Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 177 Share the blessings and share the hardships

Feeling the palm on his little head, Li Xiaotuan looked a little embarrassed. He gradually turned around and said with a tactful smile: Hey, hey, people said it wasn't intentional. Do you believe it?

You girl!

Li Quan suddenly hit Li Xiaotuan on the head, and the crisp sound was clearly audible.

It hurts! Brother! If you keep hitting my head like this, I will go crazy!

It's better to be stupid. If you stay at home, you won't cause trouble. This way I can worry less.

Huh! I don't! Just a little bit!

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he stuck out his little clove tongue directly towards Li Quan.

Li Quan was helpless when he saw this. This girl just likes to make trouble.

Well, hello! I am, I am Tuantuan's roommate, Fang Yo!

Well, hello, I'm her brother. This girl is really thanks to your care over the years.

Seeing Fang Yo, who was as delicate and cute as a porcelain doll in front of him, Li Quan responded with a smile on his face.

And Fang You, after seeing Li Quan's smile, subconsciously covered his face.

It's so handsome.

She had never seen such a handsome person.

Unknowingly, Li Quan's handsome appearance directly captured the heart of this kind and cute girl.

Of course, this is only one-sided by Fang Yo.

Li Quan treats Fang You, Li Xiaotuan's roommate, like a younger sister.

My sister will be taken care of by you from now on. If this girl causes trouble, just tell me.

Brother! What are you talking about!

I'm very well-behaved! Besides, it's me who takes care of Yoyo! It's not Yoyo who takes care of me!

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Xiaotuan expressed that he was very dissatisfied and angry and needed Li Quan's comfort.

You girl.

It's a pity that Li Quan did not comfort Li Xiaotuan, but gave Li Xiaotuan a tap on the head.

This made Li Xiaotuan feel aggrieved.

Okay, let's not talk nonsense. Now that I have seen your roommate and understand your current living environment, I feel relieved.

But, are you confident about the battle this afternoon?

Of course there is!

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan said with a proud look on his face.

Speed ​​is his shortcoming, and Li Xiaotuan knows that.

Now, with the speed of the seven-character mantra taught by Li Quan, the speed has been significantly improved. Naturally, it will be much easier to face Wang Xiu, who is famous for his speed.

You girl, you just like to be arrogant and proud.

If you lose this time, it will not only be embarrassing for you, but also for our Lao Li family.

Also, don't be so arrogant.

While speaking, Li Quan seemed to have thought of something, and said to Li Xiaotuan: If you can win today's game, as your brother, I can give you something.

Li Xiaotuan's eyes lit up when he heard that Li Quan was going to give her something when she won.


The specific thing needs to be kept secret. Moreover, I can guarantee that such a thing can greatly improve your strength.

Brother, just tell me, I won't tell anyone else!

It doesn't matter if you tell others, as long as you can win.

Okay, that's it.

After lightly tapping Li Xiaotuan's little head, Li Quan looked at Fang Yo and said with a smile: Hey, are you interested in going to dinner with us brother and sister?

After hearing this, Fang You's face gradually turned red for some unknown reason.

Eat, eat?

Well, yes, just go to eat.

Fang You was so excited when he faced Li Quan's invitation.

What is this going to do?

Is he trying to pick me up?

Although I look very cute, my mother said that I am still too young to find a boyfriend.

However, he is really handsome, and he is my type.

what to do?

Where am I going? Or should I go? Or should I go?

Fang Yo was in a tangle in his heart, not knowing whether to agree or not.

Li Quan looked at Fang You, who was struggling in his heart, and felt confused.

This girl is quite good-looking, but there is one strange thing about her. She likes to be in a daze.

Yo yo?

Are you going or not?

Go! I'm going!

Brother, how could I not go when you invited me?

Hey, hey, yo, he is my brother, not your brother!

After hearing Fang Yo's words, Li Xiaotuan rubbed Fang Yo's face with both hands and shouted.

Hey! I know, but didn't we say that?

Huh? What did I say?

Since we entered this dormitory, we have been good sisters.

We share blessings and hardships. Your family is my family, and my family is your family. We are good sisters who love each other. Have you forgotten?

Did I say these words?

Li Xiaotuan was confused. If she remembered correctly, this sentence should not have been said before. What happened to Fang Yo?

You Tuantuan, have you forgotten the friendship between us so quickly?

I didn't expect you to be such a woman!

Fang You seemed to be possessed by an opera spirit at this moment, pointing his finger at Li Xiaotuan's nose and scolding him, like a miserable heroine.

I, you, this is... Li Xiaotuan was really confused. Did she really say that?

Ahem, if possible, it's time for us to go out. It's also time to try the food in the school canteen.

Facing these two living treasures, Li Quan was helpless.

However, isn't this Fang Yoo too enthusiastic?

Hey, hey, yes! Eat! Let's go eat! I'm hungry!

It's already eleven o'clock in the morning, and the two of them haven't had lunch yet.

Soon, Fang Yo tidied himself up and walked out of the dormitory with Li Xiaotuan.

The moment Li Quan left the dormitory, he glanced at the location of the dormitory.

Silently he cast a spell on the floor of the dormitory.

The spell fell to the ground and turned into a formation in an instant.

This formation is called the Xuanyin Space Formation.

It absorbs the yin energy emitted by girls every day and uses it as an energy supplement to stabilize the space. In addition, if attacked, it can also provide necessary defense and automatic attacks.

It can be said that this formation is a formation that combines offense and defense.

After leaving behind a formation, Li Quan left the girls' dormitory.

When I passed the door of the girls' dormitory, I found that the dormitory aunt on the side was 'beating' the boy who had entered the girls' dormitory before.

And when Li Quan came down, the aunt's eyes met Li Quan's again.

After facing each other for a few seconds, the aunt immediately withdrew her gaze, and then diverted her attention, such as continuing to beat the boy.

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