Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 2 How to obtain experience points

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the safe haven finally closed, and Li Quan could take a rest.

After getting off work, Li Quan did not go home immediately, but came to the vegetable market.

As soon as you enter the vegetable market, +1 and +2 values ​​​​appear from the heads of the small fish and shrimps.

In addition, there are numbers such as +30 and +35 marked on the heads of chickens, ducks, and geese.

Sure enough, just as Li Quan guessed, it's not just swallowing fish that can increase experience points.

Although Li Quan has never swallowed it, he doesn't know whether the values ​​represented by +1 and +2 are experience points.

Boss, pack two hundred small fish for me.

After walking around the vegetable market, Li Xi finally came to a fish stall and decided to buy two hundred small fish with +1 and +2.

A small fish is about three centimeters in size. This kind of fish is most suitable for cooking.

Okay, ten yuan per pound, sixty-eight yuan in total.

A hundred-yuan bill was handed to the fish shop owner, and Li Quan returned home with the two hundred small fish he bought.

Li Quan's home is a 50-square-meter rental house. One month's rent costs Li Quan more than 2,000 yuan. Including water and electricity bills, it is nearly 3,000 yuan.

Three-tenths of a month's salary was lost.

After returning home, Li Quan took out a basin and put all the small fish in the basin.

Picking up a fish casually, Li Quan fell into silence.

Should it be eaten raw or cooked?

However, once cooked, the values ​​disappear from the top of the head.

Li Quan saw this a lot when delivering food.

Eat it raw! Eat it raw!

But looking at the little fish jumping around, Li Quan still found it hard to swallow.

He is not from Neon Country and has no habit of eating raw food.

Forget it, let's eat it in dragon form.

Putting the fish back into the basin, Li Quan's body gradually shrank and turned into a small black dragon twenty centimeters long.

This is a pocket version of a dragon. If you don’t look carefully at the two horns on its head, you will subconsciously forget it.


Li Quan bit the small fish in the basin.

A small fish was bitten by Li Quan and swallowed alive.

The swallowing magical power is activated, and the small fish is instantly decomposed into experience points.

Species name: Dragon

Level: LV.2 (2/200)

Body length: 20CM

Abilities: Devour, Form Transformation

Swallowing a +2 small fish is exactly what Li Quan thought. The so-called +1 and +2 are to increase experience points.

Swallowing can convert the target into experience points, and above the head is the experience value obtained after the conversion.

Moreover, after being successfully swallowed, these small fish will be completely decomposed by Li Quan.

Even if Li Quan's stomach is full, he can continue to devour.

Two hundred small fishes contributed a full 325 experience points to Li Quan.

And Li Quan's level was directly upgraded to level three.

Species name: Dragon

Level: LV.3 (125/300)

Body length: 33CM

Abilities: Devour, Form Transformation

More than sixty yuan, one level higher, Li Quan's body length gradually became 33 centimeters. It is a full thirteen centimeters longer than before.

The limbs have gradually become sharper. At the very least, Li Quan can now easily scratch a scratch on the plastic pot.

Although it cannot be scratched.

The strength has increased, but the size is still a bit small.

While speaking, Li Quan's body began to change and turned into a human form.

The clothes are still there, and it seems that when the form changes, the clothes will also change.

At least it avoids the embarrassing scene of having to bare your buttocks once you transform.

If you want to increase your level, you must devour living creatures.

Right now, I only have 50,000 yuan in my small treasury. If I upgrade my level, I will probably only be able to upgrade it by a few dozen levels.

This is not possible. If you use all your savings to upgrade your level, how will you live?

Then there is only one way.

Where do fish come from?


This is Jiangdu City, and there is a Jianghai near Jiangdu City.

Among the rivers and seas, fish are the most abundant.

Moreover, Li Quan could clearly feel the vitality when he was in the water!

If you want to improve your strength, you must upgrade your level.

If you want to increase your level, you must devour life.

In addition, Li Quan has another most important problem.

The problem of not letting others know that Li Quan can turn into a dragon!

Once others know about it, Li Quan doesn't know if there will be a laboratory waiting for slices. However, it is best for no one to know this secret.

Even if he knew it, he would only expose it when Li Quan became stronger!

At the beach, it seems they are recruiting lifeguards.

In first-tier cities like Jiangdu City, the salary of a lifeguard is about 12,000.

In this comparison, being a lifeguard seems to be more cost-effective than being a takeaway rider. Moreover, Li Quan can also find opportunities to enter the sea to devour fish and improve his level.

This is a way to kill two birds with one stone.

Just do it!

After Li Quan packed up the basin, he rode on his little sheep and headed towards the river.

When Li Quan arrived, there was a large group of passers-by on the beach pointing towards the sea.

Li Quan walked over and asked the passers-by curiously.

Brother, what happened?

Why are so many people gathered here?

The person Li Quan was questioning was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, shirtless and wearing a pair of beach shorts.

He looks very cheerful, and it can be seen that he must have been very handsome when he was young.

However, it was his beer belly that affected his image.

Someone is drowning. It happens that there are no lifeguards present, and the place where the person drowned is dozens of meters away from here. No one dares to go up and help.

Well, it turns out someone was drowning, and most importantly, there was no one to rescue him.

According to common sense, the lifeguard would be guarding here at this time. However, as it happened, the lifeguard had to go to the bathroom to urinate urgently.

And not one, but five.

This is a bit intriguing.

After hearing this, Li Quan touched his chin and thought quickly.

If you want to work as a lifeguard, those with certificates will be given priority.

Li Quan didn't have any so-called certificates, so instead of facing an unknown success rate, it was better to show off now.

Thinking of this, Li Quan stopped his little sheep and said to the uncle: Brother, help me take a look at my car. I'll go rescue people.

Hey! Young man, don't show off!

You are too dangerous! Hey!

However, when the uncle shouted out, Li Quan had already sprinted 100 meters and jumped towards the sea.

Hearing only a popping sound, Li Quan jumped into the sea and swam very fast.

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