Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 150 The Wrath of the True Dragon!

In his heart, Li Quan could hear his parents Li Zhen and Wang Yun calling him.

Not only that, the essence and blood protection left by Li Quan twenty-seven years ago was also activated at this moment.

Li Quan suddenly became active, and his huge body began to hover.

The suction force suddenly surged, and a galaxy with a diameter of thirty light years was completely absorbed by Li Quan in this second.

It has been twenty-seven years since Li Quan spent a full twenty-seven years in order to improve his strength.

Now, Li Quan realized that his previous calculation of the approximate time for experience upgrade was wrong.

The stronger the strength, the faster Li Quan devours the galaxies. Now, Li Quan has begun to devour extragalactic galaxies.

The size of this extragalactic galaxy is tens of millions of light-years in size, but due to Li Quan's current strength, it actually took less than five or six days.

Thirty light years is nothing more than something that can be swallowed up in the blink of an eye.

An extragalactic galaxy comparable to the Kamigawa Galaxy was destroyed in this way.

After twenty-seven years of devouring, Li Quan's strength has increased to a terrifying level.

Species: dragon

LV.207 (70,000G/700G)

Body length: 70 meters

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, five elements, heart-protecting dragon scales, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth, dragon concealment, transformation, shrinking the earth into an inch, Bagua Ruyi Formation, the power of the virtual dragon, dragon Blood Technique, Dragon Qi Amplification

Wealth value: 67 trillion


Mega, 12 zeros after the number

Beijing, 16 zeros after the number

Gai, 20 zeros after the number

At this time, Li Quan's level has reached level 207. Calculated in terms of realm, Li Quan's strength has been upgraded to a super galaxy.

Level 140 is the super galaxy level, and level 170 is the total galaxy level. Now, Li Quan is at the peak of the total galaxy level.

It is estimated that after a few years of swallowing, Li Quan will reach level 210 and will be able to achieve the level of the entire galaxy.

However, don't forget that as long as Li Quan exerts the power of other giant dragons, he can directly increase his strength by a large stage. In addition, the dragon beads that have been bred in his body for decades will become more and more suitable for Li Quan, and he can also build on the foundation. Add another level of strength.

At this time, Li Quan should be at the two major levels above the overall galaxy level, that is, the Hunyuan level.

The Hunyuan level is located above the galaxy network level.

The Hunyuan level is the strongest strength that Li Quan can unleash now.

There are less than five fingers of existence in the entire universe at this level.

Who is it? Li Quan's voice seemed low, but it was strong and powerful.

Who dares to bully my parents?

The originally confused look in Li Quan's eyes suddenly brightened at this moment.

The dragon has revived!

At the same time, the villains who were still attacking Li Quan were directly shocked to death by Li Quan's sudden sound.

You must know that the strength of those who dare to attack Li Quan is at the super galaxy level.

However, he still did not escape the fate of killing Li Quan with just one sentence.

He has already killed super-galaxy level experts just by relying on his voice, which shows how terrifying Li Quan's strength is.

A clan of demons? There is still a clan of demons in the galaxy?

No, a demon, a demon at the level of a large galaxy.

This kind of weak demon can actually sneak into the galaxy. It seems that Dongfang Qingwan, I am very disappointed in you.

While speaking, Li Quan began to move. However, the power that Li Quan unleashed when he moved was too powerful.

Every move will shatter the space of the universe.

Everything he moved began to fall apart.

This space can no longer accommodate a strong man of Li Quan's level.

At this time, Dongfang Qingwan, who was dealing with dragon affairs in the Shenhe Galaxy, felt the terrifying aura from Li Quan for some reason.

Is this Lord True Dragon angry? !

And why target her? !

Dongfang Qingwan quickly checked to see what made Li Quan unhappy, but found that the solar system was missing!

No! The solar system is gone!

No wonder Li Quan is so angry. There are real dragon Li Quan's parents, Li Quan's partner, and daughters above the solar system.

Now, the solar system has disappeared. Can you not be angry? !

There is no use running away, you can only make amends quickly.

However, what can be done to calm Li Quan's anger?

Without thinking so much, Dongfang Qingwan began to break the seal, regardless of the current affairs of the dragon clan, and quickly headed towards the place where the solar system was before.

If she went one step further, she was worried that Li Quan would kill her directly.

After all, she felt the killing intent in Li Quan.

At this moment, on the blue star, the two dark energy balls that were about to fall on Li Zhen and Wang Yun, with the intention of starting to explode with the two as the center, were actually stopped by a mysterious force at this moment.

Not only that, but two golden dragons burst out from Li Zhen and Wang Yun respectively.

The dragon's roar was very loud, and the pressure it brought directly made all the dragons on Blue Star surrender!

Upon seeing this, all the dragons on Blue Star began to worship where Li Quan's clone was.

After twenty-seven years, the scene of ten thousand dragons worshiping was once again staged.

Only then did the three sisters know what Li Quan meant by looking for Li Zhen and Wang Yun.

Because of the protection of essence and blood, the two of them would not be harmed at all.

Once there is life-threatening danger, the Essence and Blood Guard will be activated. In this way, the weak power left by Li Quan will be activated.

Although this was the power that Li Quan had left before he improved his strength, even if it was not enough to kill the goat-headed monster, it was still possible to seal the goat-headed monster tightly.

The goat-headed monster obviously did not expect that Li Quan would have such a method to save the lives of Li Zhen and Wang Yun by leaving a backup plan.

The energy and coercion of these two giant dragons are stronger and more pure than other dragon clans. Could it be said that the things left by the real dragons are in you?!

However, even if the goat-headed monster was suppressed, it still could not stop his words.

Lord Demon Ancestor! I have found it!

Please give me strength!

Along with the roar of the goat-headed monster, a mysterious force suddenly entered the body of the goat-headed monster from nowhere.

The strength of the goat-headed monster was quickly guaranteed at this moment, surpassing the level of a large galaxy, and directly soaring to the level of a super galaxy at this moment!

Power! Is this the power of a super galaxy-level powerhouse?!

I can still bear it! Lord Demon Ancestor! Please continue to give me strength!

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