Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 211 Wang Yun favors boys over girls

As for why Li Zhen didn't let Li Quan tell Wang Yun about the breakthrough process, Li Quan already knew what Li Zhen was going to do.

Basically, it’s the mentality that since I’ve already made a fool of myself, I’ll let you make a fool of yourself too.

Therefore, Li Quan said that Li Zhen was too bad.

Of course, Li Quan didn't know that this would happen when he broke through to the half-planet level in the Mahayana period.

After all, Li Quan gained his strength through swallowing.

In addition, when the strength breaks through, Li Quan is in dragon form, so how can he possibly understand these breakthrough techniques.

As for what impact it would have if Wang Yun broke through at the wrong time, Li Quan didn't know.

Anyway, just pray silently to Li Zhen who is seeking death.

When Li Zhen and Li Quan returned together, Wang Yun had already prepared dinner.

The whole family is already gathered at the dinner table.

At the dinner table, three sisters, Li Lan, Li Bing and Li Ya, sat together.

Sitting next to them, besides Wang Yun, was also the girl Li Xiaotuan.

After all, the three sisters have grown up watching Li Xiaotuan, and because they are women, it is not an exaggeration to say that the relationship between the four of them is better than that of sisters.

Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong also sat on the left and right sides of Li Quan respectively.

It's been a long time since we've been together like this.

Didn't they reunite last week?

Everyone gathered together at Li Quan's engagement party last week.

Of course, the three sisters Li Bing, Li Lan and Li Ya did not participate. After all, they had to practice or something.

You girl, you are the only one who talks a lot.

While speaking, Wang Yun looked at Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong and smiled: Yuanyuan, Honghong, what do you two think now?

At this moment, Wang Yun suddenly asked Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong.

The two of them were stunned for a moment, and after they came to their senses, they smiled at Wang Yun and said, Thank you mom, we feel very good.

While saying this, in order to show that his life after engagement was wonderful, he also acted very sweetly.

Tsk tsk tsk, sister-in-law, can you two stop showing off your affection? There are many singles here.

At this time, Li Xiaotuan complained unconsciously.

After hearing this, Wang Yun gave Li Xiaotuan a warning look.

Li Xiaotuan was so frightened that he quickly shrank his head, stuck out his tongue and made a face at Wang Yun, trying to pass the test by being cute.

However, Li Xiaotuan still managed to pass the test with cuteness.

Ahem, um, you two, don't you think your home is a little clean?

At this moment, Wang Yun said something involuntarily.

Li Quan, who was eating, almost choked after hearing these words.

Although Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong on the side were not choked, they were also stunned.

Is this a warning to have a baby?

Mom, we are still young.

Li Quan looked at his two daughters-in-law who looked shy and did not dare to say anything. In desperation, as the head of the family, he could only take action himself.

Hmph! You brat, you still have the nerve to say that after all this time, you don't even know how to add blood to the old Li family.

After hearing this, Li Zhen silently gave Wang Yun a like.

After hearing this, Li Quan felt helpless.

What do you mean it's been so long and you still don't know how to add blood to the old Li family.

Their generation can already be said to be immortal.

Do we need to add a descendant in such a hurry?

Mom, aren't the nieces my father's daughters?

At this moment, Li Xiaotuan suddenly asked Wang Yun.

When asked by Li Xiaotuan, the three sisters suddenly stopped, their expressions a little frozen.

This seems hard to explain.

After all, Li Xiaotuan didn't know their situation.

After Wang Yun heard Li Xiaotuan's words, although she had a smile on her face, she was already sold out in her heart.

Ahem, although your nieces are also your brother's children, in order to ensure the bloodline of our old Li family, we need men.

Yes, yes, we actually really want a younger brother.

The three sisters on the side also quickly echoed.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan looked at Wang Yun hesitantly. Wang Yun felt uncomfortable being looked at by Li Xiaotuan like this.

He quickly patted Li Xiaotuan's little head and said with a smile: You girl, don't ask so many things, got it?

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he felt aggrieved.

Hit someone on the head again, what should I do if I'm stunned?

However, at this moment, Li Xiaotuan seemed to have thought of something, looked at Wang Yun with contempt and said: Mom, don't you always favor boys over girls?

The whole family was stunned by Li Xiaotuan's sudden statement about favoring boys over girls.

Why did such a good person suddenly say such a sentence?

Girl, what are you talking about?

Isn't it?

Since my brother came back, my status has plummeted. Besides, Mom, didn't you say you wanted a grandson?

Your three eldest granddaughters are fine here.

Tell me, isn't your idea of ​​favoring boys over girls?

The more Li Xiaotuan talked, the more aggrieved he became. After hearing this, the family realized what he was saying and thought about it carefully.

This seems to be true.

Since Li Quan came back, Li Zhen has directly handed over the responsibility of disciplining his daughter to Li Quan.

Its name is: It is natural for an elder brother to discipline his younger sister. It can also promote the friendship between brother and sister.

In addition, Li Quan is a real dragon and must have more knowledge. Therefore, Wang Yun and Li Zhen unanimously decided to hand over Li Quan to manage Li Xiaotuan. What requirements do they have for Li Xiaotuan? Don't care at all.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan always ran into obstacles in front of Wang Yun and Li Zhen.

Now, in such a comparison, this is really the case.

Mom, it's not a good idea to favor boys over girls!

Okay, okay, your mother was just joking.

Li Zhen on the side quickly defended his wife.

After all, everyone present except Li Xiaotuan knew the identities of the three sisters.

Therefore, when Wang Yun said this, it was normal.

However, I just forgot that Li Xiaotuan did not know their relationship.

That's why such a mistake happened.

Wow, I'm so miserable!

After hearing Li Zhen's scolding, Li Xiaotuan couldn't bear the grievance in his heart and burst into tears.

Of course, the result is the laughter of the whole family.

Of course, Li Xiaotuan was severely 'taught' by Wang Yun afterwards.

At night, Li Quan, Wang Keyuan, and Ren Hong returned home.

The moment he returned home, Li Quan quickly lay down on the recliner he had made.

For some reason, Li Quan found that lying lazily on this recliner was a rare enjoyment.

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