Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 195 The engagement party begins!

At the moment when the engagement banquet was about to begin, the top experts from the Blue Star Dragon Clan came to the Dijiang Hotel where Li Quan was staying, along with their own dragon clan members.

Since it was a real dragon's engagement party, how could they exchange greetings?

The true dragon is the ancestor of the dragon clan and the origin of everything!

How could a small human race be able to overshadow this!

Therefore, they came uninvited and directly brought the top experts of the Dragon Clan with them.

At this moment, the color of the sky and the earth suddenly changed, and a huge blue dragon was tumbling in the air. In an instant, it turned into a green light and dissipated.

The next second, Dongfang Qingwan transformed into a human form and arrived in front of Li Quan.

Greetings to Mr. True Dragon! Congratulations to Mr. True Dragon on your beautiful wife! Xiaolong hereby comes uninvited to celebrate!

All the dragon clan members bowed their hands towards Li Quan and worshiped him.

When Li Quan saw this, he was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: Okay, okay, everyone, come in.

Today, don't get drunk or relax!

Of course, it's impossible not to get drunk and not be drunk.

After all, they all have cultivation levels close to them. Unless they are drinking specially brewed spiritual wine, otherwise, just trying to get them drunk is simply impossible.

More and more dragon clan members arrived, and the originally deserted Dijiang Hotel finally became active at this moment.

However, as a result, the banquet originally prepared was not enough to sit.

The person in charge of the hotel found Li Quan, with a hint of embarrassment on his face, and said to Li Quan: Well, this guest, the banquet you have reserved here seems not enough to seat so many people. ah.

Before Li Quan could speak, Ao Bian said with a generous expression: Why panic? We have already understood this situation. Let us handle it next.

Today, just think that we rented your hotel.

As soon as these words came out, Ao Shun waved his hand, turning fish into soldiers and transforming into cooks.

These cooks are all experts in the Dragon Palace, and their cooking skills are explosive.

Moreover, a large amount of ingredients and goods began to be delivered.

Today is the engagement banquet of the real dragon, so there must be no small talk.

Apart from anything else, the wedding banquet at this time must be even more grand!

Wang Ruobin and his party were stunned for a moment when they saw more and more people entering.

Soon, Ren Changjiang and Wang Ruobin found Li Quan.

Li Quan, these are all people you know?

Of course I don't know him.

Since we don't know each other, why do they...

Both of you, these are the dragons of my Blue Star Dragon Clan. Although you two are the parents of Lord True Dragon's partner, you still have to be content with some things.

At this moment, Ao Shun's voice suddenly sounded.

After Wang Ruobin and his two men came to their senses, they discovered that this was actually Dragon King Ao Shun!

But also, they knew Li Quan's true identity clearly.

The true dragon of the dragon clan.

Such a big event, as a member of the Dragon Clan, how could they not come to celebrate?

Even if Li Quan did not invite, they still have this obligation.

So that's it. We were rude and thought they were strangers.

The two of them didn't mean this, they just wanted to find out who these people were.

After all, this is the engagement banquet between Li Quan and their daughter, and they will not allow anyone to cause trouble at this engagement banquet!

After everyone in the Dijiang Hotel was taken over by the Dragon Clan, it was very lively.

It is estimated that among the entire Blue Star, he is the only one who is as lively as Li Quan.

Lord True Dragon, the banquet has been prepared and you can enter.

After waiting outside for dozens of minutes, Ao Shun stepped forward and smiled at Li Quan.

After hearing this, Li Quan nodded.

Next to him, Li Quan's parents were walking with Li Quan. When they entered the Dijiang Hotel, everything changed.

Is this...an illusion?

Yes, Lord True Dragon, but this can be regarded as a real illusion. It is all projected through some strange scenes in the ocean.

It feels very real to the touch. As long as it is not destroyed intentionally, it will not disappear.

This is considered a type of projection technique.

This kind of technique is a relatively advanced technique and requires a certain amount of cultivation to be able to do it.

For example, the cultivation level has reached the half-planet level.

After all, maintaining the projection requires a certain amount of strength. If the strength is low, it will be difficult to support it.

Yeah, well done.

After hearing this, Li Quan laughed heartily.

Originally, the Dijiang Hotel was relatively luxurious, but now, with the addition of decorations specially made by the Dragon Clan, it looks even more gorgeous.

At the very least, this kind of scenery is rare even for Li Quan.

Of course, Li Quan had never looked at a place seriously.

Lord True Dragon, you can come on stage.

Ao Shun said to Li Quan respectfully, and Li Quan nodded after hearing this.

Under the leadership of Ao Shun, his parents walked into the host table and sat down.

Sitting at the host table were Ren Changjiang, Wang Ruobin, Jiu Yan, Feng Qian and Li Xiaotuan.

Among them, Li Xiaotuan is dressed like a princess.

Besides Li Xiaotuan, there is also a 'real' princess, Ao Xue, the daughter of the Dragon King.

After all, Ao Xue is Li Quan's apprentice, so logically, he can sit at the master's table.

After all, once you become a disciple, you become a family.

Soon, the lights dimmed, and a circle of light suddenly appeared at Li Quan's feet.

On the ceiling, the stardust in the sky is projected. At the moment when the lights are turned off, the stardust is twinkling. When paired with the surrounding scenery, it looks very gorgeous and beautiful.

Li Quan was now wearing a golden five-clawed dragon robe with sparkling eyes. In addition, Li Quan himself was very handsome in appearance, matching the temperament of a real dragon and the clothes on his body.

The moment he stepped onto the stage, everyone held their breath and focused their attention on Li Quan.

Especially some women from the Dragon Clan, women who were relatives and friends of Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong, almost became nymphos when they saw Li Quan.

Married men are a little more restrained, but those young women are about to be impressed by Li Quan's handsomeness (River Crab Master).

When Li Quan stood on the stage and looked around, everyone who was swept by Li Quan's gaze held their breath.

The aggressiveness in Li Quan's eyes was too strong for them to bear, and they did not dare to look directly at Li Quan.

Welcome all guests to attend the engagement banquet between me and my partners, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong!

As soon as these words came out, everyone present applauded.

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