Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 20 Totem Spirit

Yes, Robles is right, Tenglong Kingdom is nothing to worry about.

Then I plan to gather a large army within three days from today, and launch an attack on Tenglong Kingdom three days later!

When the time comes, kill all the remaining members of the Human Alliance on Blue Star.

The entire Blue Star will be our Demon Alliance's world!

He's Bi will be nothing more than a piece of cake by then.

Robles said with a hint of arrogance on his face. It is the current strength of the Demon Alliance that gives Robles the capital to be arrogant.

Then, here comes the question. At this moment, Karkat Xiuluo said with a disdainful smile on his face: What should we do with the group of descendants who oppose our demon alliance?

be opposed to?

They are just the descendants left behind by those traitors in the Human Alliance. Since their descendants want to return to the embrace of the Human Alliance, then what if we 'let' them go back.

Could it be that our Demon Alliance still lacks a few people?

Robles said with a look of disdain, and after eating something similar to a liver in one bite, he continued: Then, if you don't have any doubts, this is a happy decision.

Of course, the Tenglong Kingdom knew nothing about the foreign meetings. However, since this fact had been made public, it meant that the Tenglong Kingdom was well prepared to fight against the enemy.

At this time, Li Quan took Li Lan into the river and sea together, transforming into a dragon or upgrading journey.

After Li Quan transformed into a dragon of more than 100 meters, he felt comfortable all over.

Li Lan saw Li Quan transform into a hundred-meter dragon, and hugged Li Quan's dragon horns excitedly.

At this time, Li Quan's dragon horns were no longer as big as dots at first, but became extremely sharp and handsome.

After crossing the river and sea, Li Quan directly entered the ocean.

In the ocean, there are a large number of fish waiting for Li Quan.

The numbers floating around are, to Li Quan, experience packages.

One bite, and a whole bunch of experience comes to my account.

There are a lot of fish in the ocean. At the very least, if you take one bite, Li Quan's experience will increase a little.

Go up in small bites and experience the thrill of upgrading.

In addition, Li Quan also used the water control technique to control the water flow within one kilometer around him. Any fish that came close to this kilometer would be swallowed up by Li Quan without any surprise. .

After wandering in the ocean for nearly three hours, Li Quan's strength improved again. At this time, Li Quan's strength had reached level 40.

Species: dragon

LV.40 (178/1000000)

Body length: 1000M

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, water control, fire control, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth, dragon concealment.

Wealth value: one thousand five hundred and sixty-one

His strength has been raised to level 40. At this time, Li Quan can be described as a behemoth.

With a body length of one thousand meters, it can be said that there is no such huge creature in the entire Blue Star.

However, Li Quan knew that compared to the kind that Li Lan said he had before, covering up the sky and the sun, Li Quan was like an earthworm.

There is simply no comparison between the two.

Oh, yes, that means they are all dragons.

Dad, as long as you can swallow these fish, will your strength be restored?

Li Lan asked with a hint of joy on his face as he watched Li Quan's continuous improvement in strength as the big fish ate the small fish.

um, yes.

That's great! As long as you, dad, can regain your strength, you can help Lan Lan and me get the rest of my body back!

Li Lan's body is actually a conscious body, but this conscious body exists between a solid body and a virtual body.

Lan Lan, can you tell me what's going on?

Well, Dad, Lan Lan is so pitiful.

Not only was he injured by that Liu boy, but those bad guys outside Tenglong Kingdom also cut off a large part of Lan Lan's body.

They took over Lan Lan's body and actually used Lan Lan's body as the birth of their totem spirit.

How abominable!

Totem spirit?

Yes! For example, there are the Behemoth Spirits of the Earth near Tenglong Kingdom, the Ghost Car Spirits of Sakura Kingdom, the Demon Peng Spirits on the other side of the continent, and the Heavenly Wolf Spirits. In short, there are many.

Lan Lan's body was separated into many sections by them. They are so disgusting!

When she mentioned this, Lan Lan's face showed a hint of anger.

However, because Lan Lan was angry, the area within the Tenglong Kingdom was shaking without any warning.

But all the volcanoes in Tenglong Kingdom, whether dead or alive, unexpectedly erupted at this moment.

Stop, stop, stop, daddy, help you, but don't be angry!

This little ancestor, Li Quan, was also drunk.

Once negative emotions appear, the entire Tenglong Kingdom will suffer.

According to what you said, you are now the totem spirit of Tenglong Kingdom?

Hearing this, Li Lan nodded after thinking for a while. Well, Lan Lan is now the totem spirit of Tenglong Kingdom. As long as Tenglong Kingdom suffers a little serious damage, Lan Lan will be injured.

Similarly, as long as Lan Lan is harmed, Tenglong Kingdom will also be severely damaged.

Who caused Lan Lan to be injured and change from the spirit of Blue Star to the spirit of the little Tenglong Kingdom?

To put it simply, the two have a symbiotic relationship. If either party has a problem, bad things will happen.

Don't worry, dad will protect you.

Protecting Li Lan can be regarded as protecting his homeland. After all, even if he turned into a dragon, Li Quan still considered himself a member of the Tenglong Kingdom.

The sea ahead is the national boundary. Lan Lan, since you are a totem spirit, can you leave the sea of ​​Tenglong Kingdom?

At this time, Li Quan was confused. He had never tried this before.

Yes, but if Lan Lan rashly enters the territory of another country, he will be attacked by the totem spirits of other countries.

However, Lan Lan is very powerful! Just a totem spirit can't defeat Lan Lan at all!

While saying this, Li Lan also patted his small chest, teasing Li Quan who didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Don't worry, Lan Lan doesn't need to take action. If anyone wants to hurt Lan Lan, ask me first.

With that said, Li Quan directly entered the waters of neighboring countries, this is the waters of Sakura Country.

After Lan Lan and Li Quan entered it, Gui Che, the totem spirit of Sakura Kingdom, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

The totem spirit can be regarded as a spiritual entity. Of course, it can also be transformed into a physical entity like Li Lan.

However, it is too difficult to turn it into an entity. Without a certain level of strength, it is simply impossible to do it.

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