Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 182 Li Quan was treated politely

Along with a shrill sound, all the students in the entire competition field focused their attention on where Li Quan was.

At this time, Li Quan was holding an arm that had been severed by an evil cultivator.

Li Quan was stunned for a moment, and after he came to his senses, he burned the severed arm in his hand, looked at the evil cultivator who was covering his arm and said, What a thief. Catch the thief.

It's just a pity that you have found the wrong person.

The one who just shouted murder was one of the three-dimensional evil cultivators.

Seeing that things were ruined, he quickly shouted to catch the thief. In addition, Li Quan was holding the severed arm of his companion, so he was targeted.

However, what they miscalculated was that Li Quan was not an ordinary person.

The moment one of the evil cultivators shouted out, among the students, there were many fools who acted bravely.

When they saw that Li Quan actually wanted to 'kill someone', they stepped forward together, as if they wanted to subdue Li Quan.

However, students have been just students for a long time. No matter how powerful they are, they are still only in the golden elixir period.

Even a super-galaxy-level warrior cannot withstand Li Quan's roar, not to mention these small Golden Core students who can be stared to death with just one finger, no, with just one look.

Only the strength of the Golden Core Stage was not enough to resist Li Quan.

This group of students began to use restraint techniques, trying to restrain Li Quan in place, and waited for the school teacher to come and capture Li Quan.

The golden color with the ever-rotating Mingwei continuously surrounded Li Quan. At the same time, a circle of light, a light curtain, began to appear around Li Quan.

They knew that Li Quan was so powerful that one person would definitely not be able to do it, so two or three would be needed.

The older he got, the more people used the restraint technique on Li Quan. Sometimes, when there were more people, the power would naturally increase.

In the entire competition field, there were dozens of students at the Golden Core stage, all taking action together, and even those at the Nascent Soul level would hate this.

The evil cultivator with a broken arm looked at Li Quan with a sneer on his face, and then planned to leave.

Want to leave? Do you think you can leave without my permission?

Li Quan stretched out his arm calmly and lightly. In just a moment, the restraint technique that restrained Li Quan was broken instantly.

During the exercise, if the power suddenly breaks down, there will be backlash.

There were a total of more than thirty people here who used the restraint technique on Li Quan. Naturally, the thirty or so people suffered backlash at the moment the restraint technique was broken.

A large number of students suffered backlash at the same time and fell to the ground one after another, vomiting blood.

His face instantly turned pale. The power of this backlash was not very strong. This was also because the technique was not very advanced.

If it were really a very high-level spell, a backlash would probably kill half of their lives.

As for Li Quan, when he easily broke the restraint technique, he just had a thought, and the three people who were escaping were suppressed to the ground in an instant.

The three of them never thought that they and Li Quan were not on the same level at all.

Damn it! Run!

It's a pity that no matter how much they yell and curse, the pressure on them still cannot be shaken off.

Why, you want to escape after stealing other people's cultivation. There are such good things going on in the world, so just wait patiently.

No one knew what was going on. Even Li Xiaotuan and Wang Xiu, who were competing in the martial arts arena, were stunned for a moment.

Obviously, they were competing in the competition field and had no idea what was happening.

All I know is that one of them suddenly shouted: Murder.

Then I saw Li Quan holding an arm in his hand. After burning it, he was restrained by a group of Jindan students. However, Li Quan easily broke the restraint technique.

He also arrived at the 'student' who had lost his arm in an instant, and silently said something about stealing cultivation.

After hearing Li Quan's words, the students who were a little dizzy suddenly discovered that their cultivation level had really decreased by a small amount out of thin air.

If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all.

As a result, the scene becomes lively.

After Li Quan crushed these three guys with coercion, in a moment of thought, Dragon King Ao Shun appeared in front of Li Quan.

The moment he saw Li Quan, Ao Shun was about to bow slightly to Li Quan and show respect, but was immediately stopped by Li Quan.

How come there are evil cultivators in Blue Star?

After hearing Li Quan's words, Ao Shun quickly noticed Li Xiaotuan who was in the competition field not far away.

Master True Dragon, Xiaolong doesn't know either, but Master True Dragon, please don't worry, leave all this to Xiaolong.

After transmitting the message secretly, Li Quan nodded slightly.

On the side, one of the disciples in the Jindan stage covered his chest and walked towards the direction of Dragon King Ao Shun.

Greetings to Mr. Dragon King, you are here at the right time! There is a murderer here who intends to kill students! Please take action and take him down!

While saying this, the man pointed at Li Quan and said to Dragon King Ao Shun.

After hearing this, Ao Shun snorted coldly, his voice like thunder.

Presumptuous! How can you slander this gentleman!

Mr. Li is a person who has made contributions to Blue Star. How could he be a murderer who deliberately killed students!

After everyone heard what Dragon King Ao Shun said, they instantly thought of what Li Quan said just now about the sound of his cultivation being stolen.

And those students whose cultivation had been stolen also stood up and spoke for Li Quan: Yes! We can prove that this gentleman is not the murderer!

We can clearly feel that our cultivation has been stolen!

More and more people began to come forward. The Jin Dan student who initially accused Li Quan lowered his head shyly after hearing so many people speaking for Li Quan.

In this way, he is shouting to catch the thief.

Not only him, but the students who tried to stop Li Quan and suffered backlash were also embarrassed and embarrassed.

They did something so stupid.

He took action to stop the person who defeated the evil cultivator and wanted to let the evil cultivator leave.

Fortunately, Li Quan is very powerful, and evil cultivators and the like are just like nothing in front of Li Quan.

However, they began to become curious about Li Quan's identity.

He was actually called Mr. Li by Dragon King Ao Shun. You must know that the only person who can be treated equally by Dragon King Ao Shun is Ji Xuan, who is also the Human Emperor.

Even Ji Xuan looked powerless in front of Ao Shun.

So what is Li Quan's identity? !

Why was he treated politely by Dragon King Ao Shun?

Li Xiaotuan, is this really your brother?

Wang Xiu, who stopped, asked hesitantly after seeing what happened.

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