Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 159 Powerful Dragon Weapon: Wuling Hongguang

But that's right, after all, no one uses gasoline anymore, and everything should be replaced by spiritual energy.

Being sealed up is also the best result. Otherwise, it will be sent to a disassembly factory for parts recycling.

However, what Li Quan didn't know was that Wuling Hongguang had experienced a 'life and death' crisis.

However, because it became a dragon weapon, it was impossible to destroy it at the level of Blue Star. Therefore, the owner had no choice but to seal it up.

At the moment when Li Quan was driving Wuling Hongguang, Li Siling and Wang Ao, who were in the front row, each received a message.

The existence suspected to be Wuling Hongguang appeared.

Moreover, the photo soon appeared in front of them. It was the Wuling Hongguang that Li Quan drove.

Seeing this, for some reason, there was a trace of tears and excitement in their eyes.

Twenty-seven years, a full twenty-seven years of waiting!

They finally waited until today to once again compete with the Wuling Hongguang car owner!

However, Wuling Hongguang's speed seems to have not even broken through the speed of sound, and it is simply unable to keep up with their speed.

But yes, although Wuling Hongguang is called the ancestor of the hearse, it is not a real hearse and does not have the ability to break the sound barrier.

However, something happened that dumbfounded the two of them. They saw the video of Li Quan avoiding this big man, and he was able to achieve extreme acceleration in a short period of time. This was impossible to do without a certain amount of strength.

Even if they are now at the Nascent Soul level, they cannot do it.

Because I can't react.

Could it be that Wuling Hongguang has also been transformed?

Li Siling had a look of confusion on his face, but after transformation, he would be qualified to catch up with them.

In this way, they can wash away the stains of those years.

Do you think you can surpass us like you did back then? Stop dreaming!

Wang Ao's face looked very crazy. Obviously, Li Quan's appearance directly drove Wang Ao into a state of madness.

The raging hurricane controlled by Wang Ao stepped on the accelerator, and its speed increased explosively again. Li Siling was not to be outdone and continued to accelerate.

The speed of the hearse driven by the two people has far exceeded that of other vehicles by nearly half of the distance. After seeing this, Zhou Run, the new generation champion, has a goal in mind, that is, to catch up with the two of them!

Follow in their footsteps and become a new legend!

As for Li Quan, of course he didn't know their psychological changes, he just slowly looked at the internal structure of Wuling Hongguang.

After twenty-seven years of slow improvement, there has been a lot of progress.

While speaking, Li Quan directly opened the passenger seat of Wuling Hongguang, revealing a series of equipment inside.

Dragon weapons have a characteristic. As long as the master of the dragon weapon is given stronger strength, it can be gradually improved.

Nowadays, the intensity of this Wuling Hongguang cannot be shaken even by experts at the large galaxy level or even the super galaxy level.

The reason why Li Quan chose to travel slowly was to adjust the speed suitable for the Wuling Hongguang on the Blue Star.

Otherwise, Li Quan driving at a normal speed would be enough to break through the space and escape into the void.

Okay, done, the rest is up to you. Li Quan patted Wuling Hongguang's steering wheel and smiled.

At this moment, Wuling Hongguang let out a low dragon roar, and then his figure seemed to be enveloped by a giant dragon.

Golden light once again shone on Wuling Hongguang, and with the dragon's roar resounding throughout Chunming Mountain, Wuling Hongguang moved!


I saw a flash of light, Wuling Hongguang directly broke the sound barrier, and the speed was extremely fast, leaving only a golden light wherever it passed.

Soon, the seven hearses in front were easily chased by Li Quan, leaving behind a golden afterimage.

In addition, a violent storm swept directly, and almost everything in its path was blown away.

Fortunately, the hearse's grip on the ground was relatively strong and it avoided the fate of being blown away.

This, what is this?

It seems to be Wuling Hongguang

Could it be that this is the legendary Wuling Hongguang?!

The seven participating hearse drivers began to discuss in confusion, and then started to slow down and stopped immediately.

Wuling Hongguang surpassed them in just an instant. What kind of speed is required to achieve this?

Moreover, what happened today has already shocked them.

Two legends, Li Siling and Wang Ao, have appeared one after another. Now, Wuling Hongguang is also here. Is this a rhythm for all three legends to come together? !

At this time, Li Xiaotuan's face in the audience gradually became dumbfounded.

What did Li Quan say to her just now?

Twenty-seven years ago, the mysterious Wuling Hongguang driver was him.

Originally, Li Xiaotuan didn't believe it, but now Wuling Hongguang has really appeared, and Li Quan has really disappeared.

After Li Quan disappeared, Wuling Hongguang appeared. Combined with what Li Quan said before, he was the driver of Wuling Hongguang.

Really, is it really him?

For Li Xiaotuan, who loves hearse drifting, he is naturally aware of the three legends.

She never expected that in the legend, the driver of Wuling Hongguang, who was called an illusory existence, was actually her brother Li Quan!

This is not true, this must not be true!

However, the facts were before her eyes.

If you don't accept it, you can't change the fact itself.

At this time, the speed of Wuling Hongguang driven by Li Quan continued to increase, and soon he could see Zhou Run's rear.

When Zhou Run saw a Wuling Hongguang appear behind him, his face was also very surprised. He obviously did not expect that a bread-shaped hearse would appear.

Hmph! If you really surpass me, how can I come out to hang out?

The corners of Zhou Run's mouth raised slightly, and then he continued to step on the accelerator, and the speed soared again.

This girl is pretty good. She actually dared to compete with me in speed. However, my target was not you. I'm sorry, but you were surpassed.

Li Quan said with disdain as he watched the hearse driven by Zhou Run accelerate.

Before Zhou Run could react, the Wuling Hongguang driven by Li Quan suddenly exploded at an incredible speed, surpassing Zhou Run in an instant.

Not only that, the moment Li Quan passed Zhou Run, he saluted Zhou Run with the two fingers of his right hand.

Wuling Hongguang then directly overtook Zhou Run, and the moment Zhou Run reacted, Wuling Hongguang had already surpassed Zhou Run by dozens of meters, and was continuously widening the distance.

As for Zhou Run, he could only watch the Wuling Hongguang controlled by Li Quan gradually disappear.

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