exposed.

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